Slater: Hudson Valley Lawmakers Demand Representation in Statewide Public Hearings on School Funding

Assemblyman Matt Slater (R,C-Yorktown), along with fellow lawmakers of the Hudson Valley, expressed deep concern over the Hudson Valley’s lack of representation in the statewide public hearings conducted by the Rockefeller Institute regarding the Foundation Aid formula. As critical decisions are made regarding New York’s primary school funding mechanism, Slater insists the unique challenges faced by Hudson Valley communities must be heard and addressed.

The Rockefeller Institute issued a statement regarding the public hearings they will be holding across New York state, however, to Slater’s point, the Hudson Valley region wasn’t included as one of the five locations these hearings will be held.

Slater emphasized necessity of updating outdated metrics such as the Regional Cost Index and Pupil Needs Index to accurately reflect the Hudson Valley’s current economic realities and student needs, as well as, called for the Foundation Aid formula to incorporate the real rate of inflation. Noting that this year’s reduction of the inflation rate in the state budget from 4.1% to 2.8% has significantly limited school districts’ ability to meet current market rates for goods and services.

“As federal and state legislators, as parents and as property taxpayers, we know firsthand the significant challenges facing school districts in our region,” said Slater. “Hudson Valley homeowners pay the nation’s highest property taxes, with school district levies making up nearly 80% of our total tax bill. We cannot allow the unique challenges of the Hudson Valley to go unaddressed in this critical review process.”

The Rockefeller Institute of Government, in conjunction with the State Education Department, will study potential modifications to the Foundation Aid formula and make recommendations by Dec. 1, 2024, by gathering feedback from stakeholders.

*Click here to view the letter sent to President Robert Megna, Rockefeller Institute of Government*