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S09820 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                    IN SENATE
                                      May 31, 2024
        Introduced by Sen. JACKSON -- (at request of the Governor) -- read twice
          and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee
          on Finance
        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  civil service law, in relation to compensation,
          benefits and other terms and conditions of employment of  state  offi-
          cers  and  employees  who  are the members of the security supervisors
          unit; to amend the state finance law,  in  relation  to  the  employee
          benefit  fund  for  all  members  of the security supervisors unit; to
          authorize funding of joint labor-management committees;  to  implement
          an  agreement  between the state and the employee organization repres-
          enting the members of the security supervisors unit; to repeal certain
          provisions of the civil service law relating thereto;  and  making  an
          appropriation for the purpose of effectuating certain provisions ther-
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Paragraphs b and i of subdivision 1 of section 130  of  the
     2  civil service law are REPEALED and a new paragraph b is added to read as
     3  follows:
     4    b.  Pursuant  to  the  terms  of an agreement between the state and an
     5  employee organization entered into pursuant to article fourteen of  this
     6  chapter  covering  members of the collective negotiating unit designated
     7  as security supervisors, effective on the dates indicated, salary grades
     8  for positions in the  competitive,  non-competitive  and  labor  classes
     9  shall be as follows:
    10    (1)  Effective March thirtieth, two thousand twenty-three for officers
    11  and employees on the administrative payroll and effective  April  sixth,
    12  two  thousand  twenty-three  for  officers and employees on the institu-
    13  tional payroll:
    14       Hir-
    15       ing     Step    Step    Step    Step    Step    Job   Incr
    16  SG   Rate      1       2       3       4       5    Rate
    17   1   31273   32466   33659   34852   36045   37238  38431  1193
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 9820                             2

     1   2   32310   33569   34828   36087   37346   38605  39864  1259
     2   3   33762   35074   36386   37698   39010   40322  41634  1312
     3   4   35152   36533   37914   39295   40676   42057  43438  1381
     4   5   36683   38139   39595   41051   42507   43963  45419  1456
     5   6   38459   39988   41517   43046   44575   46104  47633  1529
     6   7   40478   42071   43664   45257   46850   48443  50036  1593
     7   8   42600   44254   45908   47562   49216   50870  52524  1654
     8   9   44824   46548   48272   49996   51720   53444  55168  1724
     9  10   47208   49023   50838   52653   54468   56283  58098  1815
    10  11   49834   51721   53608   55495   57382   59269  61156  1887
    11  12   52450   54419   56388   58357   60326   62295  64264  1969
    12  13   55413   57472   59531   61590   63649   65708  67767  2059
    13  14   58436   60592   62748   64904   67060   69216  71372  2156
    14  15   61638   63883   66128   68373   70618   72863  75108  2245
    15  16   64958   67301   69644   71987   74330   76673  79016  2343
    16  17   68448   70916   73384   75852   78320   80788  83256  2468
    17  18   72179   74771   77363   79955   82547   85139  87731  2592
    18  19   75963   78673   81383   84093   86803   89513  92223  2710
    19  20   79719   82548   85377   88206   91035   93864  96693  2829
    20  21   83850   86799   89748   92697   95646   98595 101544  2949
    21  22   88180   91305   94430   97555  100680  103805 106930  3125
    22  23   92797   96011   99225  102439  105653  108867 112081  3214
    23  24   97663  100997  104331  107665  110999  114333 117667  3334
    24  25   102951 106428  109905  113382  116859  120336 123813  3477
    25                                    Max
    26       10 Yr.   15 Yr.   20 Yr.   25 Yr.
    27       Long      Long     Long     Long
    28  SG   Step      Step     Step     Step
    29  1    40210     41993    45448    47755
    30  2    41744     43629    47185    49600
    31  3    43596     45561    49200    51694
    32  4    45513     47582    51324    53916
    33  5    47585     49761    53610    56312
    34  6    49925     52215    56184    59001
    35  7    52417     54799    58855    61766
    36  8    54994     57475    61618    64623
    37  9    57758     60345    64607    67721
    38  10   60805     63515    67899    71140
    39  11   63975     66802    71298    74648
    40  12   67219     70178    74803    78283
    41  13   70835     73913    78666    82270
    42  14   74594     77824    82718    86472
    43  15   78458     81821    86848    90733
    44  16   82526     86039    91219    95253
    45  17   86952     90645    96012   100232
    46  18   91609     95499   101052   105465
    47  19   96260    100315   106041   110621
    48  20   100929   105172   111087   115856
    49  21   105966   110386   116482   121431
    50  22   111607   116285   122632   127835
    51  23   116897   121718   128206   133551
    52  24   122653   127650   134320   139839
    53  25   129025   134229   141113   146846
    54    (2)  Effective March twenty-eighth, two thousand twenty-four for offi-
    55  cers and employees on the administrative  payroll  and  effective  April

