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A08459 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    December 29, 2023
        Introduced by M. of A. BYRNES -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Ways and Means
        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  tax  law,  in relation to advance payments of a
          portion of the farm employer overtime tax credit
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Paragraphs  1 and 2 of subdivision (h) of section 42-a of
     2  the tax law, as added by section 2 of subpart C of part B of chapter  59
     3  of the laws of 2022, are amended to read as follows:
     4    (1)  (i) Taxpayers shall have the option to request an advance payment
     5  of the portion of the amount of tax credit they are allowed  under  this
     6  section  for the amount of eligible overtime that the farm employer paid
     7  from January first through [July] March thirty-first. To be eligible for
     8  the advance payment, the farm employer must submit by [September thirti-
     9  eth] May thirty-first a properly completed application to the department
    10  of agriculture and markets, in a form prescribed by the commissioner  of
    11  agriculture  and  markets,  that demonstrates how much the farm employer
    12  paid in eligible overtime during that period.
    13    (ii) Taxpayers shall have the option to request an advance payment  of
    14  the  portion  of  the  amount  of tax credit they are allowed under this
    15  section for the amount of eligible overtime that the farm employer  paid
    16  from  April first through June thirtieth. To be eligible for the advance
    17  payment, the farm employer must submit by August thirty-first a properly
    18  completed application to the department of agriculture and markets, in a
    19  form prescribed by the commissioner of  agriculture  and  markets,  that
    20  demonstrates how much the farm employer paid in eligible overtime during
    21  that period.
    22    (iii) Taxpayers shall have the option to request an advance payment of
    23  the  portion  of  the  amount  of tax credit they are allowed under this
    24  section for the amount of eligible overtime that the farm employer  paid
    25  from  July  first  through  September  thirtieth. To be eligible for the
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 8459                             2
     1  advance payment, the farm employer must submit by November  thirtieth  a
     2  properly  completed  application  to  the  department of agriculture and
     3  markets, in a form prescribed by the  commissioner  of  agriculture  and
     4  markets,  that  demonstrates how much the farm employer paid in eligible
     5  overtime during that period.
     6    (iv) After reviewing a farm employer's completed application  for  the
     7  advance  payment  of a portion of the amount of tax credit allowed under
     8  this section, the department of agriculture and  markets  may  issue  to
     9  that  farm employer a certificate of tax credit that specifies the exact
    10  amount of the tax credit under this article that a taxpayer may claim as
    11  an advance payment pursuant to this subdivision.
    12    (2) (i) A taxpayer must submit a request  to  the  department  in  the
    13  manner prescribed by the commissioner after it has been issued a certif-
    14  icate  of tax credit by the department of agriculture and markets pursu-
    15  ant to subparagraph (i) of paragraph one of this  subdivision  (or  such
    16  certificate  has been issued to a partnership, limited liability company
    17  or subchapter S corporation in which it is a partner, member  or  share-
    18  holder, respectively, that is a farm employer), but such request must be
    19  submitted  no  later  than [November] July first of the taxable year for
    20  which the credit is being claimed.
    21    (ii) A taxpayer must submit a request to the department in the  manner
    22  prescribed by the commissioner after it has been issued a certificate of
    23  tax  credit  by  the  department  of agriculture and markets pursuant to
    24  subparagraph (ii) of paragraph one of this subdivision (or such  certif-
    25  icate  has  been  issued  to a partnership, limited liability company or
    26  subchapter S corporation in which it is a partner, member or  sharehold-
    27  er,  respectively,  that  is  a farm employer), but such request must be
    28  submitted no later than October first of the taxable year for which  the
    29  credit is being claimed.
    30    (iii) A taxpayer must submit a request to the department in the manner
    31  prescribed by the commissioner after it has been issued a certificate of
    32  tax  credit  by  the  department  of agriculture and markets pursuant to
    33  subparagraph (iii) of paragraph one of this subdivision (or such certif-
    34  icate has been issued to a partnership,  limited  liability  company  or
    35  subchapter  S corporation in which it is a partner, member or sharehold-
    36  er, respectively, that is a farm employer), but  such  request  must  be
    37  submitted no later than January first of the calendar year following the
    38  taxable year for which the credit is being claimed.
    39    (iv)  For those taxpayers who have requested an advance payment pursu-
    40  ant to subparagraphs (i), (ii), or (iii) of this paragraph and for  whom
    41  the  commissioner  has  determined  to  be eligible for this credit, the
    42  commissioner shall advance a payment of the portion of the amount of tax
    43  credit allowed to the taxpayer. The taxpayer will claim on  the  taxpay-
    44  ers' return for the taxable year the portion of the amount of tax credit
    45  allowed  for  eligible  overtime paid by the farm employer from [August]
    46  October first through December thirty-first. The taxpayer must  properly
    47  reconcile  the advance payment of tax credit allowed under this subdivi-
    48  sion on the taxpayer's return.
    49    § 2. This act shall take effect January 1, 2025.
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