Rushed Gun Measure Does Little To Protect Families From Real Threats

Statement on gun control bill from Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River)

“Undoubtedly, all of us are searching for understanding in the aftermath of the heartbreaking tragedies in Newtown, Connecticut and Webster, New York, and we are looking for ways to offer security for our families and loved ones in a seemingly disconnected and dangerous world. Gun violence, however, will not be solved with bans and restrictions that can be easily circumvented by motivated criminals.

“Everything about this bill, especially how it was brought to us for a vote by Gov. Cuomo’s Message of Necessity, smacks of ‘old Albany,’ where secretive deals are hashed out between ‘three men in a room.’ We were given little time to review this rushed and flawed bill, and the public wasn’t afforded the opportunity to weigh in on this legislation. Due to the haste in which this bill was forced through the legislature, we’ve discovered errors, like how it would be illegal for law enforcement to enter school grounds with a firearm. Such egregious errors will require the governor to submit Chapter Amendments to correct them.

“This matter is too important to rush through without careful consideration. Again, I am reminded of my great responsibility to uphold the rights outlined in our Constitution and to act cautiously in these matters.”