        S. 9820                             3
     1  fourth,  two  thousand  twenty-four  for  officers  and employees on the
     2  institutional payroll:
     3       Hir-
     4       ing     Step    Step    Step    Step    Step    Job
     5  SG   Rate      1       2       3       4       5    Rate   Incr
     6   1   32211   33440   34669   35898   37127   38356  39585  1229
     7   2   33279   34576   35873   37170   38467   39764  41061  1297
     8   3   34775   36126   37477   38828   40179   41530  42881  1351
     9   4   36207   37629   39051   40473   41895   43317  44739  1422
    10   5   37783   39283   40783   42283   43783   45283  46783  1500
    11   6   39613   41188   42763   44338   45913   47488  49063  1575
    12   7   41692   43333   44974   46615   48256   49897  51538  1641
    13   8   43878   45582   47286   48990   50694   52398  54102  1704
    14   9   46169   47945   49721   51497   53273   55049  56825  1776
    15  10   48624   50494   52364   54234   56104   57974  59844  1870
    16  11   51329   53273   55217   57161   59105   61049  62993  1944
    17  12   54024   56052   58080   60108   62136   64164  66192  2028
    18  13   57075   59196   61317   63438   65559   67680  69801  2121
    19  14   60189   62410   64631   66852   69073   71294  73515  2221
    20  15   63487   65799   68111   70423   72735   75047  77359  2312
    21  16   66907   69320   71733   74146   76559   78972  81385  2413
    22  17   70501   73043   75585   78127   80669   83211  85753  2542
    23  18   74344   77014   79684   82354   85024   87694  90364  2670
    24  19   78242   81033   83824   86615   89406   92197  94988  2791
    25  20   82111   85025   87939   90853   93767   96681  99595  2914
    26  21   86366   89403   92440   95477   98514  101551 104588  3037
    27  22   90825   94044   97263  100482  103701  106920 110139  3219
    28  23   95581   98891  102201  105511  108821  112131 115441  3310
    29  24   100593 104027  107461  110895  114329  117763 121197  3434
    30  25   106040 109621  113202  116783  120364  123945 127526  3581
    31                                    Max
    32       10 Yr.   15 Yr.   20 Yr.   25 Yr.
    33       Long      Long     Long     Long
    34  SG   Step      Step     Step     Step
    35   1   41416     43253    46811    49188
    36   2   42996     44938    48601    51088
    37   3   44904     46928    50676    53245
    38   4   46878     49009    52864    55533
    39   5   49013     51254    55218    58001
    40   6   51423     53781    57870    60771
    41   7   53990     56443    60621    63619
    42   8   56644     59199    63467    66562
    43   9   59491     62155    66545    69753
    44  10   62629     65420    69936    73274
    45  11   65894     68806    73437    76887
    46  12   69236     72283    77047    80631
    47  13   72960     76130    81026    84738
    48  14   76832     80159    85200    89066
    49  15   80812     84276    89453    93455
    50  16   85002     88620    93956    98111
    51  17   89561     93364    98892   103239
    52  18   94357     98364   104084   108629
    53  19   99148    103324   109222   113940
    54  20   103957   108327   114420   119332

        S. 9820                             4
     1  21   109145   113698   119976   125074
     2  22   114955   119774   126311   131670
     3  23   120404   125370   132052   137558
     4  24   126333   131480   138350   144034
     5  25   132896   138256   145346   151251
     6    (3) Effective March twenty-seventh, two thousand twenty-five for offi-
     7  cers  and  employees  on  the administrative payroll and effective April
     8  third, two thousand twenty-five for officers and employees on the insti-
     9  tutional payroll:
    10       Hiring                                          Job
    11  SG   Rate   Step 1  Step 2  Step 3  Step 4  Step 5  Rate   Incr
    12  1    33177   34443   35709   36975   38241   39507  40773  1266
    13  2    34277   35613   36949   38285   39621   40957  42293  1336
    14  3    35818   37210   38602   39994   41386   42778  44170  1392
    15  4    37293   38758   40223   41688   43153   44618  46083  1465
    16  5    38916   40461   42006   43551   45096   46641  48186  1545
    17  6    40801   42423   44045   45667   47289   48911  50533  1622
    18  7    42943   44633   46323   48013   49703   51393  53083  1690
    19  8    45194   46949   48704   50459   52214   53969  55724  1755
    20  9    47554   49383   51212   53041   54870   56699  58528  1829
    21  10   50083   52009   53935   55861   57787   59713  61639  1926
    22  11   52869   54871   56873   58875   60877   62879  64881  2002
    23  12   55645   57734   59823   61912   64001   66090  68179  2089
    24  13   58787   60972   63157   65342   67527   69712  71897  2185
    25  14   61995   64283   66571   68859   71147   73435  75723  2288
    26  15   65392   67773   70154   72535   74916   77297  79678  2381
    27  16   68914   71400   73886   76372   78858   81344  83830  2486
    28  17   72616   75234   77852   80470   83088   85706  88324  2618
    29  18   76574   79324   82074   84824   87574   90324  93074  2750
    30  19   80589   83464   86339   89214   92089   94964  97839  2875
    31  20   84574   87576   90578   93580   96582   99584 102586  3002
    32  21   88957   92085   95213   98341  101469  104597 107725  3128
    33  22   93550   96866  100182  103498  106814  110130 113446  3316
    34  23   98448  101857  105266  108675  112084  115493 118902  3409
    35  24   103611 107148  110685  114222  117759  121296 124833  3537
    36  25   109221 112910  116599  120288  123977  127666 131355  3689
    37                                    Max
    38       10 Yr.   15 Yr.   20 Yr.   25 Yr.
    39       Long      Long     Long     Long
    40  SG   Step      Step     Step     Step
    41  1    42658     44551    48215    50664
    42  2    44286     46286    50059    52621
    43  3    46251     48336    52196    54842
    44  4    48284     50479    54450    57199
    45  5    50483     52792    56875    59741
    46  6    52966     55394    59606    62594
    47  7    55610     58136    62440    65528
    48  8    58343     60975    65371    68559
    49  9    61276     64020    68541    71846
    50  10   64508     67383    72034    75472
    51  11   67871     70870    75640    79194

