Brabenec: ‘Highest Taxed State in the Nation Has a Revenue Problem’
A statement from Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) on the state’s $2.3 billion projected budget deficit
“It’s completely mind-boggling how the highest taxed state in the nation, one with a budget larger than many small countries, has a multi-billion revenue shortfall.
“Maybe not so mind-boggling if you consider the insatiable appetite of New York City Politicians – spending millions on secret, unspecified slush funds, increasing welfare payouts each year and rubber stamping the executive’s economic development programs that have either been corrupt or failures.
“We are hemorrhaging tax revenue because wealthy taxpayers and now the middle class are sick and tired of New York City politicians spending their tax dollars on these frivolous programs and then asking for more when the well runs dry.
“What we need is property and income tax reduction and to upgrade to our roads, bridges and highways. These are the keys to economic development, along with finding cost savings in the budget and cutting wasteful spending, which will make people actually want to live here and thus enrich the tax base.”