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A10530 Summary:

SPONSORRules (Mosley)
COSPNSRLentol, Thiele, Rozic, Ortiz
Amd Title, 2, 3 & 4, Chap of 2020 (as proposed in S.8417 & A.10492); amd 91, Pub Serv L; amd 5, Chap of 2020 (as proposed in S.8113-A & A.10521); amd 9-x, Bank L (as proposed in S.8243-C & A.10351-B); amd 180.65, CP L (as proposed in S.8414 & A.10493)
Relates to expenditures and temporary transfers of reserve funds for expenses related to a state disaster emergency (Part A); relates to issuing a moratorium on utility termination of services during periods of pandemics and/or state of emergencies (Part B); relates to the forbearance of residential mortgage payments for qualified mortgagors for a period of up to 180 days with the option to extend for an additional 180 days (Part C); relates to hearings conducted on a felony complaint during a state disaster emergency (Part D).
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