        S. 9820                             5
     1  12   71313     74451    79358    83050
     2  13   75149     78414    83457    87280
     3  14   79137     82564    87756    91738
     4  15   83236     86804    92137    96259
     5  16   87552     91279    96775   101054
     6  17   92248     96165   101859   106336
     7  18   97188    101315   107207   111888
     8  19   102122   106424   112499   117358
     9  20   107076   111577   117853   122912
    10  21   112419   117109   123575   128826
    11  22   118404   123367   130100   135620
    12  23   124016   129131   136014   141685
    13  24   130123   135424   142501   148355
    14  25   136883   142404   149706   155789
    15    §  2.  Subdivision  2-a  of section 207-a of the state finance law, as
    16  amended by chapter 359 of the laws  of  2022,  is  amended  to  read  as
    17  follows:
    18    2-a.  Where  and to the extent that an agreement between the state and
    19  an employee organization entered into pursuant to  article  fourteen  of
    20  the  civil  service law or an interest arbitration award issued pursuant
    21  to subdivision four of section two hundred nine of the civil service law
    22  so provides on behalf of employees in the  collective  negotiating  unit
    23  designated  as  the  security  supervisors  unit established pursuant to
    24  article fourteen of the civil service law, and upon audit and warrant of
    25  the comptroller, the director shall provide for the payment of moneys to
    26  such employee organization for the establishment and maintenance  of  an
    27  employee  benefit  fund established by the employee organization for the
    28  employees in the negotiating unit covered by the  controlling  provision
    29  of  such agreement providing for such employee benefit fund, such amount
    30  to be determined consistent with said agreement  on  the  basis  of  the
    31  number  of  full-time  annual  salaried  employees, as determined by the
    32  comptroller, on the payroll on the last day of  the  payroll  period  in
    33  which  March  first,  two  thousand  [sixteen]  twenty-three  falls  for
    34  payments to be made on April first, two thousand [sixteen]  twenty-three
    35  and,  on  the  last  day of the payroll period in which March first, two
    36  thousand [seventeen] twenty-four falls for payments to be made on  April
    37  first,  two thousand [seventeen] twenty-four and, on the last day of the
    38  payroll period in which March first, two thousand [eighteen] twenty-five
    39  falls for payments to be made on April  first,  two  thousand  [eighteen
    40  and,  on  the  last  day of the payroll period in which March first, two
    41  thousand nineteen falls for payments to be  made  on  April  first,  two
    42  thousand  nineteen  and,  on the last day of the payroll period in which
    43  March first, two thousand twenty falls for payments to be made on  April
    44  first, two thousand twenty and, on the last day of the payroll period in
    45  which March first, two thousand twenty-one falls for payments to be made
    46  on  April  first,  two  thousand  twenty-one and, on the last day of the
    47  payroll period in which March first, two thousand twenty-two  falls  for
    48  payments   to   be   made  on  April  first,  two  thousand  twenty-two]
    49  twenty-five.   The amount, which will be  determined  pursuant  to  this
    50  section,  for  employees  who  are  paid  from special or administrative
    51  funds, other than the general fund or the capital projects fund  of  the
    52  state, will be paid from the appropriations as provided by law, in which
    53  case  the comptroller will establish procedures to ensure repayment from
    54  said special or administrative funds. The director  may  enter  into  an
    55  agreement  with  an  employee organization which sets forth the specific
    56  terms and conditions of  the  establishment  and  administration  of  an

        S. 9820                             6
     1  employee  benefit  fund  as  a  condition  for the transmittal of moneys
     2  pursuant to this section. Such agreement shall provide that any contrib-
     3  utions paid to the employee organization for the establishment and main-
     4  tenance  of the employee benefit fund pursuant to this section on behalf
     5  of eligible members of  this  unit  shall  be  offset  by  contributions
     6  already  made  on  behalf of those members in each of the covered years,
     7  where applicable.
     8    § 3. Compensation for certain members of  the  collective  negotiating
     9  unit  designated as the security supervisors collective negotiating unit
    10  pursuant to an agreement between the state of New York and the  employee
    11  organization representing such individuals.
    12    1.  The provisions of this section shall apply to full-time annual-sa-
    13  laried officers and employees in the collective negotiating unit  desig-
    14  nated  as  the  security  supervisors collective negotiating unit estab-
    15  lished pursuant to article 14 of  the  civil  service  law  (hereinafter
    16  "security supervisors unit").
    17    2.  Effective April 1, 2023, the basic annual salary of members of the
    18  security supervisors unit who are in full-time  annual-salaried  employ-
    19  ment status on March 31, 2023, shall be increased by three percent.
    20    3.  Effective April 1, 2024, the basic annual salary of members of the
    21  security supervisors unit who are in full-time  annual-salaried  employ-
    22  ment status on March 31, 2024, shall be increased by three percent.
    23    4.  Effective April 1, 2025, the basic annual salary of members of the
    24  security supervisors unit who are in full-time  annual-salaried  employ-
    25  ment status on March 31, 2025, shall be increased by three percent.
    26    5.  Advancement  within  a  salary  grade.  Payments  pursuant  to the
    27  provisions of subdivision 6 of section 131 of the civil service law  for
    28  all  annual-salaried  officers and employees in the security supervisors
    29  unit to whom the provisions of this section apply and who  are  entitled
    30  to  such payments shall be payable pursuant to the terms of an agreement
    31  between the state of New York and an employee organization  representing
    32  employees  subject to the provisions of this section entered into pursu-
    33  ant to article 14 of the civil service law (hereinafter "the  agreement"
    34  or "an agreement").
    35    6.  Effective  April  1,  2023,  pursuant to the terms of an agreement
    36  covering all full-time officers and employees in the  security  supervi-
    37  sors unit to whom the provision of this section apply and, for such unit
    38  members  who  are  on  the  institutional or administrative payroll, the
    39  ten-year, the fifteen-year, the twenty-year  and  the  twenty-five  year
    40  longevity  step  payment for such unit members to whom the provisions of
    41  this section apply shall be that amount prescribed  by  paragraph  b  of
    42  subdivision  1  of  section  130  of  the civil service law, as added by
    43  section one of this act.
    44    7. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions of this section, if
    45  the basic annual salary of such unit members to whom the  provisions  of
    46  this  section  apply  is  identical  with  the  hiring rate, performance
    47  advance step one, two, three, four or five, the job rate,  the  ten-year
    48  longevity step, the fifteen-year longevity step, the twenty-year longev-
    49  ity  step  or the twenty-five year longevity step of the salary grade of
    50  their position on the effective dates of the increases provided by  this
    51  section,  respectively,  for such unit members to whom the provisions of
    52  this section apply on the institutional or administrative payroll,  such
    53  basic  annual  salary shall be increased to the hiring rate, performance
    54  advance step one, two, three, four or five, the job rate,  the  ten-year
    55  longevity step, the fifteen-year longevity step, the twenty-year longev-
    56  ity  step or the twenty-five year longevity step of such salary grade as

