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- Gerrittsen Beach Property Owners' 9-11 Vigil.
- Gerrittsen Beach Property Owners' 9-11 Vigil.
- Gerrittsen Beach Property Owners' 9-11 Vigil.
- 9-11 Vigil at Marine Park.
- P.S. 276 Dads Take Your Child to School.
- Glenwood Tenants Association Meeting.
- PSA#1 - NCO Build the Block Meeting.
- Celebrating the Glenwood Housing Development Annual Back Pack Giveaway where over 220 children received backpacks.
- Kings Plaza's Annual Back to School Backpack Giveaway with Councilman Alan Maisel and Councilwoman Farah Louis.
- Collecting Backpacks for students at Kings Plaza's Back to School Backpack Giveaway with Public Advocate Jumaane Williams.
- City and State Magazine's Protecting NY Panel Discussion on Disaster Management and Prevention Solutions.
- 2019 Tour of the Hope Program.
- 2019 Tour of the Hope Program.
- Co-hosting a workshop on Elder Abuse and Scam Alert in conjunction with the NYPD, Safe Horizon and Brooklyn DAs Office at Glenwood Senior Center.
- Co-hosting a workshop on Elder Abuse and Scam Alert in conjunction with the NYPD, Safe Horizon and Brooklyn DAs Office at the Glenwood Senior Center.
- Co-hosting a workshop on Elder Abuse and Scam Alert at the Glenwood Senior Center.
- Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures in conjunction with Assembly member Jaime Williams showcase the importance of good oral health habits with students from P.S 276.
- Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures in conjunction with Assembly member Jaime Williams showcase local children the importance of good oral health habits.
- Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures in conjunction with Assembly member Jaime Williams showcase local children the importance of good oral health habits.
- Shredding Event in conjunction with AARP, NCO Officers, Millennium Development and Staff.
- Shredding Event in conjunction with AARP, NCO Officers, Millennium Development and Staff.
- 2019 Shredding Event in conjunction with AARP, NCO Officers, Millennium Development and Staff.
- 2019 Shredding Event in conjunction with AARP.
- Public School 276 - The Louis Marshall School.
- Congratulating Dr. Jean Joseph, President of WADICA.
- Celebrating Caribbean Heritage Month with colleagues and representatives for Trinidad and Tobago, St. Vincent, Guyana, Dominican Republic, Dominica and Jamaica.
- Celebrating Caribbean Heritage Month with colleagues and representatives for Trinidad and Tobago, St. Vincent, Guyana, Dominican Republic, Dominica and Jamaica.
- Celebrating Caribbean Heritage Month.
- Canarsie Pier clean up in partnership with the Jamaica Bay Rockaway Parks Conservancy and National Park Service.
- Canarsie Pier clean up in partnership with the Jamaica Bay Rockaway Parks Conservancy and National Park Service.
- 2019 Sound the Alarm Pillowcase Project at PS 272.
- Making a special Mother's Day visit to our Mill Basin Senior Center.
- A special visit to celebrate Mother's Day visit at the Mill Basin Senior Center.
- Celebrating our mothers at the Glenwood Senior Center.
- Celebrating mothers at the Glenwood Senior Center.
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Acting NYS Tax Commissioner Testifies During Joint Budget Hearing on Taxes

Prohibit the Taking of Horseshoe Crabs for Commercial and Biomedical Purposes

Williams Votes Against Aid to Localities Budget Bill

Wiliams Votes No on Bill Clarifying the Definition of Population in the Allocation of Representation

Assembly Budget Proposal for 2024-2025

Williams Votes Against Extending the Eviction Moratorium

Caribbean American Heritage Month

Social Work Month in NY

Public Hearing On Department Of Transportation Capital Programs

Assemblymember Williams Concerned with Recreational Marijuana

Williams Introduces Members Of The Marine Park JCC

Welcoming Valerie Woodford to the Assembly

Introducing Visitors on Haitian Unity Day

Test Preparation

Welcome to the Assembly
February 27, 2025
Assemblymember Williams, Chair of the Committee on Real Property Taxation, speaks with Amanda Hiller, Acting Tax Commissioner and General Counsel New York State Department of Taxation & Finance during a joint budget hearing on Taxes.
Assemblymember Williams, Chair of the Committee on Real Property Taxation, speaks with Amanda Hiller, Acting Tax Commissioner and General Counsel New York State Department of Taxation & Finance during a joint budget hearing on Taxes.