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Assemblyman Eichenstein to NYC Mayor: Decision to Place Homeless Shelter at This Location is a Huge Mistake. Why Wasn’t the Community Consulted?

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New York State Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein penned a sharply worded letter to New York City Mayor Eric Adams and to NYC Department of Social Services Commissioner Molly Wasow Park, expressing his strong opposition to the decision to place a shelter...

Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein to Local Non-Profits: Apply for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program Before the December 11th Deadline!

Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein is urging all eligible nonprofits to take advantage of the Security Grant Program by applying before the 5:00 PM deadline on December 11th. The program provides nonprofit organizations with vital funding to enhance their...

Governor Hochul Signs into Law Legislation Sponsored by Senator Skoufis and Assemblyman Eichenstein Penalizing Public Utility Companies that Misrepresent Rate Increase Justification

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Legislation sponsored by Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein and Senator James Skoufis (S6710/A3746), which was signed into law earlier today by Governor Kathy Hochul, severely fines public utility companies that knowingly or deliberately provide false information...

Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein and Chevra Hatzalah Celebrate Three Brand New Ambulances

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Video Link: Today, Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein joined with the administration and coordinators of Chevra Hatzalah at a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the unveiling of three brand new ambulances which will service...

Enacted SFY 2024-25 Budget Invests in Holocaust Curriculum in Public Schools

Speaker Carl Heastie, Education Committee Chair Michael Benedetto and Assemblymember Nily Rozic announced the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2024-25 Budget invests $500,000 to review and update curriculum on the Holocaust as antisemitism continues to rise across...

Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein’s Free Pesach Extravaganzas Were Enjoyed by Thousands

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The Free Family Fun Extravaganzas, sponsored by Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein and in partnership with COJO Flatbush and the Boro Park Jewish Community Council, has become an annual tradition in the neighborhoods of Boro Park and Midwood, and is eagerly...

Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein to Sponsor FREE Family Pesach Extravaganzas in Midwood and Boro Park

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Chol Hamoed is family time, and there’s no better way to spend it than at a neighborhood Pesach Extravaganza featuring a wide variety of rides, activities, and entertainment, and all at no cost. On Thursday, April 25th, Assemblyman Eichenstein will...

Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein Hosts Free Pre-Pesach Events at His District Office

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As Pesach approaches, many community members are seeking to dispose of unused and unnecessary items in their homes. As a service to his constituents, Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein will be hosting two free events at his district office. On Thursday, April...

Governor Hochul Signs into Law Legislation Sponsored by Senator Ramos and Assemblyman Eichenstein Ensuring Dietary Laws at Correctional Facilities

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NYS Governor Kathy Hochul signed into law a new bill sponsored by Senator Jessica Ramos and Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein, which will require state correctional facilities to provide kosher and halal food options at vending machines and commissary areas. ...

U.S. Reps Dan Goldman and Yvette Clarke, and Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein Urge the State Department to Use Every Resource Available to Bring Americans Safely Home from Israel

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As the conflict in Israel continues, thousands of Americans are now desperate to come home. Yet air travel is severely restricted and flights have been cancelled at an alarming rate. In response, the offices of Representatives Dan Goldman and Yvette...
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