        S. 9820                             7
     1  contained in paragraph b of subdivision 1 of section 130  of  the  civil
     2  service  law, as added by section one of this act, to take effect on the
     3  dates provided in paragraph b of subdivision 1 of  section  130  of  the
     4  civil service law, as added by section one of this act. The increases in
     5  basic annual salary provided by this subdivision shall be in lieu of any
     6  increase in basic annual salary provided for in subdivisions two, three,
     7  and four of this section.
     8    8.  If  an  unencumbered position is one which if encumbered, would be
     9  subject to the provisions of this section, the salary of  such  position
    10  shall  be  increased  by  the  salary increase amounts specified in this
    11  section. If a position is created and is filled by  the  appointment  of
    12  such  unit  members  to  whom  the provisions of this section apply, the
    13  salary otherwise provided for such position shall be  increased  in  the
    14  same  manner  as though such position had been in existence but unencum-
    15  bered. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the  director  of
    16  the  budget  may  reduce  the  salary  of any such position, which is or
    17  becomes vacant.
    18    9. The increases in salary payable  pursuant  to  this  section  shall
    19  apply  on a prorated basis to officers and employees, otherwise eligible
    20  to receive an increase in salary pursuant to this section, who are  paid
    21  on  an  hourly  or  per  diem basis, employees serving on a part-time or
    22  seasonal basis and employees paid on any basis other than at an  annual-
    23  salaried  rate; except that the provisions of subdivisions five, six and
    24  seven of this section shall not apply to employees serving on an hourly,
    25  per diem, or seasonal basis, except as determined by the director of the
    26  budget.
    27    10.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of  this   section,   the
    28  provisions of this section shall not apply to officers or employees paid
    29  on a fee schedule basis.
    30    11. In order to provide for the annual-salaried officers and employees
    31  to  whom  this  section  applies who are not allocated to salary grades,
    32  performance advancements and payments in proportion to those provided to
    33  persons to whom this section applies who are allocated to salary grades,
    34  the director of the budget is authorized to add appropriate  adjustments
    35  to  the  compensation  which  such  officers and employees are otherwise
    36  entitled to receive. The director of the budget shall issue certificates
    37  which shall contain schedules of positions and the salaries thereof  for
    38  which  adjustments  are made pursuant to the provisions of this subdivi-
    39  sion, and a copy of each such certificate shall be filed with the  state
    40  comptroller,  the  department  of  civil service, the chairperson of the
    41  senate finance committee and the chairperson of the  assembly  ways  and
    42  means committee.
    43    12.  Notwithstanding  any of the foregoing provisions of this section,
    44  any increase in compensation may be withheld in whole or  in  part  from
    45  any such unit members to whom the provisions of this section apply when,
    46  in  the  opinion  of  the director of the division of the budget and the
    47  director of employee relations, such increase is not warranted or is not
    48  appropriate for any reason.
    49    § 4. Additional compensation for all members of the security  supervi-
    50  sors unit who are in full-time annual-salaried employment status.
    51    1.  In recognition of the general requirement for full-time annual-sa-
    52  laried employees of the state in the security supervisors unit to assem-
    53  ble for briefing prior to the commencement of duties, where and  to  the
    54  extent  an  agreement  so  provides,  each  such employee except such an
    55  employee receiving additional compensation pursuant to subdivision 5  of

