My office can assist constituents with issues involving a State Government agency. If you live in the 146th Assembly District, please contact my office to see how we can help.
Contact by phone:
District Office Phone: (716) 634-1895
Call between 9:15 am—4:00pm
Contact by email:
Email: mcmahonk@nyassembly.gov
Subject Line: Constituent Services
*Please include your home address & best contact phone number in your email.*
Contact by postal mail:
Assemblymember Karen McMahon
Attn: Constituent Services
5500 Main Street, Suite 224
Williamsville, NY 14221
*Please include your home address, email address & best contact phone number in your letter.*
If you are unsure if you reside in the NYS Assembly 146th district, you can find out here: nyassembly.gov/mem/search/
Please keep in mind that my staff is good at navigating through what can be complex or confusing, but the State Agencies are in the Executive Branch of State Government which has final say when it comes to making a decision or ruling.
If your issue is with a federal agency, we can refer you to your Representative in the House of Representatives or U.S. Senate.
If you are reaching out to my office to schedule a meeting, appointment, etc., please direct your request to my Chief of Staff, Jim Arnone, at arnonej@nyassembly.gov.
You may also be interested in exploring the free legislative information provided by the New York State Assembly at assembly.state.ny.us. Additionally, I encourage you to join my E-News mailing list at nyassembly.gov/mem/Karen- McMahon/enews/ to stay connected to my office.
Thank you,
Karen M. McMahon
Member of Assembly - District 146