

Reimagining The Railroad Park - District Capital Funding Project

While I legislate in Albany, I want to hear your ideas on ways we can uplift and makeover Railroad Park. Please consider completing our online survey and submitting your ideas. This park is located at the intersection of Courtlandt Avenue, East 161st,...

Ideas Legislativas de los Constituyentes

Parte de ser un legislador eficaz es crear legislación que mejore la calidad de vida de mis electores. Si tiene una idea legislativa, ¡compártala en la encuesta a continuación!

Constituent Legislative Ideas

Part of being an effective legislator is creating legislation that improves the quality of life for my constituents. If you have a legislative idea, please share it in the survey below!

Ideas de financiamiento de capital

El financiamiento de capital de los funcionarios electos es dinero reservado para proyectos grandes, como la construcción o mejora de carreteras y puentes. Es diferente del presupuesto regular, que cubre los gastos diarios de la ciudad. Quiero conocer...

Capital Funding Ideas

Capital funding from elected officials is money set aside for big projects, such as building or upgrading roads and bridges. It is different from the regular budget, which pays for everyday city expenses. I want to know your ideas on how capital funding...

AD79 Community Feedback Form

As a representative of the 79th district, I want to ensure I adhere to my constituents' needs. Please take a moment to answer the following questions relating to changes you want to see made in the Bronx.