Press Releases

Norris: Bridging The Middle-Skills Gap Is Critical To WNY Economy

As a lifelong Western New Yorker, one of the reasons I wanted to run for office was to help make our region a stronger and more viable place to live and do business. That’s why I urged Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb to create a statewide task...

Norris Calls For Judicial Discretion On Bail

There is nothing more important than public safety. However, this year in Albany a pro-criminal platform moved forward, including measures hidden in the state budget to change the state’s bail code (A.2009-C). Setting bail is an important tool used...

Norris Testifies Before Public Finance Commission

WATCH THE VIDEO: As the ranking minority member of the Assembly Election Law Committee, Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,C,I,Ref-Lockport) appeared before the Public Finance Reform Commission...

Norris Announces New Bill to Protect Against Domestic Violence

As part of October being National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,C,I,Ref-Lockport) continued his efforts to stop domestic violence by announcing new legislation he has drafted that would better provide resources to people...

Norris: Thank You To Everyone Who Serves

Fire Prevention Week highlights the immeasurable value that our state’s local fire companies bring to our communities. Without the service of these brave men and women, our homes, property and lives would be at great risk not only in the event of...

Norris: License Plates & Star Changes Indicative Of War On WNY

This year, New Yorkers have been subjected to an onslaught of downstate-driven, progressive measures that have truly exposed how little leaders in Albany think about citizens who live and work outside of New York City. It is a true shame, but it has heightened...

Norris: License Plate Fees Example Of War On Western New York

Every day I receive phone calls, emails and see people in person who complain to me about the governor’s new license plate proposal. People are upset because they feel that this is yet another example of the war on upstate and Western New York communities...

Norris Calls On Albany to Protect Those Who Protect Us

As your state Assemblyman, I am very passionate about ensuring public safety. I have worked hard with volunteer fire companies, ambulance services, local officials and law enforcement to help support them so that they can better serve and protect us....

Norris Joined By Santa at “Christmas in July” Toy Drive

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,C,I,Ref-Lockport) was joined by a special guest – Santa Claus -- to hand out the donated toys from his “Christmas in July” Toy Drive today at the John R. Oishei Children’s Hospital in Buffalo. Hundreds of...

Calling All Secret Santas: Norris’ “Christmas In July” Toy Drive To End July 19

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,C,I,Ref-Lockport) is calling on all the community’s “Secret Santas” for their assistance as the July 19th end date for his “Christmas in July” Toy Drive approaches. Dozens of toys have been donated by...

Norris: It Has Never Been a Better Time to Volunteer

The need for volunteer firefighters and emergency personnel has never been greater, and I believe it has never been a better time to become a volunteer. Not only does volunteering help the community, but the benefits for the volunteer are great indeed...

Norris’ View on 2019 Session

There is no question that the 2019 Legislative Session has been the most challenging and offensive session in recent history. However, every day when I’ve walked into our State Capitol I think of the people who sent me here and, on your behalf, I...

Norris Opposes Farm Workers Labor Bill, Cites Devastating Impact on Local Farms

WATCH THE VIDEO: This legislation is another example of downstate’s progressive agenda being out of touch with the realities of upstate, particularly our agriculture industry. Farm workers know that this work is seasonal...

Norris Votes No on Giving Illegal Immigrants Driver’s Licenses

WATCH THE VIDEO: Being in the United States is a privilege, and having a driver’s license is something that should only be allowed for those who are here legally. This bill to provide driver’s licenses to illegal...

Norris Launches “Christmas in July” Toy Drive

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,C,I,Ref-Lockport) launched his “Christmas in July” Toy Drive today at the John R. Oishei Children’s Hospital in Buffalo. Residents and businesses throughout Western New York are encouraged to participate in the...

Norris: Assembly Session Ending As It Began

As we are heading into the final days of session, I am sorry to report that this year’s session appears to be ending as it began: on the wrong foot, focusing on the wrong priorities. It is discouraging that the Assembly is leaving so many vital public...

Norris Votes against Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Immigrants WATCH THE VIDEO: A member of the Assembly Transportation Committee, Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,C,I,Ref-Lockport) today voted against advancing legislation, known as the “Green Light Bill,” that would allow illegal immigrants to obtain...

Assembly Majority Rejects Proposals To Reduce Costs For Veterans To Use State Parks

Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,C-Canandaigua) and members of the Assembly Minority Conference today criticized Majority members on the Assembly Committee on Veterans’ Affairs after they rejected a series of bills that would provide financial...

Norris & Cuomo Meet To Discuss Lake Ontario

WATCH THE VIDEO: Today, I met with Gov. Cuomo and many of our colleagues who represent lakefront communities to discuss the record-breaking water levels that are causing flooding and property damage along Lake Ontario. I am...

Norris Congratulates Students For Poster Contest Awards

(From left to right – Assemblyman Mike Norris, Larcey Dwyer – Barker High School)
Assemblyman Mike Norris visited Newfane and Barker High schools today, to recognize and award two students for their posters, which were submitted for the Assemblyman’s First Annual Memorial Day Poster Contest. The contest was open to all students,...