Press Releases

Blankenbush Announces Mobile Office Hours

During the month of February, Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) will be holding office hours in Lowville and Gouverneur. He knows how important it is to hear from the people of the 117th District, and he wants to hear about their priorities...

Governor Should Be Focused On New York State, Not Washington

“The governor’s continued fixation on Washington was on full display during his budget address today. It isn’t productive. The governor should be focused on balancing our budget. We’re facing a $4 billion deficit. The new spending, new fees and...

Blankenbush Announces Mobile Office Hours

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) will be holding office hours in Westmoreland and Camden this month. He knows how important it is to be accessible and responsive to his constituents, and he wants to hear about their priorities as state...

Blankenbush Says State Needs New Direction

“The proposals that the governor outlined today are more of the same: more spending, more bureaucracy and no plan to cut taxes for middle-class families and small businesses. We’re facing a ballooning budget deficit estimated to run at least $4 billion....

New York Has a Debt Problem

To hear the administration tell it, the last eight years have seen the state finally find firm financial standing after years of reckless spending and mismanagement. In the governor’s view, these failings have been familial and bipartisan. (Smart money...

Blankenbush Honored to be in The Farm Bureau’s Circle of Friends

“I am pleased to be included in the New York Farm Bureau’s Circle of Friends for the eighth consecutive year. Family farmers in the North Country know I share their values and listen intently to their concerns. They know I go to Albany to solve their...

Blaming Washington Is Not Leadership

“The governor’s presidential campaign continues. Yesterday, he appeared on NPR to express his opposition to a controversial federal tax provision. His argument shows how out of touch he is with people around here. “Usually, the governor at...

Volunteer Firefighter Legislation Becomes Law

Serving as a firefighter is one of the most dangerous jobs one can imagine. To run into a burning building takes someone with extreme bravery. These individuals are some of the most respected and cherished public servants in any city, town or village,...

Blankenbush Wary Of Special Session

This year, I experienced one of the longest and most drawn out ends of session ever. While I understand there needs to be a meeting of the minds and sometimes it is hard to see eye-to-eye, far too much time was spent sitting and waiting in a state of...

Adequate Infrastructure Is a Basic Necessity

Recently, one of the bridges in our area made breaking news. It was revealed that this bridge was no longer safe to use for school buses carrying children to and from school. News like this is both unsettling for our local residents and a logistical nightmare...

Blankenbush Staff To Hold October Mobile Office Hours

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush’s (R,C,I-Black River) Staff will hold mobile office hours on Thursday, October 19 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Camden Village Office and Thursday, October 26 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Westmoreland Town Office. Residents and elected...

Blankenbush Meets With Ag Industry Leaders

While it’s been said multiple times before, agriculture is one of the most, if not the most, important industries in America. Each year, the number of farms and farmers decreases, while the population of our country increases. The future does not look...

Lake Ontario Recovery Deadline Approaches

With what seems like a new natural disaster occurring every week, previous disasters unfortunately take a back seat in the minds of those around the state and country. This past month we have seen Hurricanes Harvey and Irma leave a path of flooding and...

Star Update

This past year, an issue that flew under the radar for many was the shift in New York’s STAR Program. This shift, while small, is already leaving many New Yorkers uneasy and overburdened. While the objections to this shift in the STAR Program have been...

Let’s Have a Talk

Labor Day has come and gone. Summer vacation is officially over, and the sound of school bells ringing can be heard across the state. While the frenzy of the school year has just gotten underway, it is important we take a moment and speak to our students...

A Correctional Mistake

This past week, I had the opportunity to tour a local correctional facility in the 117th Assembly District and came across something problematic. While meeting with the hard-working men and women who help keep the criminals locked up and our community...

Blankenbush Staff To Hold September Mobile Office Hours

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush’s (R,C,I-Black River) Staff will hold mobile office hours on Thursday, Sept. 7 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Camden Village Office; Wednesday, Sept. 13 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Lowville Town Office; Thursday, Sept. 14 from...

It’s Time for Competitive Business in New York

I am fed up with the stifling of businesses in New York. High taxes and regulations limit businesses from hiring more local workers. Adding insult to injury is a very high minimum wage, which limits this number even more. Our businesses are the job creators...

Blankenbush: The State Fair Is A Great Way to Support Local Businesses and End the Summer

As summer draws to a close, what better way to end it then with a trip to the New York State Fair? Starting Aug. 23 to Sept. 4, the fair will be held at the fairgrounds in Syracuse for almost two weeks of family fun. With last year breaking the attendance...

Blankenbush Weighs In On New York Air Brake Job Relocation

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) today expressed his disappointment in New York Air Brake’s relocation of dozens of jobs from its Watertown facility to the company’s Salisbury, North Carolina location. The transition, which will cost...