"The attendance and response at the Second Amendment rally were like nothing I've ever seen during my time in state government," said Hawley. "Between the enthusiasm at the event and the overwhelming response to my petition to repeal the gun control legislation, the people have spoken loud and clear, saying that 'Our rights shall not be infringed!' Democracy was betrayed by the hurried passage of this law, but the grassroots response from law-abiding gun owners continues to be a shining example of democracy in action."

Video of Assemblyman Hawley speaking about the Second Amendment can be found by clicking here or by visiting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0aM_qWCIDI&feature=youtu.be. The petition to repeal the gun control legislation can be found at bit.ly/HawleyPetition or by visiting http://assembly.state.ny.us/mem/Stephen-Hawley/story/50987/.