Press Releases

Lupardo & Bertoni Announce Plans for Dedication of The Stage at Little Italy

Today, Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) was joined by Mayor John Bertoni (D-Endicott) from the Village of Endicott and others for a press conference to announce the program for the Dedication of The Stage at Little Italy. The ceremony is scheduled...

Lupardo Warns That Governor Paterson’s Withholding of Construction Funds Puts Local Jobs and Projects at Risk

Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) today denounced Governor David Paterson’s exclusion of payments for road and other capital projects in his emergency appropriations legislation, breaking almost 500 contracts statewide. The governor froze construction...

Lupardo and Crouch to Host Forum on Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal for Health Facilities

Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) and Assemblyman Clifford W. Crouch (R,I-Guilford) announced today that they would be jointly sponsoring a forum to discuss proper and safe ways for Southern Tier Health Facilities to dispose of pharmaceutical waste....

Lupardo Calls for Mandate Relief Discussion in Budget Negotiations

According to Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell), mandate relief must be an integral part of budget negotiations. “The economic crisis we are facing provides us with the opportunity to address specific mandate relief requests from educators, health...

Public Authorities Reform Bill Will Bring Oversight and Accountability to State Government

Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) announced the Assembly passed legislation she cosponsored to enact sweeping public authorities reform, stepping up accountability and shedding new light on the more than 700 public authorities operating with startling...

Reducing High-Priced Consultants Slated to Save Over $50 Million This Year, Making Government More Efficient

Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) announced the Assembly passed legislation (A.40011) she cosponsored to reform the way the state handles information technology procurement. The measure is slated to save the state over $50 million this year and...

Assembly Passes Legislation Establishing Clean Energy Municipal Loan Program

Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) announced today the passage of a bill (A.40004) she cosponsored to improve New York's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by promoting energy efficiency in homes and businesses throughout the state. The legislation...

Assemblywoman Lupardo Invited to Attend “Invest in New York” Trade Mission to China

Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) announced today that she was invited to attend the 2009 “Invest in New York” trade mission to China. The trip is organized by the Asian American Business Development Center (AABDC) and the New York in China...

Lupardo Secures Grant for Broome County Head Start

Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) visited Broome County Head Start today to tour the facility and see the recent upgrades. Lupardo secured a $50,000 legislative grant for upgrades to the Endicott Children’s Center, located at 1604 Union Center...

Governor Signs Amended Version of State Green Building Construction Act Authored by Lupardo

Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) announced today that Governor David Paterson signed an amended version of the State Green Building Construction Act (A.7246-B/S.5779), which she authored. The changes transfer the authority to develop green building...

Lupardo Unveils Plans for “The Stage at Little Italy” During 3rd Annual Gusto! Celebration in Endicott

Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) unveiled the plans for “The Stage at Little Italy,” during the 3rd annual Gusto! celebration in Endicott on Friday, August 21, 2009. She was joined by Village of Endicott Mayor John Bertoni and Jon Sarra, Co-President...

Governor Signs Legislation Introduced by Lupardo to Create the Binghamton Energy Efficiency (Be2) Loan Program

Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) announced today that Governor David Paterson recently signed legislation (Chapter 344 of 2009) she introduced at the request of the City of Binghamton to create the Binghamton Energy Efficiency (Be2) Loan Program....

Lupardo and New York State Division of Veterans’ Affairs Host Conference on "Veteran Friendly Campuses"

Governor Signs Historic Property Tax Credit Legislation Co-Sponsored By Lupardo

Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) announced today that Governor David Paterson signed into law legislation she co-sponsored to improve the State’s Historic Preservation Tax Credit. This will expand New York's first-ever rehabilitation tax credit...

Assemblywoman Lupardo & County Executive Fiala Announce Public Patio Added to Courthouse Plaza

Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) was joined by County Executive Barbara Fiala to announce the addition of a Public Patio, with tables, benches and planters to Courthouse Plaza. The Broome County Planning Department designed the space with wheelchair...

Lupardo Elected First Vice-Chair of the Legislative Women’s Caucus

Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) announced today that she was elected First Vice-Chair of the Legislative Women’s Caucus. The Caucus is an organization of women elected to the New York State Legislature. Today, 52 women serve in both the Assembly...

Lupardo Serves As Assembly’s “Speaker” For the Day

Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) announced today that she was asked by the Assembly’s leadership to serve as Speaker Pro Tempore on Wednesday, June 17, 2009. The post has been temporarily vacant since its last occupant, former Assemblywoman Aurelia...

Assembly Unanimously Passes Natural Gas Advisory Board Bill Authored By Lupardo

Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) announced today that the Assembly unanimously passed (147-0) legislation she authored to re-invigorate the defunct New York State Oil, Natural Gas and Solution Mining Advisory Board. The board will provide assistance,...

Assembly to Recognize Women Veterans at Capitol

Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell), Chair of the Subcommittee on Women Veterans, is inviting women veterans from across New York State to join her for lunch and a ceremony in Albany on Monday, June 8, 2009. There will be a luncheon for women veterans...

Lupardo Organizes Briefing to Discuss How the Federal Economic Stimulus Package Advances “Green Jobs”

Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) convened a “green economy briefing” today as a follow-up to her Green Economy Summit last year. This year’s briefing was attended by over 60 local business and community leaders and focused on how the federal...