Press Releases

Norris: Many Avenues to Cast Your Vote are Available This Fall

This fall there are many avenues of voting that will be available to all registered voters and, because I believe so strongly in the power of our electoral process, I want to make sure you are aware of the options available to you and have time to decide...

Norris Seeking Hometown Hero Nominees

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,C,I,Ref-Lockport) is asking constituents of the 144th Assembly District to nominate extraordinary citizens who helped and/or still are helping protect our community against the coronavirus and making a difference in these tough...

Norris Calls for end of Gov.'s Temporary Emergency Powers, Restoration of Legislative Authority

I’ll never forget receiving the briefing from NYS Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker in early March with fellow colleagues about the dangerous potential of the coronavirus and the immediate need for emergency funding for preparation and equipment....

Norris: Focused On Helping Our Small Businesses

As Western New York moves through the phases of reopening, we should all take immense pride in the communal spirit that has allowed us to flatten the curve and continues making it safe for our economy to reopen. Without the individual efforts of every...

Ortt, Norris Introduces Bill To Help Volunteer Fire & EMS

Senator Robert G. Ortt (R,C,I, Ref – North Tonawanda) and Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,C,I,Ref-Lockport) this week introduced legislation in Albany known as the New York State Volunteer Fire Protection Emergency Reimbursement Account Act. The bill...

Norris: Looking Forward to Brighter Days Ahead

As we all continue doing our part to flatten the curve against the coronavirus, the news is ever- changing and tough to keep up with. It has been a challenge for everyone, whether you are quarantined at home or out as an essential worker. But one thing...

Norris Announces “Jump-Start NY” Economic Plan

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,C,I,Ref-Lockport) joined with members of the Assembly Minority Conference to announce their “Jump-Start New York” plan to help reboot the economy, particularly in small-town, upstate communities that have not been...

Norris Calls For Agricultural Relief Package

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,C,I,Ref-Lockport) joined with members of the Assembly Minority Conference to call for enactment of a comprehensive relief package for New York state’s agricultural community. “New York’s farmers are already struggling...

Norris Votes No on Troubling State Budget

During this unprecedented time of a public health and economic crisis, the state needs to be fiscally sound while ensuring proper resources are allocated for public health, education and infrastructure. This is the time to be laser focused on these critical...

Norris Supports Farm Bureau Legislation

The most important industry in our state has been agriculture and as we continue modernizing and competing in a global economy, New York State remains a leader in agriculture. Throughout the state, and here in Western New York, farming remains a top industry...

Norris Supports 14-Day Sick Leave for All To Reduce Spread of Coronavirus

“There is nothing more important than public safety, however in this unprecedented time many New Yorkers are torn between worrying about their health and the potential impact the coronavirus will have on their ability to keep their jobs. No one should...

Norris Rallies For Increased Funding For Local Roads & Bridges

Pictured above: Assemblyman Norris listens while the NY Farm Bureau’s Renee Jaques talks about the impact the state’s roads and bridges has on the agricultural industry, part of the CHIPS rally held on the Great Western Staircase in the State Ca
WATCH THE VIDEO: “Beyond repairing and rebuilding our local roads, bridges and culverts, the Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) is the key difference in determining the success of hometown...

Norris Announces New Legislative Package To Help Veterans

No one is more deserving of our thanks and appreciation than the men and women who have served or are serving in our military. Our veterans are the pride of our community, and I am proud to fight for them at our state Capitol. Unfortunately, year after...

Norris Calls For Increased Funding For Local Roads & Infrastructure

Pictured above: Assemblyman Mike Norris speaks at the Joint Budget Hearing on Transportation in Albany on Jan. 28, 2020.
Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I,C,Ref-Lockport) spoke at the Joint Budget Hearing on Transportation today in Albany, calling on his colleagues to increase funding for local roads, bridges and infrastructure and a full restoration of the Extreme Winter Recovery...

Norris Announces 2020 Committee Appointments

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I,C,Ref-Lockport) announced that Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref-Pulaski) has appointed him to serve as a member of the Assembly Rules Committee, the committee that oversees the entire legislative process. Norris...

Repeal Bail Reforms To Save Lives Says Norris

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,C,I,Ref-Lockport) joined Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C,I-Pulaski) and members of their conference at a press conference to call for the immediate repeal of the new bail “reforms” which have caused confusion,...

Norris On 2020 State Of The State

Our state is in a challenging chapter in our history. Sadly, we top population out-migration of all states in the nation and this is directly linked to high taxes and burdensome cost of doing business here. The extensive and costly Medicaid program must...

Norris Named To Farm Bureau’s “Circle Of Friends”

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,C,I,Ref-Lockport) was named to the New York Farm Bureau’s 2019 “Circle of Friends,” a designation the organization awards to state lawmakers who vote in support of pro-agriculture legislation. “I am very...

New Laws of Note: Examples of Albany Coming Together to do The People’s Business

With the holidays now upon us, this is a time to reflect and take stock of the past year and look forward to the new year. Though 2019 was a very difficult year at our state Capitol, I would like to close out the year by sharing with you some important...

Norris Delivers Warm Winter Clothing Donations to Community

Pictured above: Assemblyman Mike Norris (second from right) drops off winter clothing items that were collected from the community as part of his annual drive. Standing with the assemblyman are Salvation Army Major Jose Santiago (second from left) and Sal
Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,C,I,Ref-Lockport) delivered warm winter clothing items donated from the community to local charities today so that the items could be available for those in need in time for the winter holidays. Norris hosts the annual Winter...