        S. 9820                             8

     1  section  134  of the civil service law, shall receive additional compen-
     2  sation in recognition of pre-shift briefing.
     3    2.  Each  such employee holding a position in the security supervisors
     4  unit shall be compensated for pre-shift briefing in accordance with  the
     5  terms of the agreement covering certain members of the security supervi-
     6  sors  unit.  No  payments  authorized  pursuant to this section and such
     7  negotiated agreement shall be made to an  employee  who  is  in  non-pay
     8  status for that day.
     9    3.  Any such additional compensation pursuant to this section shall be
    10  paid in addition to and shall not be a  part  of  the  employee's  basic
    11  annual salary and shall not be included as compensation for the purposes
    12  of  computation of overtime pay; provided, however, that such additional
    13  compensation shall be included for retirement purposes.  Notwithstanding
    14  the foregoing provisions of this section or of any other law, such addi-
    15  tional  compensation  shall  be in lieu of the continuation of any other
    16  additional compensation for such employees in recognition  of  pre-shift
    17  briefing.
    18    § 5. Command pay.
    19    1.  Pursuant  to  the  terms  of an agreement between the state and an
    20  employee organization entered into pursuant to article 14 of  the  civil
    21  service  law  covering members of the collective negotiating unit desig-
    22  nated as security supervisors, effective April 1, 2023, security  super-
    23  visors  command  pay  shall  continue  to  be two thousand eight hundred
    24  seventy-four dollars. Effective April 1,  2024,  command  pay  shall  be
    25  increased  to three thousand one hundred seventy-four dollars. Effective
    26  April 1, 2025, command pay shall be  increased  to  three  thousand  six
    27  hundred seventy-four dollars.
    28    2.  These payments will be equally divided over the 26 payroll periods
    29  in each fiscal year and shall count as  compensation  for  overtime  and
    30  retirement purposes.
    31    § 6. Hazardous duty pay.
    32    1.  Pursuant  to the terms of an agreement covering certain members of
    33  the security supervisors unit who  are  ineligible  for  interest  arbi-
    34  tration,  are  full-time  annual-salaried  employees, have completed one
    35  year of service in the bargaining unit and, notwithstanding  any  incon-
    36  sistent  provision of law, rule or regulation to the contrary, where and
    37  to the extent that an agreement so provides, effective  April  1,  2023,
    38  this  payment  shall  continue  to  be $200 annually. Effective April 1,
    39  2024, this amount shall be increased to $575 annually.  Effective  April
    40  1, 2025, this amount shall be increased to $1,075 annually. This payment
    41  will  be equally divided over the 26 payroll periods in each fiscal year
    42  and shall be  included  as  compensation  for  overtime  and  retirement
    43  purposes.
    44    2. Pursuant to the terms of an agreement covering members of the secu-
    45  rity supervisors unit who are employed within the New York state depart-
    46  ment  of corrections and community supervision and who are designated as
    47  peace officers pursuant to section 2.10 of the criminal  procedure  law,
    48  have  completed  one year of service in the bargaining unit and notwith-
    49  standing any other provision of law, effective April 1, 2023, such annu-
    50  al salaried unit members to whom the provisions of  this  section  apply
    51  shall continue to receive $1,500 annually. Effective April 1, 2024, this
    52  amount  shall increase to $1,875 annually. Effective April 1, 2025, this
    53  amount shall increase to $2,375 annually. Payment for such  compensation
    54  shall be equally divided over the 26 payroll periods in each fiscal year
    55  and  shall  be  included  as  compensation  for  overtime and retirement
    56  purposes.

        S. 9820                             9
     1    § 7. Location compensation for certain state officers and employees in
     2  the collective negotiating unit designated as security  supervisors  for
     3  arbitration ineligible members.
     4    1.  Pursuant  to the terms of an agreement covering certain members of
     5  the security supervisors unit who  are  ineligible  for  interest  arbi-
     6  tration,  and notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, rule or
     7  regulation to the contrary, effective April 1, 2023, all members of  the
     8  security  supervisors  unit  who are ineligible for interest arbitration
     9  and are full-time annual-salaried employees and whose principal place of
    10  employment or, in the case of a field employee, whose  official  station
    11  as  determined  in accordance with the regulations of the comptroller is
    12  located in the county of Monroe and who were eligible to  receive  loca-
    13  tional  pay  on May 23, 1985 shall receive locational pay at the rate of
    14  two hundred three dollars per year provided they continue to  be  other-
    15  wise eligible.
    16    2.  Pursuant  to the terms of an agreement covering certain members of
    17  the security supervisors unit who  are  ineligible  for  interest  arbi-
    18  tration,  and notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, rule or
    19  regulation to the contrary, all members of the security supervisors unit
    20  who are ineligible for interest arbitration and are full-time annual-sa-
    21  laried employees and whose principal place of employment or, in the case
    22  of a field employee, whose official station as determined in  accordance
    23  with  the  regulations  of  the state comptroller, is in the city of New
    24  York or in the county of Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester or Rockland or  in
    25  the  county  of  Orange,  Putnam  or  Dutchess  shall receive locational
    26  compensation in the annual amounts as follows:
    27                    Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester,   Orange, Putnam or
    28                    Rockland or city of New York    Dutchess
    29       4/1/2023     $1,882                          $1,004
    30       4/1/2024     $2,195                          $1,111
    31       4/1/2025     $3,400                          $1,650
    32    3. The locational compensation as set out in all subdivisions of  this
    33  section shall be in addition to and shall not be a part of an employee's
    34  basic  annual  salary,  and  shall  not affect or impair any performance
    35  advance or other rights or benefits to which an employee may be entitled
    36  by law; provided, however, that locational  pay  shall  be  included  as
    37  compensation  for  the  purposes  of computation of overtime pay and for
    38  retirement purposes. This payment will be equally divided  over  the  26
    39  payroll periods in each fiscal year.
    40    § 8. Location compensation for certain state officers and employees in
    41  the  collective  negotiating unit designated as security supervisors for
    42  arbitration eligible members.
    43    1. Pursuant to the terms of an agreement covering certain  members  of
    44  the security supervisors unit who are eligible for interest arbitration,
    45  and  notwithstanding  any  inconsistent  provision of law, rule or regu-
    46  lation to the contrary, all members of this unit who are employed by the
    47  New York state department of corrections and  community  supervision  as
    48  peace  officers pursuant to subdivision 25 of section 2.10 of the crimi-
    49  nal procedure law, and are full-time annual-salaried employees and whose
    50  principal place of employment, or, in the  case  of  a  field  employee,
    51  whose  official station as determined in accordance with the regulations
    52  of the state comptroller, is located in the city of New York, or in  the
    53  county  of  Putnam,  Orange,  Dutchess, Rockland, Westchester, Nassau or

