Brabenec Participates In Construction Career Day at Rockland Co. Community College
Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,TCN-Deerpark) recently took part in an annual Hudson Valley tradition, Construction Career Day at Rockland County Community College. Students learning various hands on trades, local elected officials and members from the Workforce Development Institute were all in attendance.
“There’s a looming employment deficit in our trades and construction industries,” Brabenec said. “Opportunities are bountiful, but we need to continue to open new doors for students and young people who are interested in exploring fields like welding, plumbing, carpentry and electrics. The Hudson Valley is on the rise, but we can only continue ever upward with strong public-private partnerships and educational investment.”

“I was impressed at the eagerness and energy around this event and the commitment by local leaders and stakeholders to support our trades and construction jobs,” Brabenec said. “I’ve always said that infrastructure and economic development lay the groundwork for any flourishing society and this event stands as evidence of that. I will always work to ensure state investment in infrastructure development and expansion, thus creating and protecting jobs for so many skilled laborers and eager young people.”