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A06914 Summary:

Amd SS3, 65, 100, 105 & 107-a, ABC L
Regulates the retail sale of flavored malt beverages; defines flavored malt beverages as a malt beverage containing more than 8 per centum of alcohol by volume and the formula of which must be filed with the federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau; provides that the provision of a flavored malt beverage by a retail licensee to any person under 21 years of age shall constitute a class E felony; prohibits the sale of flavored malt beverages in any container in excess of 12 ounces; requires flavored malt beverages to be sold for off-premises consumption in an area segregated from the areas where other beverages are sold; such beverages shall not be sold in a refrigerated state; requires the areas where flavored malt beverages are sold to be under the surveillance of the employees of the licensee; requires the posting of health warnings in the areas where such beverages are sold and upon the labels thereof; regulates the labelling of such beverages.
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