Press Releases

Norris Takes Stand Against Domestic Violence, Announces Public Petition

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I-Lockport) took action to stop domestic violence at the YWCA “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” awareness walk this weekend in Lockport by announcing his sponsorship of bipartisan legislation, the Domestic Violence Prevention Act...

The Notorious Big Ugly: Norris Comments on 2017-18 State Budget

This budget is a mixed bag, yet I am pleased that our efforts have delivered results on some of the top priorities for my constituents: ride-sharing will be available this summer, modest tax relief has been provided for working families and farms, restoration...

Norris Supports Volunteer Firefighters And Encourages Recruit NY Program

This April, I am proud to join Volunteer Fire Companies across New York State in promoting the RecruitNY program and weekend. RecruitNY was designed to encourage and support fire services and increase the number of new volunteers and service members...

Norris Signed Up To Donate Life. Won’t You?

As part of National Donate Life Month, Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I-Lockport) signed up to become an organ donor and is encouraging all New Yorkers to sign up to become organ donors as well. The assemblyman was a sponsor of a legislative resolution that...

Norris Says Budget Process Dysfunctional

Witnessing firsthand the budget process here in Albany as a freshman legislator has been utterly frustrating. The taxpayers of my district and the entire state truly deserve so much better, and must have an open and fully transparent process. Today...

Norris Announces Passage Of Expanded Breast Cancer Diagnosis Options

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I-Lockport) announced the passage in the Assembly of legislation, A.5677, that would expand breast cancer diagnosis options for New Yorkers across the state to include 3-D mammography, allowing New Yorkers to get more accurate...

Norris Rallies To “Be Fair To Direct Care”

The developmentally disabled, elderly and homebound need and deserve the best possible care, and without a wage increase for direct care workers the state is making it harder for our most vulnerable citizens to find and keep the help they need. When wages...

Norris Works To Increase Funding For Libraries

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I-Lockport) has been meeting with library advocates and his colleagues in the state Legislature to try to include increased funding for libraries in this year’s state budget. Norris said he hopes the final budget agreement...

Norris: One-House Budget Shows Hope for Priorities, But Pitches $7 Billion in Tax Hikes

The Assembly’s one-house budget wish list proves that the Majority is starting to listen to the concerns raised by New Yorkers upstate, and specifically the priorities I have voiced for Western New York. However, this one-house proposal ultimately breaks...

Norris Rallies for Increase in Funding for Local Roads & Bridges

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Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I-Lockport) joined highway superintendents from across the state at a rally today at the State Capitol in support of increased funding for the Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) in this year’s...

Norris Calls For Repeal of NY Safe Act in Upstate & Western NY

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I-Lockport) joined Assemblyman Marc Butler (R,C,I,Ref-Newport), state Senator Rob Ortt (R,C,I-Tonawanda), New York State Rifle and Pistol Association President Tom King and NY S.C.O.P.E. President Tom Reynolds and others at...

Norris Votes to Fix STAR Program Changes, Ensure More New Yorkers Get Immediate Property Tax Relief

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I-Lockport) voted in support of legislation (A.5969) to return the state’s property School Tax Relief (STAR) program to a tax exemption. The measure would allow New York State property owners to get the immediate relief the...

Norris Wants To Help More New Yorkers Afford College, Start Post-Grad Life Without Burden Of Debt

Watch the Video: Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I-Lockport) joined Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,C,I,Ref-Canandaigua) and Assembly members Nicole Malliotakis (R,C,I-Brooklyn, Staten Island) and Chad Lupinacci (R,C,I-South...

Norris Says Budget Should “Be Fair To Direct Care”

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I-Lockport) stood with Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,C,I,Ref-Canandaigua) and Chairman of the Assembly Minority Task Force on Protecting the Rights of People with Developmental Disabilities Assemblyman Clifford W....

Norris Launches Ridesharing Petition For Western New York

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I – Lockport) today announced his public petition to allow for ridesharing in Western New York. Norris joined with Assembly members Ray Walter (R,C,I – Amherst) and Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I,Ref – Ballston), law enforcement,...

Norris: Passage Of Pension Forfeiture Delivered

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I – Lockport) today voted in support of legislation that would amend the state’s constitution by penalizing public officials found guilty of felony corruption with the removal of their taxpayer-funded pension. Enacting pension...

Norris Looking Ahead To Making A Difference In Albany

Following the retirement of New York State Assemblywoman Jane Corwin, I have the great privilege to take her place as the Assembly Representative for the 144th District. Serving our community is a responsibility that I do not take lightly and I will...

Norris Sworn in as NYS Assemblyman for 144th District

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Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I-Lockport) was officially sworn into office today in Albany by Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,C,I,Ref-Canandaigua) and the Honorable Ann Crowell, New York Supreme Court Justice, 4th Judicial District. Norris was...