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A04667 Summary:

COSPNSRZinerman, Otis, Seawright, Gallagher, Steck, Dickens, Jean-Pierre, Raga, Hyndman, Rosenthal L
Amd 624, Gen Bus L
Requires health clubs accept cancellation of a membership within ten business days of receiving notice of the cancellation.
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A04667 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                                                                Cal. No. 129
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 21, 2023
          Sponsored  by  --  M.  of  A.  SIMON  -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Consumer Affairs and Protection -- committee  discharged,
          bill  amended,  ordered  reprinted  as amended and recommitted to said
          committee  --  ordered  to  a  third  reading,  amended  and   ordered
          reprinted, retaining its place on the order of third reading
        AN  ACT  to amend the general business law, in relation to the cancella-
          tion of a health club contract
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1.  Section 624 of the general business law, as added by chap-
     2  ter 630 of the laws of 1978, is amended to read as follows:
     3    §  624.  Rights  of  cancellation of contracts for services. 1.  Every
     4  contract for services at a planned health club or a  health  club  under
     5  construction shall, at the option of the buyer, be voidable in the event
     6  that  the  health  club and the services to be provided pursuant to such
     7  contract are not available within one year from the date the contract is
     8  executed by the buyer.
     9    2. Every contract for services shall provide that such contract may be
    10  cancelled within three business days after the date of  receipt  by  the
    11  buyer of a copy of the written contract. Notice of cancellation shall be
    12  delivered  by [certified or registered] United States mail or electronic
    13  mail at the address or e-mail address specified in  the  contract.  Such
    14  contract  shall  contain  the following written notice in at least [ten]
    15  twelve point bold type: CONSUMERS RIGHT TO CANCELLATION. YOU MAY  CANCEL
    17  BUSINESS DAYS FROM THIS DATE . . . . . . Notice of cancellation shall be
    18  in  writing  subscribed by the buyer and mailed by [registered or certi-
    19  fied] United States mail or electronic mail to the seller at the address
    20  or e-mail address specified in such form. Such notice shall be  accompa-
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4667--B                          2
     1  nied  by the contract forms, membership cards and any other documents or
     2  evidence of membership previously delivered to the buyer.    All  moneys
     3  paid  pursuant  to  such contract shall be refunded within [fifteen] ten
     4  business  days  of receipt of such notice of cancellation.  If the buyer
     5  has executed any credit or loan agreement to pay  for  all  or  part  of
     6  health  club  services,  any  such negotiable instrument executed by the
     7  buyer shall also be returned within [fifteen] ten business days.
     8    3. (a) Every contract for services shall provide that after such three
     9  business day period for cancellation as provided in subdivision  two  of
    10  this  section,  the buyer's estate may cancel a contract for services if
    11  the buyer dies. The buyer may also cancel after three business  days  if
    12  the  buyer  becomes  significantly  physically  disabled for a period in
    13  excess of [six] three months,  or  moves  [his]  their  residence  to  a
    14  location  more than twenty-five miles from a health club operated by the
    15  seller, or after the services are no longer available  or  substantially
    16  available  as provided in the contract because of the seller's permanent
    17  discontinuance of operation or substantial change in operation.  Nothing
    18  contained  herein shall restrict or prohibit the seller from offering or
    19  providing in such contract additional or broader reasons  for  cancella-
    20  tion.  The  seller  may  require  reasonable evidence for a cancellation
    21  pursuant to this subdivision.
    22    (b) Such contract shall contain the following notice captioned  in  at
    23  least [ten] twelve point bold type:
    25    You may also cancel this contract for any of the following reasons:
    26    If  upon  a doctor's order, you cannot physically receive the services
    27  because of significant physical disability for a  period  in  excess  of
    28  [six] three months.
    29    If  you  die,  your estate shall be relieved of any further obligation
    30  for payment under the contract not then due and owing.
    31    If you move your residence more than twenty-five miles from any health
    32  club operated by seller.
    33    If the services cease to be offered as stated in the contract.
    34    (c) All moneys paid  pursuant  to  such  contract  cancelled  for  the
    35  reasons contained in this subdivision shall be refunded within [fifteen]
    36  ten  business  days  of receipt of such notice of cancellation; provided
    37  however that the seller may retain the expenses incurred and the portion
    38  of the total price representing the  services  used  or  completed,  and
    39  further provided that the seller may demand the reasonable cost of goods
    40  and  services  which  the  buyer  has consumed or wishes to retain after
    41  cancellation of the contract. In no instance  shall  the  seller  demand
    42  more  than  the  full  contract  price  from the buyer. If the buyer has
    43  executed any credit or loan agreement to pay for all or part  of  health
    44  club  services,  any  such  negotiable  instrument executed by the buyer
    45  shall also be returned within [fifteen] ten business days.
    46    4. (a) Every contract for services shall provide that such health club
    47  shall accept cancellation of a membership by the buyer  or  the  buyer's
    48  estate,  as  provided in this section, no later than three business days
    49  after receiving notice of the cancellation.
    50    (b) Where a contract for services is due  for  renewal  on  an  annual
    51  basis,  such  contract for services following the initial contract shall
    52  provide that such health club shall accept cancellation of renewal of  a
    53  membership, by the buyer or the buyer's estate, provided such request is
    54  made within fifteen business days after such renewal takes effect. Where
    55  a  contract  for  service  is  due  for renewal on a monthly basis, such
    56  contract for services following the initial contract shall provide  that

        A. 4667--B                          3
     1  such  health  club  shall  accept  cancellation  of renewal of a monthly
     2  membership, by the buyer or the buyer's estate provided such request  is
     3  made within three business days after such renewal takes effect.
     4    (c)  Such health club shall accept notice of cancellation of a member-
     5  ship through methods including, but not limited to, website,  electronic
     6  mail, telephone, mail, or in person.
     7    (d)  If  a  health  club  allows  a buyer to enter into a contract for
     8  services through a website, such health club shall accept  a  notice  of
     9  cancellation  of  such  contract through such website in addition to the
    10  methods provided pursuant to paragraph (c) of this subdivision.
    11    § 2. This act shall take effect on the ninetieth day  after  it  shall
    12  have become a law.
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