Brabenec Fights For Property Tax Rebate

Assemblyman Brabenec Wants To Give $500 Rebates To All Homeowners

Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) is advocating for a plan that would give homeowners in New York State an extra $500 in property tax rebates this year. The state has received an extra $610 million from a settlement in a recent bank lawsuit, and Brabenec’s plan ties this money directly to the New York State School Tax Relief (STAR) Program. Using this money, with additional funds available, for a property tax rebate plan for families already receiving STAR would put approximately $500 back in the hands of hardworking, middle-class taxpayers.

“New Yorkers pay the highest taxes in the nation, so we as legislators need to seize every opportunity we can to provide even the smallest amount of tax relief,” said Brabenec. “I have a plan that would give the $610 million in settlement money back to homeowners through the STAR program. I can’t think of a better time than the present to provide real, tangible tax relief.”

The New York State STAR Program provides New York homeowners with partial exemptions from school property taxes. Homeowners earning less than $500,000 are eligible for the STAR exemption. Basic STAR exempts the first $30,000 of the full value of a home from school taxes.