Assemblymember Rodneyse Bichotte Issues Statement on the California Bar Shooting

Brooklyn, NY On November 7, 2018, there was yet another mass shooting at the western dance hall bar, The Borderline Bar and Grill, in Thousand Oaks, California.

"It has been less than two weeks since we have had to cope with the mass shooting at the synagogue in Pittsburgh," said Assemblymember Rodneyse Bichotte. "We cannot settle nor can we accept this as a common way of life in our communities.

In January 2019 my fellow colleagues and I will head back to Albany to begin the next legislative session. I intend to work with others in the Assembly to determine what further measures can be taken to help protect New Yorkers from mass gun violence. The assembly has already made strides of improvement. For example, we have A456, which establishes a waiting period before a firearm maybe delivered to a person. The firearm may only be delivered once a background check system gives a proceed response to the licensee. And we have A9958, which prohibits the possession, manufacture, transport, and disposition of trigger modification devices that increase the firing rate of firearms.

But even with all the progress, there is still more to do about the sale and the use of firearms as in our state there are certain types of guns that can be purchased without a permit. We also need to stop the use and spread of illegal weapons. I intend to use my position to start a conversation to really cement New York State's lead in gun control.

Let me express my deepest condolences to the families of the 12 victims, those who were injured and the members of the Thousand Oak community. The common customers may have looked at The Borderline Bar and Grill as a safe space to commune with their friends and loved ones but now may feel unsafe in their own neighborhood.

It is said that the shooter of last night's incident showed signs that may have attributed to such an action. We all as a community can contribute to end senseless violence. When you notice behavior out of the ordinary, please be vocal about it. Please keep your eyes and ears open.

I would also like to give my support to California Governor-elect Gavin Newsome, who I'm sure will continue the fight for gun control to prevent such tragedies."

Related Links

NY Times - 12 Killed in California Shooting

CNN - Live Updates

NY Magazine - At Least 12 Killed in California Bar Shooting