Establishes the office for an age-friendly New York; appoints a director of such office to assist and advise New York state agencies in developing age-friendly policies for older New Yorkers.
March 17, 2022
Introduced by Sen. MAY -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
printed to be committed to the Committee on Aging
AN ACT to amend the executive law, in relation to establishing the
office for an age-friendly New York
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-bly, do enact as follows:
1 Section 1. Legislative findings and intent. Because aging is a process
2 we all experience, New Yorkers of all ages do better when we make sure
3 everyone can age successfully. New York state was named the first Age
4 Friendly State in the country in 2017 by AARP and remains committed to
5 being age-friendly so that all New Yorkers can age with dignity and
6 independence. New York's older adult population is 3.5 million strong.
7 Older New Yorkers make our state a healthier, stronger, and more vibrant
8 place to live, through multiple ways including paid and volunteer work,
9 raising and mentoring younger New Yorkers, supporting their families,
10 sharing their wisdom, and starting new businesses.
11 Nearly 1 in 6 New Yorkers is over the age of 65, and that population
12 will continue to grow. Between 2015 and 2040, the number of New Yorkers
13 aged 65 and over is projected to increase by 50 percent, while the popu-
14 lation aged 85 and older is projected to double. Shifts in the state's
15 aging population will present new demands and opportunities for the
16 state, local governments, families, and older New Yorkers. All older
17 adults must have the option to remain in their communities as they age,
18 and that must be a meaningful choice with access to a broad range of
19 programs, resources and supports, including safe and affordable housing,
20 healthcare, home care, food and nutrition, human services, and transpor-
21 tation. An inclusive state for New Yorkers of all ages remains our goal.
22 Older adults' health and well-being improves when they have varied
23 opportunities to stay socially engaged. The state must do everything it
24 can to reduce isolation and ensure that all communities have opportu-
25 nities for seniors to interact. Reliable and safe ways to access these
26 opportunities allows older adults to be thriving contributors in their
27 communities.
EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
[] is old law to be omitted.
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1 As New York's older adult population grows, it will continue becoming
2 more diverse and may be more likely to be childless, live alone, work
3 longer, have lower incomes, or have less retirement savings, presenting
4 new challenges for the state and local governments. These demographic
5 shifts necessitate strategic and adaptive policy changes.
6 Actively engaging older adults as contributors to the social, econom-
7 ic, and civic fabric of our communities, encouraging physical and
8 psychological health and well-being in older adults and their caregiv-
9 ers, and supporting direct care workers and family caregivers as they
10 provide essential care for older adults makes New York better. Only when
11 we acknowledge the talents and contributions of all New Yorkers, no
12 matter their age, can we adapt to future demands. To be a truly age-
13 friendly state, it is vital that the state have a member of the gover-
14 nor's staff whose role is coordinating age-friendly services and poli-
15 cies across agencies.
16 § 2. The executive law is amended by adding a new article 19-M to read
17 as follows:
20 Section 549. Definitions.
21 549-a. Office for an age-friendly New York established.
22 549-b. Director; general responsibilities.
23 549-c. State agency and department written plans.
24 549-d. Construction with other laws.
25 § 549. Definitions. For the purposes of this article, the following
26 terms shall have the following meanings:
27 (a) "Older New Yorkers" means New York residents over the age of
28 fifty.
29 (b) "Age-friendly" means a policy developed to contribute towards the
30 goal of ensuring that the state government provides older New Yorkers
31 with access to supportive systems to ensure that they remain healthy and
32 active in the communities of their choice.
33 (c) "Director" means the director of the office for an age-friendly
34 New York appointed pursuant to section five hundred forty-nine-a of this
35 article.
36 § 549-a. Office for an age-friendly New York established. 1. There is
37 hereby established within the executive department an office for an
38 age-friendly New York.
39 2. The head of the office for an age-friendly New York shall be the
40 director of the office for an age-friendly New York, who shall be
41 appointed by the governor and who shall receive a salary to be fixed by
42 the governor within the amounts appropriated therefor.
43 § 549-b. Director; general responsibilities. 1. The director shall:
44 (a) work in coordination with the state office for the aging to ensure
45 proper implementation of the Older Americans Act and other relevant
46 laws;
47 (b) work with state agencies in developing and incorporating age-
48 friendly policies into their operations and programming;
49 (c) work with state agencies in planning and implementing community
50 improvements across the state to better meet the needs of older New
51 Yorkers, including but not limited to, walkable streets, appropriate and
52 accessible housing, transportation, and employment options, social
53 inclusion, and access to key services and opportunities at all life
54 stages to participate in community activities; and
55 (d) work with state agencies to develop legislation and potential
56 regulatory changes to help effectuate the duties and responsibilities
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1 required in this section, and any other changes that may significantly
2 affect the lives of older New Yorkers.
3 2. The director shall, to the extent practicable, review and report to
4 the governor upon proposed legislation and regulations. The director
5 shall submit comments, where appropriate, to the state agency which
6 referred such proposed legislation and regulations evaluating:
7 (a) the impact of the proposed legislation or regulation upon older
8 New Yorkers;
9 (b) the relationship and impact of such proposed legislation or regu-
10 lation on existing programs affecting older New Yorkers; and
11 (c) any modifications that would help older New Yorkers or aid in the
12 implementation of the new proposal.
13 3. All state agencies shall cooperate with the director to ensure that
14 the director is able to fulfill the requirements under this article.
15 § 549-c. State agency and department written plans. Beginning two
16 years after the effective date of this article, and every two years
17 thereafter, each state agency and department shall submit a written plan
18 to the director containing a description of such agency or department's
19 efforts to ensure that its services are age-friendly, and containing
20 such agency or department's plans to continue and/or expand such age-
21 friendly services.
22 § 549-d. Construction with other laws. Nothing in this article shall
23 be construed to supersede or replace the statutory duties or powers of
24 the state office for the aging under the laws of this state.
25 § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.