Press Releases

Norris To Albany: Show Your Commitment To WNY By Increasing Funding For Local Roads & Bridges In Budget

Assemblyman Mike Norris meets with Highway Superintendents from throughout the 144th Assembly District in his office in Albany on March 6, 2019.
Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I,C,Ref-Lockport) rallied with highway superintendents from throughout the 144th Assembly District and across the state today in Albany in support of increased funding for the state’s local roads and bridges, which account...

Norris Welcomes Local Student Musicians To Albany

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,C,I,Ref-Lockport) welcomed Lockport student musician Austin Dick to Albany this week to perform through the New York State School Music Association’s (NYSSMA) annual concert series in the Empire State Concourse. “NYSSMA’s...

Norris: Albany Must Stop Spending, Get Priorities Straight

WATCH VIDEO: Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,C,I,Ref-Lockport) joined Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb (R,C-Canandaigua) and members of the Assembly Minority Conference today calling for Albany to reconsider its priorities when...

Norris: Albany’s “Pro-Criminal” Platform Punishes Law-Abiding Taxpayers

The legislative discussion at our state Capitol is now filled with an expansive progressive agenda that is out of step with the priorities of Western New York families and taxpayers. As part of this movement, unfortunately, the priorities of criminals...

Norris Welcomes Local Youth Bureaus To Albany

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I,C,Ref-Lockport) was proud to welcome a delegation from the Niagara County and Clarence Youth Bureaus to the state Capitol this week. The group was in Albany to discuss their efforts to support positive development of youth...

Norris Calls For $500 Million For CHIPS, Long Term Plan To Improve Roads, Bridges & Sewers

As a member of the Assembly Committee on Transportation as well as the Committee on Ways and Means, which oversees the state’s budget process, I am particularly concerned that enough emphasis is not being placed on improving infrastructure in our...

Norris Says “Child Victims Deserve Opportunity For Justice”

“Enactment of the Child Victims Act is long overdue and I am pleased it will open the door for a proper judicial process. Child victims deserve the opportunity for justice and people must be held responsible.”

Norris Says “Child Victims Deserve Opportunity For Justice”

Enactment of the Child Victims Act is long overdue and I am pleased it will open the door for a proper judicial process. Child victims deserve the opportunity for justice and people must be held responsible.

Norris Says “Time Is Right” For Substantial State Contracts Reform

As the sponsor of the State Contracts Sunlight Act, one of the first procurement reform bills in Albany, Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I,C,Ref-Lockport) said that with the governor’s now apparent support for reforming the process, there is hope that...

Norris: Progressive Agenda Dominates Gov.’S Budget Plan

Though I support cutting taxes for the middle class and making the property tax cap permanent, enacting the Child Victims Act once and for all, investing in our state’s infrastructure, and reforming how our state government works, I was discouraged...

Norris Takes Lead In Election Reform Debate, Helps Pass Consolidated Primary & Absentee Ballot Without Cause

As the Ranking Minority Member of the Assembly’s Election Law Committee, Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I,C,Ref-Lockport) today brought his experience as an elections attorney to the debate over a package of bills that would open up voting in New York...

Norris Announces 2019 Committee Appointments

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I,C,Ref-Lockport) is proud to announce that Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,C-Canandaigua) has appointed him to serve as a member of the Assembly Ways and Means Committee, the committee that oversees the state’s...

Norris: New Year Is New Opportunity To Address State’s Crushing Tax Burden

Happy New Year! I would like to start off by offering you all my warmest well wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous 2019. I hope your holiday season was filled with loved ones and family. Now, as we return our attentions to getting back to school,...

Norris Wishes All a Happy Holiday Season

As we gather with our families, friends and loved ones this holiday season we are reminded of the many blessings we have to be grateful for. Paramount among those for me is the opportunity to serve as your state assemblyman. Thank you for placing your...

Norris: Proud To Serve You, Our Veterans

As I travel around the neighborhoods in the 144th Assembly District, I am always struck with great pride at how many homes and businesses are proudly displaying our nation’s flag. This November, with so much to be grateful for — celebrations of thanksgiving...

Norris: Cutting Taxes To Achieve American Dream

Having just celebrated our nation’s Independence Day, it is a reminder to us all of the sacrifices, bravery and hardships made by our forefathers and ancestors and our veterans and military. It humbles me to be able to give back to this great community...

Norris: Reforming Albany Must Be A Top Priority

When I swore the oath of office to become your state assemblyman, I made a promise to represent our community with integrity and to fight for the interests and values of Western New York. Since day one, I have been working to reform our state government,...

Assemblyman Norris Delivers Blankets To Alden Student For NICU Babies

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Assemblyman Michael J. Norris made a special trip to Alden on Friday, May 25, 2018 to visit Alannah Pionessa, who turns 9 on June 8th. For her birthday, she wants to collect new blankets and storybooks for every baby in the NICU at Oishei Children's...

Norris Stands Up Against Bullying

I would like to thank the Lockport Union-Sun & Journal for bringing attention to anti-bullying legislation known as Jacobe’s Law. I am a sponsor of this bill and agree with my hometown paper – the bill should be brought up for a vote in Albany as...

Norris: Loss Of Tipped Waged Credit Will Hurt Restaurant Industry

In response to constituent concerns over the governor’s proposal to eliminate the state’s tipped wage, Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I-Lockport) has expressed his opposition of the measure to state Department of Labor (DOL) Commissioner Roberta Reardon....