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J00162 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 162
BY: Senator GRIFFO
        COMMEMORATING  the  75th  Anniversary  of  WKTV on
        December 1, 2024
  WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body that  the  quality
and  character  of life in this great Empire State is indelibly enriched
by the faithful and untiring  efforts  of  those  individuals  who  have
helped shape the history of broadcasting in their area; and
  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern,  and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to
commemorate  the  30th  Anniversary of WKTV on Sunday, December 1, 2024;
  WHEREAS, Myron Kallet was in the movie business in the 1930s  before
he  pivoted  to  radio, noticing the changes in technology and shifts in
patronage to his movie showings;  he  applied  for  and  was  granted  a
license for a radio station in Rome, New York, and WKAL was subsequently
built and put on the air soon after; and
  WHEREAS,  After  Myron Kallet's venture into the world of radio, one
of his friends who worked in the FCC in Washington gave him a  call  and
invited  him  to  explore  the  new  medium  of television; Myron Kallet
submitted the proper application and was granted channel 13; and
  WHEREAS, The new television studio, business offices, and  broadcast
tower  were  constructed  on top of Smith Hill in Deerfield, overlooking
the City of Utica on the northern ridge of the Mohawk Valley; and
  WHEREAS, On December 1, 1949, WKTV went on the air and was the  93rd
television  station  in  the  country  to sign on; it remains one of the
oldest members of the NBC network; and
  WHEREAS, The program schedule  began  as  a  jumbled  mix  of  news,
variety  shows,  and  commercials,  beginning  late in the afternoon and
ending before midnight; most shows were 15 or 30 minutes in duration and
were done live; most of the local on-air personalities were former radio
announcers; the station later participated in hosting early versions  of
telethons  and  then broadcasted useful public service information, such
as local news and weather; and
  WHEREAS, WKTV was also host to a variety of unique programs such  as
a  cooking  show,  a  "HIGH  SCHOOL QUIZ" show, and an after-school show
featuring a clown named Bozo; and
  WHEREAS, In the mid-1950s, a local radio announcer joined the  staff
of  announcers  at  WKTV and quickly gained a following; this new talent
was Dick Clark, world-renowned  television  and  radio  personality  and
television producer; and
  WHEREAS, A decade later, the station's ownership transferred to Paul
Harron  of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; under his direction and under the
advice of the FCC, a new broadcast tower was constructed  further  east,
ultimately moving WKTV to channel 2 from channel 13; and
  WHEREAS,  Ownership  remained  the same and the station continued to
prosper through the 1970s and '80s; in the mid-'80s, the FCC  came  down
with several rulings concerning cross ownership of broadcast, cable, and
print media in the same communities; and
  WHEREAS, Harron Communication owned both WKTV and Harron Cable TV in
Utica;  it  was  required that they must divest themselves of one or the
other; in 1992, an agreement was reached between  Harron  Communications
and  Smith Broadcasting of New York, Inc. and for only the third time in
its long history, WKTV's license changed hands; and
  WHEREAS, In March of 2014, WKTV and its cable channel sister station
WBU were purchased by Heartland Media; WKTV became the first station  in
the newly formed Heartland television group; and
  WHEREAS,  WKTV has a rich and proud history; that history has been a
catalyst to today's  successful  performance  by  the  station  and  the
foundation for the future of television in the Mohawk Valley; and
  WHEREAS,  Throughout  the  past  75  years,  WKTV has flourished and
broadened its programming, becoming more popular with increasing support
from the community; and
  WHEREAS, The success of WKTV is in direct correlation to the efforts
of its members, whose involvement is, and always has been, characterized
by  an  impressive  commitment,  an   unbridled   enthusiasm,   and   an
uncompromising  standard of excellence in all endeavors on behalf of the
community; and
  WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to pay tribute to
those illustrious broadcasters who  have  diligently  and  consistently,
year  after  year, recorded the history of their communities and brought
local news and news of the larger world to their listeners and  viewers;
now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commemorate the 75th Anniversary of WKTV; and be it further
  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to WKTV.
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