Javascript must be enabled to properly view this page. * Indicates Required Field Title First Name * Middle Initial Last Name * Suffix Phone Number Email * Confirm Email * Address (Street Address, P.O. Box, Company Name, c/o)* Street Address, P.O. Box, Company Name, c/o Address Line 2 (Suite, Unit, Building, Floor, etc.) Suite, Unit, Building, Floor, etc. Apt Number City * State * Zip * 1. Assemblymember Steck has been reappointed as Chair of the Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Committee. In this role, he has championed efforts to improve access to lifesaving opioid reversal drugs for first responders and has worked to ensure individuals facing both substance use and mental health disorders can receive the comprehensive treatment they need. What do you want Assemblymember Steck to focus on as Chair of the Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Committee? (Select 3 that apply) Increasing access to opioid-reversal drugs Increasing availability of treatment for co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders Expanding overdose prevention centers Increase the number of affordable treatment centers Establish a public awareness campaign to educate the public about the dangers of fentanyl and xylazine Hold an investigative hearing on the proliferation of fentanyl Hold an investigative hearing on marijuana-induced psychosis Require the New York State Department of Health to collect and report on data concerning non-fatal overdoses Require hospitals to provide medically supervised detoxification services Increase employment access for workers who are on a pathway to treatment and recovery Require more transparency over the Governor’s use of opioid settlement and stewardship 2. Assemblymember Steck plans on introducing multiple pieces of legislation in the 2025 legislative session. Which of the following bills should he prioritize? (Select two) End the practice of subminimum wage for disabled workers and ensure they are paid the same as an employee who does not have a disability (A1006) Ease the financial burden on taxpayers by allowing municipalities, regardless of size, to join a local county self-insured health plan (A4412 of 2024) Put New York on the same footing as the Federal Government in the protection of civil rights (A582) Protect workers by eliminating employer-created debt and restrictive contracts that require that employers be paid back for training they provided on the job a (A584a) Address the home health care staff shortage for medically complex children by allowing family members to be certified and paid to provide care to them (A9034) 3. Do you have an idea for legislation that Assemblymember Steck should introduce this Legislative Session? 4. New York has set ambitious carbon emission reduction mandates under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, including reaching an 85% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, reaching 100% zero-emission electricity by 2040, and 70% renewable energy by 2030. A bill was introduced, known as the NY Home Energy Affordable Transition (HEAT) Act, to phase out the expansion of fossil fuel heating infrastructure and ends subsidies that help pay for that expansion, including new automatic gas hookups (A4592 of 2024).The bill does not force anyone to convert their existing service to electric. Are you supportive of efforts such as the NY HEAT Act to help New York meet these mandates and combat climate change? If not, why? 5. Do you believe there has been an increase in crime in New York State? Large increase Slight increase No change Slight decrease Large decrease 6. Do you believe there has been an increase in crime in the 110th Assembly District? Large increase Slight increase No change Slight decrease Large decrease 7. What have you noticed the largest increase in price over the past year? Price of groceries Price of gasoline Price of housing/rent Price of healthcare/health insurance Price of utilities 8. What have you noticed the largest decrease in price over the past year Price of groceries Price of gasoline Price of housing/rent Price of healthcare/ health insurance Price of utilities 9. Which of the following best reflects your view of the economy in the 110th Assembly District? The local economy is strong It is too hard to find job It is easy to find a job, but hard to find employees Wages are not keeping up with the cost of living I am concerned with the amount of small businesses that are closing 10. Please select up to three issues that you would like me to address in the 2025 Legislative session: (Select up to three answers) Jobs and economic growth Affordability Public Safety Climate Change Access to healthcare Address the Opioid epidemic in New York State Investing in education Increasing access to affordable housing Workers’ rights Other User Name