Press Releases

Unprecedented Pardons

Over the last week, my office has received several calls regarding Governor Cuomo’s recent “conditional” pardons of more than 24,000 convicted felons who are currently on parole. The calls were prompted because it became known that at least 77...

Property Taxes, Public Trust, Education Among People’s Top Concerns

People are concerned about the direction our state is headed. We have some of the highest property taxes in the U.S., a sluggish economy, and an onslaught of corruption cases and other scandals involving taxpayer dollars. The following are some questions...

Harborfest Director Presents Barclay with Framed 2018 Event Poster

Assemblyman Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref-Pulaski) was recently presented with a framed copy of the winning poster from Harborfest’s annual poster contest by festival Executive Director Peter Myles. Kristen Skinner, a senior at Oswego High School, designed...

Summer In Upstate New York

As we delve into July, it’s the perfect time for local residents and visitors to take part in the many sights, events and activities in our area. It’s been an honor to represent a district defined by its beautiful landmarks, its welcoming community...

Opportunity Zones Provide Chance to Increase Private Investment

Some good news was recently announced that hopefully will help spur private investments in communities that traditionally have had difficulty attracting business investment. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 created an economic development tool known...

Legislation Passes Assembly, Senate to Add Lake Neatahwanta to List of Inland Waterways

Assemblyman Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref-Pulaski) announced today that legislation to add Lake Neatahwanta to the state’s list of inland waterways passed the Assembly. The legislation also adds the Oswego River to the list of inland waterways. Barclay...

Legislature Passes Drug Take Back Bill

At times, a person’s struggle with drug addiction starts with access to unused medication in a home medicine cabinet. In order to help prevent this pathway to addiction and also help the environment, this session the State Legislature passed a measure...

The Session of Missed Opportunities

The 2018 session has officially ended in Albany. Unfortunately, much of the dialogue in Albany was spent focused on President Trump instead of seizing the opportunities to improve New York. Even before session began, the Governor claimed New York...

Barclay Announces Summer Reading Challenge

Assemblyman Will Barclay (R,C,I,ref-Pulaski) today invited children to participate in this year’s Assembly Summer Reading Challenge. Students who read at least 15 minutes per day for 40 days this summer and send completed reading challenge forms into...

Barclay Thanks Fire Fighter Sean O’Gorman for Brave Act

Photo as described in caption
Assemblyman Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref-Pulaski) recently presented Oswego Fire Fighter Sean O’Gorman with an Assembly Resolution in recognition of his quick thinking and heroic actions. While on vacation with his family in North Carolina’s Emerald...

Oswego Canal Provided Vital Trade Link; National Designations Preserve Heritage

The Erie Canal was an engineering marvel. Built in 1817, it was the longest artificial waterway and one of the greatest public works projects in its day. The expansive project took about 8 years to complete and stretched 339 miles from Waterford, near...

Local Artists, Organizations Benefit From State Art Grants

In a recent legislative district survey, respondents noted that one of our area’s strengths is its cultural events and historical sites. I happen to agree with them. We are fortunate to have organizations throughout our communities that work to preserve...

ACCES-VR Works to Help Remove Barriers, Enrich Lives for Those Living with Disabilities

Legislative Disabilities Awareness Day was held last week by the State Assembly. The day highlights both the issues and the accomplishments of advocates, families, and individuals with special needs across our state. As part of the awareness day, more...

The Price of Freedom

During World War I, American women wore a black arm band that featured a blue star around their left arm to show they had family serving their country. As the war progressed and, sadly, more and more soldiers died in combat, families sought to show their...

After Another Scandal, Legislature Required To Fill Attorney General Vacancy

Just when you think things can’t get worse, they do. This month, Albany was hit with yet another scandal when Attorney General Eric Schneiderman resigned only hours after it was reported that several women had made accusations that he had been physically...

Depriving Youth Access to Target Sports is Nonsensical

A bill was recently put forward by a Manhattan lawmaker that, if passed and signed by the Governor, would do away with marksmanship, archery, and shooting programs in New York state schools. The bill would also ban gun safety classes on school grounds...

Barclay Appointed to Panel to Select Next Attorney General

Assemblyman Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref—Pulaski) released the following statement today after he was appointed to a panel that will assist in selecting the next Attorney General. Pursuant to the State Constitution, the vacancy must be filled by the State...

Laree’s Law Would Enhance Penalties for Drug Dealers

The heroin and opioid crisis has touched countless lives and ravaged families throughout the country. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 60,000 people died of a drug overdose in the U.S. in 2016–five times higher...

Route 3 Repaving Scheduled

Assemblyman Will Barclay (R,C,I—Pulaski) released the following statement today after the Governor announced the area's state routes that will be improved this construction season following the harsh winter. "I am happy to learn the DOT heard our...

Bill Banning High School Clay Target Leagues, Archery and Air Rifle Sport Nonsensical

Last week, legislation was introduced by a New York City Assembly member that would ban public schools from offering marksmanship, archery or shooting programs in school or as extracurricular activities. The bill, Assembly Bill 10428, also impacts instruction...