Assembly Resolution No. 665
BY: M. of A. Gandolfo
PAYING tribute to John Cronin, creator of John's
Crazy Socks, for special recognition for remaining
true to his mission of spreading happiness to others
WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to pay tribute to
those individuals whose extraordinary spirit and determination are an
inspiration to others; and
WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to pay
tribute to John Cronin, creator of John's Crazy Socks, for special
recognition for remaining true to his mission of spreading happiness to
others; and
WHEREAS, A graduate of Huntington High School and Wilson Tech, John
Cronin, a young man with Down Syndrome, and his father Mark, created
John's Crazy Socks to make people smile; and
WHEREAS, Today, John Cronin serves as the Chief Happiness Officer of
the business he helped create from his love of crazy and unique socks;
through his great work ethic, he has truly demonstrated the exceptional
work people with differing abilities can produce; and
WHEREAS, Through this 26-year-old entrepreneur's tireless efforts
and the dedication of his employees, a majority of which have a
differing ability, John's Crazy Socks has grown from its humble
beginnings to the largest sock store in the world; and
WHEREAS, John Cronin has also taken his goal of spreading happiness
on the road, testifying twice before the United States Congress and
speaking to members of the United Nations; he became "sock buddies" with
President George H. W. Bush and was named an EY Entrepreneur of the
Year; and
WHEREAS, In addition to his valuable work with John's Crazy Socks,
John Cronin is a Special Olympic athlete competing in soccer, track and
field, basketball and snowshoe; with a philanthropic spirit, John's
Crazy Socks pledges five percent of its earnings to this exceptional
organization and has donated over $100,000 to assist the Special
Olympics with its goal of helping athletes with intellectual
disabilities find the joy in sports; and
WHEREAS, John Cronin is also a member of the Boards of both the
National Down Syndrome Society and the Athlete's Congress for the New
York Special Olympics; and
WHEREAS, When he is not helping someone, John Cronin enjoys watching
movies and spending time with his family and friends; each week, he
hosts an online Dance Party, which is viewed by people from all around
the globe who love to dance as much as he does; and
WHEREAS, John Cronin is a role model for many who face similar
obstacles which he has faced and overcome; holding steadfast to his
vision of founding his own company, he accomplished his goals and made
his dream a reality; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
pay tribute to John Cronin, creator of John's Crazy Socks, for special
recognition for remaining true to his mission of spreading happiness to
others; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to John Cronin.