Test Scores Show Common Core Implementation Was Too Rushed

Statement from Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) on the Common Core test results

“I have said this over and over: I fully support increasing the quality and rigorousness of our children’s education, but the roll out of Common Core, which was meant to increase standards, was far too rushed. The state did not provide enough support for schools, teachers, and, in turn, our students. It is no wonder why English and math test results were low. To say that the schools in the North Country are underperforming dismisses the bigger issue of continuous lack of funding in state aid to our local schools and the minimal support from the State Education Department. I held a forum on public education in the district, and the people involved in our schools overwhelmingly asked for support from the state, more input in the curriculum and standards, and better training for teachers. We need to pause and evaluate what Common Core, with such a lack of institutional support for our schools, is really doing to our children and schools.”