
Keeping You Informed

Ed Ra, Dean Skelos and Andrew Cuomo put politics aside and eliminated the MTA payroll tax!

It's About Jobs

An Important Legislative Update from Assemblyman Ed Ra

Neighborhood News

Working for a Healthier Community

Ra: You Spoke Up, Albany Listened

The 2011 legislative session will undoubtedly leave a positive impression on our community. Taxpayers, employers, schoolchildren, and health care workers all benefited from a state budget, which I supported, as well as major pieces of legislation recently...

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Promoting Jobs and Protecting Taxpayers

Fighting for Our Communities

When You’re Raised Here, You Should Be Able To Afford To Stay Here

A recent survey by Newsday reported that 64 percent of Long Island residents ages 18 to 34 said they plan to leave in the next five years. Seventy-five percent of those polled called the loss of younger residents a serious problem. This survey comes at...

Black History Month A Time For Reflection

A man sits alone in a prison cell, writing. His phone privileges denied while he remains in solitary confinement, the man writes letters to protest this deprivation. He is there because he has revealed, in stark and immediate terms, the feebleness of...