Press Releases

Miller Pushes to Remove Mask Mandate for Minors

Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C-New Hartford) joined colleagues from the Assembly Minority for a press conference on Wednesday, June 9 to introduce legislation which would prohibit state agencies from requiring children under the age of 18 and asymptomatic,...

Miller: Executive Orders on Restaurants Finally Lifted

“While I am thrilled to see the executive orders on restaurants being lifted, it is a shame it took so long to do so. The Assembly Majority has finally joined us to pass a resolution repealing the requirement to purchase food with alcohol and the governor...

Miller Thoughts on 2021-2022 Budget

One of my biggest concerns with the recently passed budget was the enormous number of tax hikes despite the fact that we received over $23 billion in federal aid. In my opinion, there was no need for this or budget cuts, as the federal aid helped us close...

Miller Concerned with Tax Hikes in Budget

“While this budget has some good in it, such as more money for our roads, bridges and schools, there is also a lot of bad in it. I am highly concerned about the tax increase the Assembly Majority is pushing, considering we are still amid a global pandemic...

Miller Appointed To Lead Agenda For Assembly Minority Conference

Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C-New Hartford) has been appointed by Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C,I-Pulaski) to serve in the Conference’s leadership as the Vice-Chair of the Steering Committee. Through this position, Miller will take on...

Statement From Assemblyman Brian Miller

“The governor’s budget address gave no clarity on our state’s financial outlook. There was no financial plan, no direction to move our state forward. We have two terrible scenarios ahead, which we anticipated. New York needs to be prepared for the...

Statement From Assemblyman Brian Miller

“Until New York knows if and how much federal aid we may receive, it will be nearly impossible to put together a clear fiscal plan for our state; however, our priorities should focus on public health and rebuilding our economy. Toward both of those...

Miller Helps with Local Food Drive

B Miller Helps with Local Food Drive PHOTO
Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C,Ref-New Hartford) recently helped at a drive-through food drive held at Herkimer County Community College that provided 4,000 gallons of free milk and 48,000 other essential food products to local residents in need. Miller...

Miller Distributes Hand Sanitizer to Local Libraries

B. Miller Distributes Hand Sanitizer To Local Libraries PHOTO
Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C,Ref-New Hartford) recently delivered free hand sanitizer to local libraries in Delaware County, including the Andes Public Library, on July 29, 2020 (pictured above). He also made deliveries to the Cannon Free Library in...

Assemblyman Miller Delivering Words of Hope and Hand Sanitizer in 101st Assembly District

After his long bout with COVID-19 Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C-New Hartford) is back out in the district hearing the concerns of constituents and delivering hand sanitizer to help keep residents safe and healthy. “While I was still recovering,...

Statement From Assemblyman Brian Miller

“I am happy to announce that I have moved out of the intensive care unit (ICU) and will prepare to begin the next phase of healing and recovery. “There are no words to express the amount of appreciation I have for the professionals at Mohawk...

Miller Statement on Remington Arms

“As New Yorkers come to face the new realities of life impacted by the coronavirus head-on, I am encouraged by the outpouring of support and generosity of so many in our community looking after their neighbors, supporting their local economy, or...

Miller and Colleagues Announce "Small Business Emergency Recovery Act of 2020”

Amid the closings of small businesses everywhere, due to social distancing protocols, Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C,Ref-New Hartford) and Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref-Pulaski), along with other state legislators from all corners...

Miller Calls for Increase in CHIPS Funding

WATCH THE VIDEO: “As the state representative of a district that covers seven counties, I have driven across roads from the Mohawk Valley to Orange County. The state needs to make an investment in improving our roads...

Miller: NYS Should Cooperate When Public Safety Is On The Line

“It is an alarming message New York state is sending by not being willing to cooperate with federal law enforcement agencies, like homeland security, if or when there are reasons for concern. Having personally met with these agencies, I have been...

Miller: Repeal Bail “Reforms” Before More Lives Lost

WATCH THE VIDEO: Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C,Ref-New Hartford) joined Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C,I-Pulaski) and members of the Assembly Minority Conference, law enforcement officials and the families of...

Miller On 2020 State Of The State

“There is no shortage of challenges facing the people of our state right now, and what we need this session is swift and well-thought-out action to solve the very real and dangerous problems at play. We must immediately address glaring issues with...

Winter Is On Its Way: How To Stay Safe

Across our state we are seeing more extreme weather year after year. In an effort to help you stay warmer and safer this winter, I hope you will find the following tips informative and take action now to keep yourself and your loved ones protected from...

Miller Cautions NYers to Beware Harmful Algal Blooms

Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C,Ref-New Hartford) would like to caution New Yorkers, particularly those who own dogs, about harmful algal blooms (HABs) which have appeared on water bodies across the nation and are causing illness and death in dogs after...

Miller on Cuomo’s Proposal, Hate in America

“Our country is being run into the ground by hatred. There is no place in this state, this country, or this world, for that. I don’t care where it comes from or what the person who perpetrates a hate crime looks like or believes in: there is...