        S. 9820                            10
     1  Suffolk, shall receive locational compensation in the annual amounts  as
     2  follows:
     3                    Orange/Putnam/                  NYC/Rockland/
     4                    Dutchess                        Nassau/Suffolk/
     5                                                    Westchester
     6       4/1/2023     $1,400                          $3,758
     7       4/1/2024     $1,442                          $3,871
     8       4/1/2025     $1,846                          $4,623
     9    2.  The locational compensation as set out in all subdivisions of this
    10  section shall be in addition to and shall not be a part of an employee's
    11  basic annual salary, and shall not  affect  or  impair  any  performance
    12  advance or other rights or benefits to which an employee may be entitled
    13  by  law;  provided,  however,  that  locational pay shall be included as
    14  compensation for the purposes of computation of  overtime  pay  and  for
    15  retirement  purposes.  This  payment will be equally divided over the 26
    16  payroll periods in each fiscal year.
    17    § 9. Retention bonus lump sum payment. For employees in  the  security
    18  supervisors  unit, a one-time $3,000 retention bonus will be paid to all
    19  eligible members of the unit. This bonus is not  part  of  basic  annual
    20  salary.  Similarly, the bonus is not subject to any salary increases and
    21  is not pensionable. The bonus shall be  pro-rated  for  those  employees
    22  paid  on any basis other than an annual basis. Employees paid on a part-
    23  time, hourly or per diem basis shall receive a retention bonus pro-rated
    24  on a basis reflecting the actual hours worked between May  9,  2024  and
    25  September  4,  2024. To qualify, employees must be in continuous service
    26  in the security supervisors unit between May 9, 2024  and  September  4,
    27  2024  as defined by paragraph (c) of subdivision 3 of section 130 of the
    28  civil service law. Employees who separate from state service between May
    29  9, 2024 and September 4, 2024 are not eligible  for  this  bonus  unless
    30  they  retire  directly from active state employment. This bonus shall be
    31  effective September 4, 2024.
    32    § 10. Seniority pay. Notwithstanding  any  provision  of  law  to  the
    33  contrary,  pursuant to the terms of the agreement negotiated between the
    34  state and the employee organization representing the  security  supervi-
    35  sors  unit, effective December 1, 2025, all members of the unit who have
    36  completed 11 years of service as of November 1, 2025, as defined by  the
    37  agreement  between the parties, shall receive an annual payment of $750.
    38  Such payment shall be a lump sum and paid in a  check  when  payment  is
    39  made  for the payroll that includes December 1. Such payment shall be in
    40  addition to, and shall not be a part of, a member's annual basic salary,
    41  and shall not affect or impair any increments or other rights  or  bene-
    42  fits  to  which  the member may be entitled; provided, however, that the
    43  payment shall be included as compensation for purposes of computation of
    44  overtime pay and for retirement purposes.
    45    § 11. Continuation of locational compensation for certain officers and
    46  employees of  the  Hudson  Valley  developmental  disabilities  services
    47  office.
    48    1.  Notwithstanding  any  law, rule or regulation to the contrary, any
    49  officer or employee of  the  Hudson  Valley  developmental  disabilities
    50  services  office  represented  in  the security supervisors unit, who is
    51  receiving locational pay pursuant to section 5 of  chapter  174  of  the
    52  laws  of  1993  shall  continue to receive such locational pay under the
    53  conditions and at the rates specified by such section 5 of  chapter  174
    54  of the laws of 1993.

