Governor Signs Flood Relief Package Championed by Lupardo
Dec 9, 2011
Binghamton – Governor Andrew Cuomo signed in to law a flood relief package that consisting of a number of initiatives led by Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell). Included in the legislation is property tax relief, grants to municipalities and school...
Lupardo Proposals Included in Final Flood Relief Package Will Provide Property Tax Relief and Help Southern Tier Businesses
Dec 7, 2011
Albany – A number of initiatives led by Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) were included in a flood relief package that is expected to pass in both the state Senate and Assembly today. The 2 omnibus bills incorporate property tax relief, grants...
Lupardo Insists That Package of Flood Relief Bills Be Considered for Potential Special Session This Week
Dec 5, 2011
Binghamton – Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) is pushing a package of flood relief bills for consideration at a potential special session of the New York State Legislature later this week. In October, Lupardo introduced four bills to help the...
New BU Building Brings Promise and Opportunity to Students, Businesses and Community
Nov 15, 2011
A new Engineering and Science Building at Binghamton University is poised to give BU and the Southern Tier a leg up on the competition. Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) joined other leaders from the community and university for the official grand...
Lupardo Introduces Package of Flood Relief Bills
Nov 9, 2011
Binghamton – Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) was joined by Broome County Executive Patrick Brennan and Binghamton City School District Superintendent Peggy Wozniak at a news conference to announce the introduction of four bills in response to...
Award Recognizes Project at Greater Binghamton Airport
Nov 9, 2011
Binghamton – Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) and Broome County Executive Patrick Brennan (D-Binghamton) recognized the Greater Binghamton Airport and McFarland Johnson for receiving the 2011 Phil Brito Project of the Year Award from the New...
Lupardo presents resolution commemorating the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy
Oct 11, 2011
(BINGHAMTON, NY) – Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) presented representatives from local Italian-American associations with a New York State Resolution commemorating the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy during the Italian flag raising...
EPA study on TCE makes the case for Lupardo bill
Sep 30, 2011
(BINGHAMTON, NY) – A health assessment on trichloroethylene (TCE) released by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) earlier this week finds that the chemical causes cancer, among several other health risks. Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell)...
Lupardo Reminds Public of DEC’s 24-Hour Spill Hotline
Sep 21, 2011
Binghamton – Because of the recent flooding, constituents have reported concerns with chemical or oil spills that they have observed. Instead of trying to clean up potential problems themselves, Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) is reminding the...
Statement on Broadband in New York
Sep 16, 2011
Broadband infrastructure is essential to growing an innovation-based economy and responding to natural disasters, among other things. New York State has made steady gains in terms of improving broadband availability and connectivity speeds. However, more...
Cuomo Signs “Complete Streets” Bill Co-Sponsored By Lupardo
Aug 17, 2011
Binghamton – No matter if you decide to take the car, bike or just walk, a new law cosponsored by Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) will help make roadways in New York State safer for all users. Earlier this week, Governor Cuomo announced that...
Statement on NYSUNY 2020 Bill Signing
Aug 9, 2011
The NYSUNY 2020 plan recognizes how important SUNY is to our state’s future. This is a great opportunity for Binghamton University, one of SUNY’s premier universities, to expand their academic success and cutting-edge research and development efforts....
Statement on DiNapoli’s Plan for Drilling Accidents
Aug 9, 2011
Given the level of concern about the environmental risks associated with drilling, I am glad Comptroller DiNapoli has proposed this legislation. It will provide a much needed sense of security by ensuring that the industry is held accountable.
Statement on “Land Bank” Bill Signed by Gov. Cuomo
Jul 29, 2011
Municipalities must step up and bear the costs when abandoned properties become a threat to public health and safety. Land banks have proven to be effective tools in other states. This new law will help revitalize communities by making neighborhoods more...
Statement on Regional Economic Development Councils
Jul 27, 2011
Requiring regional collaboration based on strengths is a smart, strategic approach to economic development. It also streamlines the application process for state resources, which has been long overdue. All of the various stakeholders will need to work...
Governor Signs Lupardo Bill to Protect Centers of Excellence
Jul 22, 2011
Binghamton – Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) announced today that Governor Cuomo has signed in to law (Ch. 162 of 2011) a bill she authored to protect the Centers of Excellence Program. The bill (A.6320-C/S.5223-B) passed unanimously in the...
Lupardo Announces Passage of “Complete Streets” Bill
Jul 7, 2011
Binghamton – Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) announced today that both the state Senate and Assembly passed the “Complete Streets” bill (A.8366) she cosponsored. She was joined by representatives of AARP, the Broome County Strategic Alliance...
Statement on Appointment to High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing Advisory Panel
Jul 1, 2011
I have been asked to join a distinguished group of advocates on this important advisory panel. The Department of Environmental Conservation is moving toward establishing the strictest rules and regulations governing the extraction of natural gas in the...
Lupardo Bill Would Protect BU Center of Excellence
Jun 29, 2011
Binghamton – Legislation authored by Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) to protect Binghamton University’s Center of Excellence is one step away from becoming law. The bill (A.6320-C/S.5223-B) passed unanimously in the state Senate and Assembly...
Statement in Support of Marriage Equality Act
Jun 15, 2011
As one of the sponsors of the Marriage Equality Act (A.8354) in the Assembly, I strongly believe that this is an issue of equality and justice. Over the years, I have observed the uncertainty and anxiety that same-sex couples and families with children...