Press Releases

Walsh: Let’s Put New Yorkers First

“The governor has insinuated that he still plans to incorporate some of his policy ideas, including possibly legalizing recreational marijuana, into the state budget. We are in the middle of a public health crisis, and now is not the time to sneak...

Walsh Hosts First Annual Women Of Distinction Event

Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) pictured with honorees at her Women of Distinction Event on March 7, 2020 at the Edison Club.
Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) hosted her first annual Women of Distinction Event on March 7, 2020. She honored 17 women from the 112th Assembly District for their accomplishments. The 100th Anniversary of women’s suffrage in the...

Walsh Calls For Increased CHIPS Funding

Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) pictured at CHIPS rally with members of the Assembly Minority Conference on March 4, 2020 in Albany.
Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) stood with New York state highway workers to call for an increase in funding to the Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS). CHIPS provides funds throughout the state for roads,...

Walsh: Our Veterans Deserve Better

Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston Spa) pictured with Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref-Pulaski) and members of the Assembly Minority Conference at a “Voices for Veterans” press conference in Albany on February 25, 2020
Today, Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston Spa) joined Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref-Pulaski), Assemblyman Jake Ashby (R,C,I,Ref-Castleton) and Sen. Daphne Jordan (R,C,I,Ref-Halfmoon) at a “Voices for Veterans” press...

Walsh: New York’s Green Light Law Jeopardizes Public Safety

“Fourteen other states plus Washington, D.C. have passed bills similar to New York’s Green Light Law; however, New York’s Green Light Law goes much further by restricting critical access to information from the DMV database by federal law...

Walsh: New York’s Green Light Law Wrongfully Restricts Residents From Trusted Traveler Programs

“I have opposed the “Green Light Law,” which allows illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses, from the very start. When this legislation passed last year, I feared the far-reaching implications that would arise. Now, the federal...

Walsh Calls For Greater Transparency In Board Of Regents Interviews

Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) pictured at the Board of Regents interviews on February 5, 2020.
Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) participated in the Board of Regents interview process on February 5 and 12. The Board of Regents is comprised of 17 members who serve five-year terms: one from each of the state’s judicial districts...

Legislation To Extend Financial Support For Adult Children With Disabilities Passes Assembly

Today, legislation that aims to aid families and dependent adult children who have surpassed the age of majority for child support but have developmental disabilities that necessitate a living allowance passed the Assembly with overwhelming bipartisan...

Walsh Stands Alongside Law Enforcement Calling For Repeal Of Bail Reform

“Since implementation there have been well over 100 examples of the new bail reform laws failing our state. Each day, we hear another devastating story of individuals being victimized as a result of these changes,” said Walsh. “There is...

Walsh Reacts To Gov. Cuomo’s Budget Address

“Gov. Cuomo’s budget address proved once again that his priorities are misplaced. Our state is going into the year with a $6.1 billion budget gap, and quite frankly, Gov. Cuomo should be more concerned with addressing this significant fiscal...

Walsh Condemns Bail Reform Bill

Today, Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) joined her colleagues at a press conference condemning the newly implemented bail ‘reform’ changes. In addition to her colleagues, Saratoga County District Attorney Karen Heggen, Schoharie...

Walsh Supports Passage Of Limousine Safety Bills

Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) is a proud co-sponsor of several bills within a package of limousine safety bills that were passed by the Assembly today. The legislation was developed in response to the tragic limousine crash in Schoharie...

Walsh Appointed Assistant Minority Leader Pro Tempore

Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) today announced that she has been appointed the Assistant Minority Leader Pro Tempore by Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref-Pulaski). In this new role, Walsh will be instrumental in preparation...

Walsh Reacts To Gov. Cuomo’s Address

“It took the governor an hour and fifteen minutes to address the issue of a $6 billion budget shortfall. Instead he outlined a litany of past ‘accomplishments’, million and billion dollar projects and pieces of his ‘progressive’...

Walsh Statement On Repeat Arrest Of Justin Peters

Today, Assemblywoman Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) reacted to two recent releases put out by the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office announcing that Milton resident, Justin Peters, who was arrested on Sunday on multiple charges that included a domestic incident...

Walsh Named New York Farm Bureau 2019 Circle Of Friends

“It is an honor to be recognized as part of New York Farm Bureau’s 2019 Circle of Friends. The Farm Bureau is a volunteer organization that strives to solve economic problems for laborers in the agricultural industry. In order to be listed on...

Walsh Responds To Recent Developments ToSt. Clare’s Pension Crisis

“It’s been a little more than a year since the 1,100 St. Clare’s pensioners were given less than two weeks’ notice that their hard-earned pensions would be taken away. The situation has been simply unacceptable, and these individuals...

Walsh Responds To Projected $6.1 Billion Budget Gap

The State Division of the Budget announced in late November that the state is projected to face a $6.1 billion shortfall in this year’s fiscal plan. The Assembly Majority is looking toward an increase in taxes to help bridge the gap. “The reality...

Walsh Presents Funding Grant to Ballston Spa Public Library

Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) presents a grant to Ballston Spa Public Library on November 26, 2019.
On November 26, Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) presented a grant to Ballston Spa Public Library. Walsh arranged a $13,000 grant in State Bullet Aid Funding. “I am delighted to have been able to play a role in allocating funding to...

Walsh Responds to NYSDOT Commissioner

Bridge strikes by tractor trailers have been occurring at Glenridge Road in Glenville. In response, the NYSDOT will enhance the reflectivity of existing signs and will install additional signs. Representatives of the NYSDOT will also be collaborating...