        S. 9820                            11
     1    2.  Notwithstanding  any  law, rule or regulation to the contrary, any
     2  officer or employee of  the  Hudson  Valley  developmental  disabilities
     3  services  office  represented  in  the  security supervisors unit who is
     4  receiving locational pay pursuant to subdivision  2  of  section  11  of
     5  chapter  3 of the laws of 1996 shall continue to receive such locational
     6  pay under the conditions and at the rates specified by such  subdivision
     7  2 of section 11 of chapter 3 of the laws of 1996.
     8    3.  Notwithstanding this section of this act or any other law, rule or
     9  regulation to the contrary, any officer or employee of the Hudson Valley
    10  developmental disabilities services office represented in  the  security
    11  supervisors  unit  who  is  receiving  locational  pay  pursuant to this
    12  section shall continue to be eligible for such locational  pay  if  such
    13  officer's  or  employee's  principal place of employment is changed to a
    14  location outside of the county of Rockland as the result of a  reduction
    15  or  redeployment  of  staff;  provided,  however,  that  such officer or
    16  employee is reassigned to  or  otherwise  appointed  or  promoted  to  a
    17  different  position  at  another work location within such Hudson Valley
    18  developmental disabilities services office located outside of the county
    19  of Rockland.  The rate of such continued locational pay shall not exceed
    20  the rate such officer or employee is receiving on the date of such reas-
    21  signment, appointment or promotion.
    22    § 12. Inconvenience pay program for arbitration ineligible  employees.
    23  Pursuant  to  chapter 333 of the laws of 1969, as amended, and an agree-
    24  ment covering certain members of the security supervisors unit  who  are
    25  ineligible  for  interest  arbitration,  are  full-time  annual-salaried
    26  employees and, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of  law,  rule
    27  or regulation to the contrary, where and to the extent that an agreement
    28  so  provides, effective April 1, 2023, the inconvenience pay provided to
    29  eligible employees shall continue to be six hundred  twenty-six  dollars
    30  per  year  for working four or more hours between the hours of 6:00 p.m.
    31  and 6:00 a.m., except on an overtime basis.  Effective  April  1,  2025,
    32  this amount shall be increased to six hundred forty-five dollars.
    33    §  13.  Inconvenience  pay program for arbitration eligible employees.
    34  Pursuant to the terms of an agreement covering certain  members  of  the
    35  security  supervisors unit who are eligible for interest arbitration and
    36  who are employed by the New York state  department  of  corrections  and
    37  community  supervision  and are designated as peace officers pursuant to
    38  subdivision 25 of section 2.10 of the criminal procedure law,  effective
    39  April  1,  2023,  the inconvenience pay paid to unit members to whom the
    40  provisions of this section apply who work the evening shift  as  defined
    41  by  the  individual  facilities within the department of corrections and
    42  community supervision, shall continue to be one  thousand  nine  hundred
    43  twenty-eight  dollars.  Effective  April  1,  2025, this amount shall be
    44  increased to one thousand nine  hundred  eighty-six  dollars.  Effective
    45  April  1,  2023,  the inconvenience pay paid to unit members to whom the
    46  provisions of this section apply who work the night shift as defined  by
    47  the  individual  facilities  within  the  department  of corrections and
    48  community supervision shall  continue  to  be  nine  hundred  sixty-four
    49  dollars. Effective April 1, 2025, this amount shall be increased to nine
    50  hundred ninety-three dollars.
    51    §  14.  Dependent care deductions. Notwithstanding any other provision
    52  of law, rule or regulation to the contrary, where and to the extent that
    53  an agreement so provides on behalf of employees in the security supervi-
    54  sors unit, the state shall  contribute  an  amount  designated  in  such
    55  agreement  and  for the period covered by such agreement to the accounts
    56  of such employees enrolled for dependent  care  deductions  pursuant  to

        S. 9820                            12
     1  section 201-a of the state finance law. Such amounts shall be from funds
     2  appropriated  in  this  act and shall not be part of basic annual salary
     3  for overtime and retirement purposes.
     4    §  15.  Statewide  joint labor-management committee. During the period
     5  April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2026, there shall be a  statewide  joint
     6  labor-management  committee  continued  and administered pursuant to the
     7  terms of an agreement covering employees  in  the  security  supervisors
     8  unit  which shall, within the amounts available therefor, study and make
     9  recommendations concerning major issues of  health  insurance,  employee
    10  assistance, work-life services, family benefits, performance evaluation,
    11  education  and  training and provide for the implementation of the terms
    12  of agreements of such committee.
    13    § 16. Grievance and arbitration settlements and awards.  Notwithstand-
    14  ing any provision of law, rule or regulation to the contrary, the appro-
    15  priations contained in this act shall be available to the state  of  New
    16  York  for  the  payment  and  publication  of  grievance and arbitration
    17  settlements and awards to employees of  the  security  supervisors  unit
    18  covered  by the terms of the agreement referenced in section one of this
    19  act.
    20    § 17. Salaries of employees hired  on  or  after  September  1,  1992.
    21  Notwithstanding  any provision of law, rule or regulation to the contra-
    22  ry, and where and to the extent an agreement covering employees  in  the
    23  security  supervisors  unit so provides, the salaries of employees newly
    24  hired on or after September 1, 1992  into  state  service  in  positions
    25  within  said  negotiating unit shall not be subject to the provisions of
    26  subdivision 2-a of section 200 of the state finance law.
    27    § 18. Date of entitlement  to  salary  increase.  Notwithstanding  the
    28  provisions  of  this act or of any other provision of law, rule or regu-
    29  lation to the contrary, the increase in salary or  compensation  of  all
    30  members  of  the  security  supervisors  unit,  including  those who are
    31  employed by the New York state department of corrections  and  community
    32  supervision and are peace officers pursuant to subdivision 25 of section
    33  2.10  of  the  criminal  procedure law, and those who are ineligible for
    34  interest arbitration, shall be added to the salary of such member at the
    35  beginning of that payroll period the first day of which  is  nearest  to
    36  the  effective  date of such increase as provided in this act, or at the
    37  beginning of the earlier of the payroll periods the first days of  which
    38  are  nearest  but equally near to the effective date of such increase as
    39  provided in this act; provided, however, that for the purposes of deter-
    40  mining the salary of such unit members  upon  reclassification,  reallo-
    41  cation,  appointment,  promotion,  transfer, demotion, reinstatement, or
    42  other change of status, such salary  increase  shall  be  deemed  to  be
    43  effective  on  the  date thereof as prescribed by this act, with payment
    44  thereof pursuant to this section on a date prior thereto, instead of  on
    45  such  effective  date,  and  shall  not operate to confer any additional
    46  salary rights or benefits on such unit members. Payment of  such  salary
    47  increase may be deferred pursuant to section nineteen of this act.
    48    §  19.  Deferred  payment  of  salary  increase.  Notwithstanding  the
    49  provisions of any other section of this act, or of any other  law,  rule
    50  or  regulation  to the contrary, pending payment pursuant to this act of
    51  the basic annual salaries and other compensation due  to  incumbents  of
    52  positions  subject to this act such incumbents shall receive, as partial
    53  compensation for services rendered, the rate of  compensation  otherwise
    54  payable  in  their respective positions. An incumbent holding a position
    55  subject to this act at any time during the period from  April  1,  2023,
    56  until  the  time  when  basic annual salaries are first paid pursuant to

