Assemblymember Phil Steck Secures $125,000 Grant for SEAT Center's Schenectady Campus

Schenectady, NY Today, Assemblymember Phil Steck held a press conference at the SEAT Center’s Schenectady campus to present a ceremonial check for $125,000. The check represented the funding he secured through a New York State SAM (State and Municipal Facilities) grant that will support the construction of a new wellness center and improvements the SEAT Center student kitchen, as well as the installation of a security visitor management system.

Assemblymember Steck expressed his enthusiasm for the project, stating, "I am proud to support the SEAT Center in their mission to empower young people in our community. This grant will enable the SEAT Center to continue providing essential services, ensuring that the youth in Schenectady have access to the resources they need to thrive in a safe and secure environment."

Jennifer Lawrence, Chief Executive Officer of the SEAT Center, praised the Assemblymember’s efforts, saying, "We appreciate Assemblymember Steck’s advocacy and commitment to necessary infrastructure and building upgrades to improve our services for young people and our community."

The SEAT Center has been a vital resource for youth development in Schenectady, providing career readiness training, education, and support services. The new wellness center and improved kitchen will enhance the Center's ability to offer holistic support to the youth they serve, while the security visitor management system will ensure a safer environment for both students and staff.