
Keeping You Informed

Freedom First In Albany, our State Capital

What happens when no one is there to answer the call?

Assemblyman Steve Hawley’s Jobs Report

The 2011-12 State Budget...One Small Step for Western New York!

Another Point Of View: Nothing Unconstitutional About Letting The People Decide

An article recently graced the pages of this publication in which the author questioned the constitutionality of Assembly Bill 1964. The legislation, which I sponsor, seeks to give local governments the option to provide a referendum on the question of...

Western New York’s Priorities Take Center Stage as Budget Deadline Approaches

More than a week into the month of March, the signs of spring are all around us. From St. Patrick’s Day parades to the return of baseball and, with a little luck, the year’s first glimpse of green grass, we are constantly reminded that spring has...

With New Session, a New Urgency To Fight for Western New York

“I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.” You don’t have to be a Renaissance man to appreciate Leonardo da Vinci’s advice. Whether presented with an artist’s...

Freedom First, In Albany, our state capital

Working to Reform Albany’s Broken Budget Process - 2010-2011 Budget Recap

Agribusiness Report 2010 from Assemblyman Steve Hawley

A Special Invitation And Legislative Update For Veterans

Fourth of July: A Time to Remember Our Freedoms

Every summer, we celebrate the Fourth of July by spending time with our friends and families at parades, backyard barbeques and, possibly, watching fireworks. However, while these are all important parts of this summer tradition, it also is a day when...

2010-2011 State Budget: Nearly Complete But Still Lacks Necessary Cuts; Majority Will Likely Increase Burden On New York Taxpayers

The 2010-2011 State Budget is now more than 80 days late and yet only about 75% of it is finished, leaving $5.5 billion of the original $9.2 billion deficit left to be addressed. With education funding comprising most of what is left in the budget, the...

Memorial Day: A Time To Remember Those Who Have Served Our Nation

Memorial Day is an important time for us to reflect on the courage and sacrifice shown by our servicemen and women across the country. On this upcoming Memorial Day, Monday, May 31, I would encourage all New York State residents take a moment and join...

Lack of Albany Leadership Continues Delay of 2010-2011 State Budget

After a legislative leaders’ meeting held earlier this week, it became all too clear that even after being more than 50 days late, the Majority parties in both the Assembly and Senate are not concerned about passing the 2010-2011 State Budget. Even...

Protecting Western New York’s Constitutional Rights

Take Back State Government! Join The People’s Convention Join The People's Convention To Reform New York

Hawley Says DMV License Plate Plan Removal Is “Step One”

I am thrilled that our state leaders are finally listening to the people of our state and the rank-and-file legislators who represent them. It is a step forward that there is an agreement to rescind the plan to require new license plates. However, as...

We need to restore responsibility in government, Steve Hawley is leading the way

An update on legislative action to protect the future of farming