2023-2024 Regular Sessions
February 27, 2023
Introduced by Sen. WALCZYK -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
printed to be committed to the Committee on Elections
AN ACT to amend the election law, in relation to requiring the county
seat in Herkimer county to have at least one polling place designated
for early voting
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-bly, do enact as follows:
1 Section 1. Subdivision 2 of section 8-600 of the election law, as
2 amended by chapter 781 of the laws of 2021, is amended to read as
3 follows:
4 2. (a) The board of elections shall designate polling places for early
5 voting, which may include the offices of the board of elections, for
6 persons to vote early pursuant to this title.
7 (b) The largest city in the county or, if there is no city in the
8 county, the municipality with the highest population in each county
9 based on the latest federal decennial census, or the county seat in
10 Washington county, or the county seat in Herkimer county, shall have at
11 least one polling place designated for early voting, and to the extent
12 practicable if such city or municipality has public transportation
13 routes, such polling place shall be situated along such transportation
14 routes.
15 (c) In counties with at least five hundred thousand registered voters,
16 there shall be so designated at least one early voting polling place for
17 every full increment of forty thousand registered voters.
18 (d) In all other counties with less than five hundred thousand regis-
19 tered voters, there shall be so designated at least one early voting
20 polling place for every full increment of thirty thousand registered
21 voters; provided, however, the number of early voting polling places in
22 counties with less than five hundred thousand registered voters shall
23 not be required to be greater than ten nor less than one.
EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
[] is old law to be omitted.
S. 5192 2
1 (e) For any special, primary or run-off primary election at which no
2 voters of the municipality with the highest population within the county
3 are eligible to vote, the board of elections may, in lieu of having an
4 early voting polling place in such municipality, designate a polling
5 place for early voting in the municipality with the highest population
6 within the county within which the voters are eligible to vote at such
7 special, primary, or run-off primary election.
8 (f) The board of elections of each county or the city of New York may
9 establish additional polling places for early voting in excess of the
10 minimum number required by this subdivision for the convenience of
11 eligible voters.
12 (g) Notwithstanding the minimum number of early voting poll sites
13 otherwise required by this subdivision, for any primary or special
14 election, upon majority vote of the board of elections, the number of
15 early voting sites may be reduced when the board of elections determines
16 a lesser number of sites is sufficient to meet the needs of early
17 voters.
18 (h) Polling places for early voting shall be located so that voters in
19 the county have adequate and equitable access, taking into consideration
20 population density, travel time to the polling place, proximity to other
21 early voting poll sites, public transportation routes, commuter traffic
22 patterns and such other factors the board of elections deems appropri-
23 ate. The provisions of section 4-104 of this chapter, except subdivi-
24 sions four and five of such section, shall apply to the designation of
25 polling places for early voting except to the extent such provisions are
26 inconsistent with this section.
27 § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.