Legislative Session Brought the Well-Being and Safety of Children and Families to the Forefront

During this year’s legislative session, we passed numerous bills to improve the quality of life across our state. I worked hard to pass legislation focusing on the safety and well-being of New York children and families, such as guarding kids against the harmful aspects of the internet and prioritizing the needs of families and individuals with disabilities.

Children growing up today are constantly on their phones or computers. While these devices can be beneficial for learning and staying connected, they also pose significant risks. Online companies and social media sites often exploit the vulnerability of young people to boost their revenue and clicks. I co-sponsored and helped pass legislation that would safeguard children from inappropriate content and unfair practices, delivering support to parents who are trying their best to monitor and limit their children’s online activities.

The Stop Addictive Feeds Exploitation (SAFE) For Kids Act prohibits social media companies from using addictive algorithms to suggest content to kids without getting consent from their parents (A.8148-A). Additionally, the New York Child Data Protection Act prohibits online platforms, apps and services from gathering or sharing children's data without a parent's permission (A.8149-A.). I thank Governor Kathy Hochul for working with the Legislature to bring these bills to fruition and for signing them into law last week. Another bill would mandate that social media companies publicly disclose information about their policies regarding hate speech, racism, disinformation, extremism, threats of violence, harassment and foreign political influence (A.6789-B). The state Attorney General would also receive reports from these businesses on how they are addressing their content moderation procedures and policies.

As an attorney, I represented parents of students with disabilities in special education cases. Now, as your Assemblymember, I fight for measures to support our most vulnerable communities. I sponsored and passed legislation that would require the Health Department to create instructional materials about Down syndrome and medical professionals to disseminate these materials when a child is diagnosed with Down syndrome (A.4138-A). Families must have access to all the information and resources they need when raising a child with a disability. This bill would help ensure that families receive essential support and guidance, improving the care and understanding of children born with Down syndrome.

The safety of children will always be my top priority. To that end, I sponsored and passed legislation that would allow for extended orders of protection in certain child abuse cases (A.7680). This legislation would correct an anomaly in the law that currently allows for a shorter order of protection when the abuser is not the parent, compared to orders of protection in other Family Court cases. While this bill passed the Assembly, it stalled in the Senate. I will continue to advocate for at-risk children and will fight to pass this common sense change in the law in both houses next session.

The legislative session may be over, but my work is not done. I remain committed to advocating for our community’s needs and concerns, ensuring all New Yorkers can live happy, healthy and prosperous lives. If you have any questions regarding this legislation, or any other issue of community concern, don’t hesitate to contact my office at (716) 634-1895 or McmahonK@nyassembly.gov.

[1] mhanational.org/mental-health-and-single-parent