Assemblyman Steve Stern with leaders from government, labor, and business unveiling the proposal for a Long Island Metropolitan Planning Organization.
Walt Whitman Girls Varsity Basketball Team in the Assembly Chamber with Assemblyman Stern.
Speaker of the Assembly Carl Heastie with the Walt Whitman Girls Varsity Basketball Team and Assemblyman Stern in the Speaker's Lounge.
Assemblyman Steve Stern and Dix Hills Fire District Commissioner Todd Cohen with a sign which reads "Dix Hills FD Thanks NYS Assemblyman Steve Stern For All His Support."
Assemblyman Steve Stern and County Executive Ed Romaine are joined by local elected officials and emergency responders to announce a new package of initiatives from New York State in support of volunteer first responders.
Assemblyman Steve Stern with parents whose children died of fentanyl overdoses.
Assemblyman Steve Stern with Suffolk County District Attorney Raymond A. Tierney.
Assemblyman Steve Stern, joined by elected officials and family members and advocates for victims' rights.