Press Releases

Norris: 911 Surcharge Legislation Introduced In State Assembly

Assemblyman Michael J. Norris joined Assemblyman Peter Lawrence, Ranking Minority Member on the Assembly Committee on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions as well as fellow Niagara County Assemblyman Angelo Morinello in introducing legislation (A.10603)...

WNY Priorities Deserve Attention

While the governor spends time in Puerto Rico and is granting parolees voting rights (including convicted murders, rapists and drug dealers), I am concerned that the real problems of WNY with our dilapidated roads, lack of broadband, and growing skills...

Norris Supports Volunteer Firefighters And Encourages Recruit NY Program

This April, Assemblyman Mike Norris will join Volunteer Fire Companies across New York State in promoting the RecruitNY program and weekend. On April 28 and 29, more than 300 departments across the state will open their doors to anyone who’s interested....

Norris Announces $40 Million In New Lake Ontario Relief

Since taking office, one of my top priorities has been working with our local emergency responders, government officials, and the businesses and property owners impacted by Lake Ontario’s devastating flooding and tonight, as we continue...

Norris: Broken Budget Process Neglects WNY Priorities

Yet again, the archaic budget process conducted in Albany in secret by four leaders behind closed doors and budget bills being passed during the middle of the night in darkness, left no time for public disclosure or real review and, shamefully, without...

Assemblyman Michael J. Norris Announces First Personal Care Drive

While Western New Yorkers prepare for a reprieve from the cold weather and enjoy the spring season, many local shelters and food pantries’ shelves run bare after the winter holiday drives. Everyday personal care items are usually the first to disappear...

Norris: Among Clouds, Sunlight Needed

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I-Lockport) would like constituents to know about recent progress on his efforts to bring greater transparency and accountability to state government, particularly as it relates to the billions of tax dollars spent on economic...

Norris Votes Against “Tax-And-Spend” Budget

WATCH VIDEO HERE: HTTPS://YOUTU.BE/UYLP1LXJLJY I voted no on this $170.2 billion budget resolution because this one-house budget has too much spending and no plan to reduce the size and cost of government. That’s about $9,000 per New Yorker. We should...

Norris Shares Recommendations To Better Support Domestic Violence Victims

Earlier this year, I joined my colleagues from the Assembly Minority Task Force on Domestic Violence to announce our findings that resulted from a statewide study conducted in 2017. Our report is a collaboration from domestic violence survivors and advocates,...

Norris Calls For Measure to Provide Billions in Tax Relief

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I-Lockport) joined Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,C,I,Ref-Canandaigua), colleagues from the Assembly Minority Conference and others at a press conference today calling for a state takeover of counties’ share of...

Norris Announces Recommendations To Support Domestic Violence Survivors

As part of his ongoing efforts to tackle the rising rates of domestic violence in upstate New York, Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I-Lockport) joined colleagues from the Assembly Minority Task Force on Domestic Violence to announce the findings of their statewide...

Norris Appointed To Assembly Tourism Committee

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I-Lockport) is proud to announce that he has been appointed by Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,C-Canandaigua) to serve on the Assembly Committee on Tourism, Parks, Arts and Sports Development. “I am very pleased...

Norris: Budget Must Show Fiscal Restraint, Ease Burden On Taxpayers & Safeguard Lake Ontario Communities

With a multi-billion dollar deficit before us, the 2018-19 State Budget must show fiscal restraint while also addressing the number one concern of New York State taxpayers – exorbitant property taxes. New York state remains the highest taxed state...

Norris: 2018 Is New Opportunity To Reform Albany

While the New Year has brought our region a plethora of cold and snow, many of us have delighted in the recent snap of the Buffalo Bills’ playoff drought and joys of spending time celebrating the season with our loved ones. As we return to school, work...

Norris: Thank You To All Those Who Serve

In honor of Veterans Day, on behalf of our community, I would like to extend my deepest appreciation and thanks to all of the brave men and women who serve in our military, and I would like to encourage all citizens to join me in taking some time to remember...

Shelby Coffee Hour

Norris Reports On Key Priorities

With summer winding down and students headed back to school, there are a number of Western New York priorities that were passed by the state Legislature but still requires the signature of Gov. Cuomo before they can become law. Among these are keeping...

Norris: Agriculture is The Backbone of Our Economy

As we are enjoying our county fairs and the bountiful harvest of fruits and vegetables, we need to take a moment to thank our local farmers and remember proudly that agricultural is still the number one industry within our great state. An abundant...

Norris: First Session Delivering For You

As your newly elected state assemblyman, it has been my privilege and honor to represent you in the state Capitol through this legislative session. While our work is far from over, and every day I am out in our community meeting with constituents and...

Norris: Assembly Passes Bill To Protect Volunteer Firefighters Against Cancer

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I-Lockport) helped pass legislation that would ensure volunteer firefighters have insurance coverage to treat cancer and related illnesses that could result from their service protecting the community. Norris is a sponsor of...