Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara Proposes Lower Speed Limits When Passing Ice Cream Trucks to Keep Kids Safe

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara has introduced a new bill to make drivers slow down when passing ice cream trucks that are parked or stopped and serving customers, which are often children. This legislation aims to keep kids safe while they buy ice cream in their neighborhoods from visiting ice cream trucks. The proposal is timely, as this summer has seen record-breaking temperatures, making visits by ice cream trucks very popular in our communities.

Under the proposed law, drivers must reduce their speed to 15 mph, the same speed limit as in school zones, when approaching an ice cream truck that is stopped and parked on the side of the road while serving customers.

"Some of children’s best memories are of hearing the ice cream truck's jingle and running out to get a treat. It's a part of childhood that every kid should enjoy safely," said Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara. "With summer here and families out enjoying ice cream, this legislation will help keep children safe."

Key Points of the Legislation:

  • Drivers must slow down to 15 mph when they are near an ice cream truck that is stopped and parked on the side of the road while serving customers.
  • This measure helps keep kids safe when they are crossing the street to get to the ice cream truck.
  • The speed limit reduction aligns with school zone speed limits, making it easier for drivers to remember and follow.

"As a father, I know how important it is to keep our children safe. By lowering the speed limit near ice cream trucks, we are helping to prevent accidents and ensuring kids can enjoy these happy moments safely," Assemblyman Santabarbara added.

This legislation demonstrates our commitment to the safety and well-being of children and families, while also preserving this joyful experience of childhood.