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J00169 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 169
BY: Senator GRIFFO
        COMMENDING Dr. Michael Kelberman upon the occasion
        of   his  induction  into  the  2024  Oneida  County
        Historical Richard W. Couper Living Legends Hall  of
        Fame on October 10, 2024
  WHEREAS,  It  is the sense of this Legislative Body that the quality
and character of life in this great Empire State is  indelibly  enriched
by  the  faithful  and  untiring  efforts  of those individuals who have
helped shape the history of their area; and
  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing  traditions,  this  Legislative  Body  is  justly proud to
commend Dr. Michael Kelberman upon the occasion of  his  induction  into
the  2024 Oneida County Historical Richard W. Couper Living Legends Hall
of Fame on Thursday, October 10, 2024, at the Irish Cultural  Center  in
Utica, New York; and
  WHEREAS,  The  Oneida County Historical Hall of Fame was established
in 1946 and honors individuals from Oneida County who made an impact  on
the local community and the world; the Living Legends category was added
in  2001  to celebrate present-day models of people making a difference;
  WHEREAS, When Dr. Michael Kelberman's son, Harry, was diagnosed with
autism at two years of age, he and his wife, Jennifer,  were  introduced
to  an  unfamiliar  world, with a suddenly uncertain future and no clear
path forward; even as a practicing cardiologist and his wife  a  trained
nurse   practitioner,   the   couple  struggled  to  find  sophisticated
diagnostic, behavioral, or educational resources locally; and
  WHEREAS, During this time, Dr. Michael Kelberman and his  wife  made
the   decision   to  take  their  resources  and  energy  and  create  a
state-of-the-art autism organization in their community  of  Utica,  New
York; and
  WHEREAS,  Today,  the  Kelberman Center is a leading autism services
center for children, adults and families, providing comprehensive autism
programs and services for people throughout all  phases  of  life,  from
early  childhood  through  adulthood,  including Home & Community Based,
Educational, Clinical, Residential, and Camp; and
  WHEREAS, With a goal to meet people and families where they  are  in
life and to support them every step of the way as they define autism and
navigate that journey together, the expert staff at the Kelberman Center
empower  those  they  support  with  specialized one-of-a-kind programs,
resources,   and   wrap-around   services,   creating   a    fulfilling,
life-enriching experience for people and families; and
  WHEREAS,  Recognizing  the need to serve families with autism beyond
preschool, Kelberman was officially incorporated as its  own  non-profit
organization  in  2005  in  Utica,  New  York; currently, the Center has
locations in Utica and Syracuse as well as seven  community  residences;
  WHEREAS,  In 2021, Kelberman opened the LINK apartments in Utica, an
inclusive living community for people of all abilities,  the  first-ever
of its kind in New York State; and
  WHEREAS,  This  vital  organization has grown tremendously since its
inception; few autism organizations have been able to offer such a broad
array of high-quality services and programs, and its reach has  expanded
across  much  of  Upstate  New York as the prevalence of autism spectrum
disorder continues to grow; and
  WHEREAS, With a tireless and unwavering commitment  to  Central  New
York  and  beyond,  Dr.  Michael  Kelberman  devoted  his entire life to
improving the quality of life for others, enabling them to  build  lives
of dignity and self-worth; and
  WHEREAS,  This  extraordinary  man  has lived an immensely beautiful
life built on compassion, kindness, and respect for others; he is one of
the most significant and enduring  civic  and  medical  leaders  in  the
County  of Oneida, and his insight and strength will forever inspire the
lives of the countless people he has touched; now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
commend  Dr.  Michael  Kelberman upon the occasion of his induction into
the 2024 Oneida County Historical Richard W. Couper Living Legends  Hall
of Fame on October 10, 2024; and be it further
  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Dr. Michael Kelberman.
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