Hawley to Welcome Western New York Energy to State Capitol

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) along with Senator Rob Ortt will welcome Western New York Energy and CEO Tim Winters to Albany on Wednesday, May 22 as they display their new 2023 Ford Escape plug-in hybrid vehicle in the state Capitol. Representatives from Western New York Energy will speak with members of the public and the state Legislature on the strides being made in renewable energy. Hawley is excited to see the advancement of this technology and is proud to see the Western New York region take the lead on these important innovations.

“Local companies like Western New York Energy are breaking barriers and leading the charge in creating cost-effective and efficient transportation solutions,” said Hawley. “The work Western New York Energy is doing will help reduce emissions, make transportation more environmentally friendly and inspire other companies to do the same. It will be an honor to welcome them to Albany this week and I look forward to seeing the impact their work will have on this industry.”