Press Releases

Barclay Joins New York Highway Superintendents at Albany CHIPS Rally

Assemblyman Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref-Pulaski) stands with Senator Patty Ritchie (R-C-I--Ogdensburg) and Assemblyman Mark Walczyk (R,C,I,Ref—Watertown) alongside local highway superintendents at the CHIPS rally held today in the State Capitol.
Today, Assemblyman Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref-Pulaski) joined with local highway superintendents across the state to call on the governor and the Legislature to include much-needed funding in the budget to help repair damaged roads and highways. “Each...

Statement From Assemblyman Will Barclay

“Albany’s new political dynamic is stirring up some old problems. “For the first time, the Legislature and governor failed to reach a consensus on state revenues, instead deferring to the comptroller to determine the available funding...

Barclay Meets with Citi BOCES in Albany

Representatives from Oswego County Citi BOCES recently traveled to Albany to meet with Assemblyman Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref—Pulaski) to discuss career and technical education programs that are offered to students.  “So many of the Citi BOCES’...

Budget Must Keep Middle Class Tax Cut, Fund Local Roads and Libraries

There is a little less than a month before the 2019-20 New York State budget is due.  Last week, I joined some of my Assembly colleagues in Albany to push for priorities we would like to see in the budget.  These priorities include keeping the middle...

Barclay Applauds NY Labor Department On Decision To Put Off Call-In Scheduling Rules

“The decision by the New York State Department of Labor today is a win for small businesses statewide. Without needless call-in scheduling regulations, businesses won’t be burdened by costly new mandates. In recent years, thousands of residents...

Barclay Pushes for Unfunded Mandate Relief at Albany Press Conference

Today, Assemblyman Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref-Pulaski) joined Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,C-Canandaigua) and members of the Assembly Minority Conference at a press conference announcing their 2019-20 budget priorities. Members called on the...

Direct Service Professionals Deserve Better Pay

There are thousands of direct service professionals across the state who work to provide quality care to the elderly, developmentally disabled, and to those struggling with addiction.  Yet with all the responsibility they are given, their wages continue...

Barclay: Cuomo’s So-Called Restoration of Aid for Municipalities is a Falsity

The Executive Budget proposed to cut $59 million in Aid and Incentives for Municipalities (AIM).  In his 30-day amendments, the governor directs counties provide AIM funding to towns and villages with their sales tax collections.  Assemblyman Will...

Barclay Opposes Legislation Prohibiting Firearm Raffles

This week, Assemblyman Will Barclay (R,C,I, Ref---Pulaski) voiced strong opposition to a proposed bill that would prohibit local rod and gun clubs and other organizations from raffling firearms as prizes.  The sponsor of this legislation, in what might...

Small Business Employment Act Would Provide Relief Business Owners Need

New York has a reputation for enacting policies that are punishing to businesses. Over the past three years, business owners have had to absorb onerous mandates such as new fast food wage orders, higher minimum wages, and a paid family leave policy. These...

Barclay: ‘Amazon Deal Is a Reflection On New York’s Business Climate’

“I am disappointed with today’s news that Amazon is not going to locate in New York State.  It is a reflection of the poor business climate in New York State.  Even $3 billion of economic development incentives isn’t enough. Time...

Barclay Meets with Members of Oswego County-City Youth Bureau in Albany

Members of Oswego County-City Youth Bureau recently met with Assemblyman Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref—Pulaski) in Albany.  The Oswego County-City Youth Bureau helps foster leadership skills and opportunities for youth to volunteer in the local community. ...

February is National Heart and ‘Go Red for Women’

February is National Heart Month and a time each year that people “Go Red For Women.” According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease was the number one killer in our state in 2015. Despite efforts to inform the public...

Barclay Attends Health Committee Hearing In Albany

Assemblyman Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref-Pulaski) speaks at Health/Medicaid Hearing on 2/5/19
“This week I attended a Health/Medicaid Budget Hearing in Albany where we discussed single-payer health care in New York state. This proposal would take away control from taxpayers and raise our income taxes by $1,600 per month. It’s critical...

Bill Provides Support for Victims of Child Abuse

After more than a decade, and much discussion, the State Legislature reached a general consensus and passed the Child Victims Act.  The legislation significantly extends the time a child abuse victim can pursue a criminal or civil claim.  These changes...

Barclay: Executive Budget Fails to Address Upstate Concerns

In an attempt to get ahead of the legislature, on January 15th the Governor gave his annual budget address.  In the address, the Governor laid out what most would consider a very liberal agenda.  Sadly, there was nothing in his address that offers...

Primary Dates in New York to be Consolidated

In school, at least when I was a student, one of the first things you learn about American democracy is the importance of voting.  The idea that citizens have the right to be self-governed was the cornerstone political belief of our founding fathers...

Barclay Aims To Make New York More Affordable In 2019

“The Governor’s 2019 State of the State Address laid our numerous proposals for the coming Legislative Session, but I’m troubled by the silence on critical issues that matter to hard-working taxpayers, particularly in Upstate.  Each...

Early Voting Bills Create Unfunded Mandates

“The Assembly Majority passed early voting measures today that, if signed into law, would largely result in unfunded mandates, confusion, and would change our current system when it does not need to be changed.  I voted against these measures. ...

2019 Legislative Priorities

On Wednesday, the State Legislature gaveled in for the first time this year marking the start to the 2019 Legislative Session.  I look forward to this day.  It brings a renewed sense of hope and change for the upcoming year and allows for the opportunity...