Press Releases

Walsh Launches Petition for Gold Star Families

Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) is encouraging constituents to sign a petition to allow Gold Star families expanded access to free SUNY and CUNY tuition, following the Assembly Majority’s decision to block Assembly bill A.2991. Currently,...

Walsh Commends Funding of Gold Star Families’ Scholarships

“Our military men and women make important sacrifices for our country and it is outrageous that this bill was blocked in the first place. While I am proud to have been a part of the passage of expanding access of free state tuition to Gold Star families,...

Assembly Majority Calls Bill to Help Military Family Members Attend College an “Entitlement”

Today, Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) called out the Assembly Majority for blocking a bill (A.2991) that would provide free college tuition to family members of New York state military personnel who lost their lives in the line of duty....

Walsh, Minority Colleagues Call for Hearings to Correct State Testing System

Editor’s Note: Letter attached. Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) joined her colleagues in calling on the Chair of the Assembly Committee on Education to convene a hearing regarding the botched State testing that occurred last week....

Walsh: 2019 Budget Update Fails the Average New Yorker

“We knew that going into this year’s budget process with a $2.3 billion revenue shortfall would make it challenging to provide the necessary financial support for the essential programs and services available to New Yorkers. It’s no surprise...

Walsh Rallies for Fair Wages For Direct-Care Workers

Pictured: Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) attends rally calling for a living wage for direct-care workers on Monday, March 25
***Editor’s Note: Click here for Assemblywoman Walsh’s comments. Today, Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) attended the #bfair2DirectCare rally at the New York State Capitol. The rally included hundreds...

Walsh Calls For Increase in Funding For Mental Hygiene System

Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) attends press conference on Wednesday, March 20.
Today, Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) attended a press conference calling for an increase in funding for the mental hygiene system in this year’s final budget. The conference was hosted by Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther, chairwoman...

Walsh Welcomes the Unified Military Council to State Capitol

Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I,-Ballston) welcomes members of the Unified Military Affairs Council on Wednesday, March 13.
Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) welcomed members of the Unified Military Affairs Council (UMAC) to the State Capitol on Wednesday, March 13. UMAC is an initiative of the Capital Region Chamber that recognizes the importance of our military...

Walsh Reacts to Assembly One-House Budget

“The Assembly one-house budget priorities are both commendable and detrimental to New York state.  The restoration of much-needed funding to Medicaid— a loss which would have been catastrophic to our Emergency Medical Services, pharmacies...

Walsh Weighs in on New York’s Placement on Federal Education Watch List

On Monday, The Board of Regents learned that New York has been on a federal watch list for failing to properly educate students with disabilities. Regents members are responsible for all educational activities throughout the state, but claim they were...

Walsh Rallies with Highway Employees

Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I,-Ballston) alongside highway workers on Wednesday, March 6.
Today, Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) joined New York highway workers to rally for an increase of funding to the Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS). CHIPS provides state funds to various areas throughout...

Walsh Speaks On the Importance of Library Funding

Today, Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) spoke in support of library funding in New York state at both the New York Library Association Rally and the Assembly Minority’s press conference that outlined this year’s budget priorities....

Walsh Reacts to Failed Amazon Deal

“Amazon’s decision to back out of their deal with New York State clearly demonstrates their desire to work behind closed doors rather than with approval from local stakeholders, organizations and the New York Legislature as a whole. While I...

Walsh Interviews Prospective Board of Regents Members

As the newly-appointed ranking Minority member of the Assembly Committee on Education, Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) participated in the Board of Regents interview process on Tuesday, February 12. The Board of Regents is comprised of...

Walsh Calls To Restore At-Home Care Funding

Today, Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) attended a press conference calling to restore funding to the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP), a statewide Medicaid program that providing alternative ways of receiving at-home...

Walsh Advocates for Funding At Education Budget Hearing

Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) attended Wednesday’s Elementary and Secondary Education Budget Hearing. This is the first year Walsh has served as the Minority Education Ranker. Walsh questioned the state Education Department Commissioner...

Walsh: New Gun Legislation Merely Punishes Responsible Gun Owners

“This legislation would merely make it more difficult for New Yorkers to exercise their constitutional right to bear arms. To solve the problem of gun violence, we should explore alternative options like expanding mental health services and improving...

Walsh Supports Passage of the Child Victims Act

“Today, the New York state Assembly passed the Child Victims Act, a piece of significant legislation that changes the statute of limitations for victims of abuse. While the one year look-back period could be problematic for individuals who have decades-old...

Walsh To Host Drug Take-Back Event In Rexford

       Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I,Ref-Ballston) will host a Prescription Drug Take-back event on Saturday, February 2, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Coburg Village Senior Living in Rexford. Offered in conjunction with the Saratoga County...

Walsh: Dream Act a Nightmare for New York Taxpayers

“While Assembly Majority called the passage of the DREAM Act a success, this is a nightmare for the citizens of New York,” said Walsh. “We are giving illegal immigrants access to taxpayer-funded tuition assistance, when the average student...