Albany, NY – Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,C-New Hartford), the Ranking Minority Member of the Assembly Committee on Transportation, participated in today’s joint Assembly and Senate Transportation Budget Hearing.
Pictured from left to right are Certified NYSBDC Business Advisor Michelle Catan, Oneonta Mayor Mark Drnek, Sen. Peter Oberacker, State Director for the New York Small Business Development Center (NYSBDC) Sonya Smith, Owner of Yak's Youth Center Heather Boxill-Yakalis, Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,C-New Hartford) and President & CEO of The Otsego County Chamber of Commerce Sean Lewis.
Pictured above is Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,C-New Hartford) with his colleagues advocating for increased public safety across New York in Albany on Wednesday, April 3, 2024.
Pictured above is Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,C-New Hartford) at the check presentation ceremony for the Town of Richfield.
Pictured above is Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,C-New Hartford) with Gov. Kathy Hochul, Town of Lenox Supervisor and Chair of the Madison County Board John Pinard and Village of Canastota Mayor Rosanne Warner.
Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,C-New Hartford) discussing
A.6144-A, which helps Vernon Downs in keeping nearly 300 jobs in place, during session on Friday, June 9, 2023.
Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,C-New Hartford) joined a bipartisan group of legislators calling for the passage of Melanie’s Law, which would extend orders of protection to all household members, at a press conference in the State Capitol on Wednesday, May 24, 2023.
Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,C-New Hartford) celebrating New York dairy at the Annual Dairy Day event at the State Capital on May 23, 2023.
Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,C-New Hartford) joined a bipartisan group of legislators and correctional officers who have been victims of sexual harassment and abuse by inmates calling for stronger laws against the crimes at the State Capitol on May 9, 2023.
Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,C-New Hartford) joins his Assembly Minority colleagues to call for reforms to the Raise the Age law at a press conference at the State Capitol on Thursday, March 23, 2023.
Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,C-New Hartford) (center) with Fred Wickham (left) and James Cheyne, Town of Marcy Highway Superintendent (right) at the “Local Roads Are Essential” rally at the State Capitol in Albany on March 8, 2023.
Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,C-New Hartford) speaking about his Resolution declaring March as Pure New York State Maple Month in the Assembly on March 1, 2023.
Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,C-New Hartford) delivering Valentine’s Day cards made by elementary students throughout the 122nd Assembly District to area seniors.
Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,C-New Hartford) speaks with students at the Future Farmers of America breakfast in Albany on February 7, 2023.
Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,C-New Hartford) visits the newly restored Bisby Hall in the Village of West Winfield with Mayor James Thompson and other officials on August 22, 2022. Miller secured a State and Municipal (SAM) Facilities Grant award to help with the repair of the historic building.
On August 8, 2022, Assembly Brian Miller joined other legislators, farmers and other agriculture advocates in calling for action to be taken to protect farmers from the negative impact of a change to the farmworker overtime threshold. Speaking is Sen. Peter Oberacker.
Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,C-New Hartford) awarded $15,000 to the New Hartford Public Library and another $10,000 to the Clayville Library. A ceremonial check was presented to New Hartford Librarians on July 5, 2022.
Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,C,I-New Hartford), other legislative colleagues, dairy farmers and nutritionists gather to urge for the passage of
A.9990, which would allow schools to purchase whole and 2% milk from local dairy producers, at a press conference on May 31, 2022.
The New Hartford High School Girls Varsity Soccer Team who captured the 2021 NYSPHSAA Soccer Class A Championship in November 2021. Members of the team include Savannah Cole, Abby O'Connor, Sophia Vitullo, Grace Serafin, Katelynn Truax, Alex Volo, Meghan Kolb, Mia Roberts, Amanda Graziano, Talia Vitullo, Kacey Richards, Caroline Sekula, Willa Pratt, Carina Wu, Anna Rayhill, Biddie Clive, Makenzie Desmarais, Erin Cahill, Olivia Vitullo, Allison Falvo and Natalie Smith. The head coach of the team is Frank DuRoss Jr., while Rich Dobrodziej, Bethany Truax and Peyton LaReaux serve as assistant coaches.
Grayson Gall, an eighth-grader at New Hartford Central School, who won the 2022NYSPHSAA Girls Gymnastics All Around Championship in March. Gall was coached by Danielle Cerminaro.
Charles Tibbitts, a Sauquoit Valley Central School senior who, while wrestling for New Hartford Central School, captured the 285-pound Division I wrestling title at the NYSPHSAA Wrestling Championships in February. Dave Caruso was Tibbitts’ coach.
Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C-New Hartford) joined Sen. Dan Stec (R,C-Queensbury), their colleagues and officials from the New York State Corrections Officers Police Benevolent Association (NYSCOPBA) in calling to restore the use of special housing units in prisons on May 24, 2022.
(Left to right) Ray Pucci, president of the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce, Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C-New Hartford), Valerie Nichols and Ken Prestidge receiving the New York State Business Preservation Registry distinction on May 12, 2022.
Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C-New Hartford) presented Ed Jones with the New York State Business Preservation Registry distinction April 22, 2022.
Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C-New Hartford) joined home care workers and advocates in the State Capitol urging an increase in pay for these workers in the 2022-23 State Budget on March 29, 2022.
Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C-New Hartford) with Ed Welsh, CABVI CEO and Jim Turnbull, CABVI Board Chair with the CABVI Champion Award Miller received.
Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C,Ref-New Hartford) recently helped out at a drive-through food drive held at Herkimer County Community College that provided 4,000 gallons of free milk and 48,000 other essential food products to local residents in need.
Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C,Ref-New Hartford) recently delivered free hand sanitizer to local libraries in Delaware County, including the Andes Public Library, on July 29, 2020 (pictured above).
Pictured above: Assemblyman Brian Miller presents a state Assembly Proclamation in honor of the Town of Andes bicentennial to Town Supervisor Wayland Bud Gladstone and Town Clerk Kimberly A. Tosi.
Pictured above: Assemblyman Brian Miller (far left) presents a citation to Eagle Scout Gage Kilborne on July 30, 2019 in New Hartford. Also pictured are his parents, Tammy and Carl Kilborne.
Assemblyman Brian Miller (left) poses with his 2019 Legislative Intern, Michael Howard, from Clinton, New York in the State Assembly Chamber in Albany on May 8, 2019.
Assemblyman Brian Miller (third from right) rallies with Assembly members and direct care advocates at the state Capitol on March 25, 2019.
On March 6, 2019, Assemblyman Brian Miller, Joshua Ellis, and Joshs mom, Vickie Ellis, pose next to Joshs collage, Relief Mask, now on display in the Legislative Office Building in Albany.
On March 6, 2019, Assemblyman Brian Miller and Demian Martinez Genis pose next to Martinezs pencil drawing, Sneaker, now on display in the Legislative Office Building in Albany.
Assemblyman Brian Miller rallies for increased funding for local roads and bridges with highway superintendents from across the state on March 6, 2019 in Albany.