Blankenbush Meets With Gen. Howard On Ft. Drum Day In Albany Mar 18, 2014 Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) today met with officials from Ft. Drum and state legislators to discuss how the state can better assist the Army base. Ft. Drum is one of the largest employers of both military and civilian staff in upstate...
Statement from Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) on Library Funding Mar 18, 2014 “Our libraries play an important role in supporting the education of our youth, and enriching our adults and communities. I want to be sure they are properly funded. The Assembly Majority, who are proposing cuts to our libraries, need to compromise...
Compared To APPLE Plan, Majority Bill Is Little More Than Empty Calories Mar 14, 2014 The Assembly Majority’s Common Core plan is like junk food compared to the educational reform measures found in the Achieving Pupil Preparedness and Launching Excellence (APPLE) Plan. The rollout of the Common Core Standards in New York highlighted...
Blankenbush Calls For Transparency In Regents Selection Mar 11, 2014 “I call on my legislative colleagues to change the way we select our Board of Regents representatives. Citizens want more openness from their government and, now more than ever, we need complete transparency in electing New York State’s Board of Regents. “Legislators...
We Must Take The Side Of New York’s Students Mar 7, 2014 The implementation of the Common Core Standards has not only created a crisis in our educational system, but it also highlighted deficiencies that have long been ignored in Albany. New York legislators can sit idly by or create a better educational system...
Blankenbush: Push For Educational Reforms Will Continue Mar 6, 2014 “Last night, the Assembly and I passed measures that reform the testing components of Common Core. This legislation addresses the use of test results in teacher and principal evaluation and student placement, encourages further teacher and professional...
Blankenbush Urges Passage Of “21st Century Education Initiative” Mar 5, 2014 Today, Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) joined several Assembly members and Senators in a bipartisan effort to encourage passage of the “21st Century Education Initiative” during this legislative session. Blankenbush is one of the...
Blankenbush, Highway Superintendents Push For More Funding To Repair Local Roads Mar 5, 2014 Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) today met with highway superintendents to push for more funding to repair local roads. Blankenbush is calling for an additional $50 million to be added to the Consolidated Highway Improvement Program (CHIPs). “New...
Blankenbush District Office On The Move Mar 3, 2014 Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) is moving his district office to 40 Franklin Street, Suite 2 in Carthage on Monday, March 10. The office can be reached by phone at 493-3909 or by fax at 493-4045. “To better accommodate my constituents,...
Cuomo: Put Our Kids Before Cons Feb 28, 2014 Recently, the governor announced his plans to give imprisoned criminals a free college education paid by law-abiding taxpayers like you and me. This policy is out of touch with hardworking New Yorkers. The governor says his plan will save taxpayer...
Mandate Relief Nowhere In Sight Feb 21, 2014 It seems that folks in Albany really don’t get it. Communities large and small are struggling under the crushing burden of state unfunded mandates. Unfunded mandates are those programs and policies the state imposes on our local governments and schools,...
Blankenbush Says No To Taxpayer-Funded College For Criminals Feb 19, 2014 “The governor’s recent proposal to give taxpayer-funded college educations to incarcerated criminals is a slap in the face to hardworking, law-abiding New Yorkers. This push demonstrates that our governor has forgotten the many families who are scrimping...
Special Session Must Be Called To Pass Public Assistance Integrity Act Before Federal Deadline Feb 14, 2014 The Assembly Majority leadership has failed New Yorkers by letting important welfare fraud reform legislation, known as the Public Assistance Integrity Act, fall by the wayside. The federal government made it very clear: New York and other states are...
Upstate Agricultural Programs Take A Hit In Governor’s Budget Feb 7, 2014 While the governor may claim he is prioritizing upstate New York’s needs, we’re seeing quite the opposite as he is, yet again, making large cuts to the state’s agricultural development and support programs to the tune of nearly $2.7 million. Of...
We Can Support Teachers, Students While Fixing Common Core Jan 31, 2014 Recently, my Assembly Minority colleagues and I unveiled the Achieving Pupil Preparedness and Launching Excellence (APPLE) Plan, which is aimed at reforming the implementation of Common Core in New York State. The plan was developed using testimony and...
Statement from Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) on the Carthage Area Hospital Job Cuts Jan 30, 2014 "I am disappointed to hear the news that the Carthage Area Hospital will be cutting jobs. Just as we secured state funding to help the hospital implement cost- and job-saving measures, it was dealt another blow by the reductions in reimbursement...
Budget Must Make Good On Promises And Basic Obligations Jan 24, 2014 Upon first review of the governor’s executive budget proposal, I believe it doesn’t do enough to meet basic obligations and promises made to the public. On the surface, the document doesn’t seem particularly controversial; it even stays within the...
Blankenbush Unveils Plan To Reform Common Core Jan 23, 2014 Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) and his Assembly Minority colleagues today unveiled the Achieving Pupil Preparedness and Launching Excellence (APPLE) Plan, which is aimed at reforming the implementation of Common Core in New York State....
Statement from Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) on the Governor’s Executive Budget Proposal Jan 21, 2014 “As a legislator, I’m more concerned about the details of the governor’s budget, rather than buying into the image he paints during his budget address. As we have seen in the past, there are times he’s on point and others where he misses the mark...
Lasting Property Tax Relief Needed Jan 17, 2014 The state budget proposal must be a tool for change here in upstate New York. We have many job creators and community leaders making every effort to spur economic growth and change our communities for the better. It’s through the budget that we can...