        S. 9820                            13
     1  this act for such  services  in  excess  of  the  compensation  actually
     2  received  therefor,  shall  be  entitled  to  a lump sum payment for the
     3  difference between the salary to which such incumbent  is  entitled  for
     4  such services and the compensation actually received therefor. Such lump
     5  sum payment shall be made in one payment in accordance with the terms of
     6  the agreement between the state and the employee organization represent-
     7  ing  the  members  of the security supervisors unit. Notwithstanding any
     8  provision of law, rule or regulation to the contrary, no member  of  the
     9  security supervisors unit to whom the provisions of this act apply shall
    10  be entitled to, or owed, any interest or other penalty for any reason on
    11  any  monies due to such member pursuant to the terms of this act and the
    12  terms of the agreement covering employees in  the  security  supervisors
    13  unit.
    14    §  20.  Use  of appropriations. The state comptroller is authorized to
    15  pay any amounts required during the fiscal year commencing April 1, 2024
    16  by the foregoing provisions of this act  for  any  state  department  or
    17  agency  from  any  appropriation  or other funds available to such state
    18  department or agency for personal service or for other related  employee
    19  benefits during such fiscal year. To the extent that such appropriations
    20  are insufficient to accomplish the purposes herein set forth, the direc-
    21  tor  of  the budget is authorized to allocate to the various departments
    22  and agencies, from any appropriations available, the  amounts  necessary
    23  to  pay such amounts.  The aforementioned appropriations shall be avail-
    24  able for payment of any liabilities or obligations incurred prior to  or
    25  during the state fiscal year commencing April 1, 2024.
    26    §  21.  Notwithstanding  any  provision  of law to the contrary or the
    27  provisions of any section of this act, the salary increases and lump sum
    28  payments provided for in this act shall not  be  implemented  until  the
    29  director of employee relations has delivered a letter to the director of
    30  the  budget and the state comptroller certifying that there is in effect
    31  with respect to such negotiating unit a collectively  negotiated  agree-
    32  ment,  ratified by the membership, which provides for such increases and
    33  modifications, and which are fully executed in writing  with  the  state
    34  pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law.
    35    §  22.  Notwithstanding  any provision of the state finance law or any
    36  other provision of law to the contrary, the sum of $10,000,000 is hereby
    37  appropriated in the  general  fund/state  purposes  account  (10050)  in
    38  miscellaneous-all    state   departments   and   agencies   solely   for
    39  apportionment/transfer by the director of the  budget  for  use  by  any
    40  state  department  or  agency  in  any fund for the period April 1, 2023
    41  through  March  31,  2025  to  supplement  appropriations  for  personal
    42  service,  other  than personal service and fringe benefits, and to carry
    43  out the provisions of this act. No money shall be available for expendi-
    44  ture from this appropriation until a certificate of  approval  has  been
    45  issued  by  the director of the budget and a copy of such certificate or
    46  any amendment thereto has been filed with  the  state  comptroller,  the
    47  chair of the senate finance committee and the chair of the assembly ways
    48  and  means  committee.  The monies hereby appropriated are available for
    49  payment of any liabilities or obligations incurred prior  to  or  during
    50  the  period  April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2025. For this purpose, the
    51  monies appropriated shall remain  in  full  force  and  effect  for  the
    52  payment of liabilities incurred on or before March 31, 2025.
    53    §  23.  Notwithstanding  any provision of the state finance law or any
    54  other provision of law to the contrary, the several amounts  as  herein-
    55  after  set  forth,  or  so  much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    56  appropriated from the fund so designated for use by any state department

        S. 9820                            14
     1  or agency for the period April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2025 to supple-
     2  ment appropriations from each respective fund available for the  purpose
     3  designated  herein  and  to  carry  out the provisions of this act.  The
     4  monies  hereby appropriated are available for the payment of any liabil-
     5  ities or obligations incurred prior to or during the  period  commencing
     6  April  1,  2023  through March 31, 2025. No money shall be available for
     7  expenditure from the monies appropriated until a certificate of approval
     8  has been issued by the director of the budget and a copy of such certif-
     9  icate or any amendment thereto has  been  filed  with  the  state  comp-
    10  troller,  the chair of the senate finance committee and the chair of the
    11  assembly ways and means committee.
    12                     ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES
    13                              Special Pay Bills
    14    General Fund / State Operations
    15    State Purposes Account - 003

    16                             Nonpersonal Service
    17  Employee training and development ................. 50,819
    18  Quality of work life committee .................... 37,514
    19  Family benefits committee ......................... 33,753
    20  Employee assistance program ........................ 8,534
    21  Contract administration ........................... 50,000
    22  Employee benefit fund ............................. 58,481
    23  Management directed training ...................... 34,463
    24  Organizational alcoholism program ................. 13,254
    25  Joint Committee on Health Benefits ................ 16,242
    26    § 24. This act shall take effect immediately and shall  be  deemed  to
    27  have been in full force and effect on and after April 1, 2023.
          REPEAL  NOTE. -- Paragraphs b and i of subdivision 1 of section 130 of
        the civil service law are REPEALED and replaced by  a  new  paragraph  b
        reflecting  the  new  salary  schedules negotiated between the state and
        employee organization representing employees in the security supervisors
        negotiating unit established by article 14 of the civil service law.
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