Stop Taking Small Business To The Cleaners, Make NY Tax-Free

I’ve devoted a significant portion of my life to my family’s dry cleaning business, so it pleased me to see the underdogs from less politically flashy industries get credit on the editorial page. “Here’s to the Dry Cleaner” hit Tax-Free NY right on the head.

With Tax-Free NY Gov. Cuomo establishes in-state tax shelters for his preferred businesses to set up shop at state and private colleges across New York. The problem with this plan is that Mom-and-Pop stores don’t have lobbyists in thousand-dollar suits pitching ideas to the governor. We DO have grit, determination, and a desire to live the American Dream.

Instead of creating a two-tier business society where those who can afford lobbyists swoop in and take advantage of our laws, why not help the people who really need it? The answer isn’t in focus-group-tested names, ribbon cutting ceremonies, and campaign donations. The answer is simple. Embrace free market ideology in its entirety and give everyone with a dream a shot to succeed. Let’s make the American Dream a reality for everyone.