Press Releases

Lupardo & Hinchey Custom Operators Bill Signed by Governor

Albany – Earlier this week, Governor Cuomo signed into law (A1889/S2135) for agricultural custom operators sponsored by Agriculture Chairs, Assemblymember Donna Lupardo and Senator Michelle Hinchey. The bill will extend some agricultural district right-to-farm...

Senator May and Assemblymember Lupardo Announce New Law to Expand the State’s Grown and Certified Program to Textile Products like Wool and Hemp

Senator Rachel May (D-Onondaga, Madison, Oneida) and Assemblymember Donna Lupardo (D-Broome) are pleased to announce that their legislation to expand the state’s Grown and Certified Program to include fiber-based textiles has been signed by Governor...

Governor Hochul Signs Senator Hinchey and Assemblymember Lupardo’s Soil Health and Climate Resiliency Act

Albany, NY – Today, Governor Kathy Hochul signed into law the Soil Health and Climate Resiliency Act(S.4722A/A.5386A), legislation sponsored by Senator Michelle Hinchey (SD-46) and Assemblymember Donna Lupardo (AD-123), which directs the Department...

Bill by Senator Hinchey and Assemblymember Lupardo to Protect Animals During Emergencies and Natural Disasters Signed into Law

Albany, NY – Today, State Senator Michelle Hinchey (SD-46) and Assemblymember Donna Lupardo (AD-123) announced that their bill to keep animals safe in disaster situations was signed into law by the Governor. The legislation, S.6713/A.7122, authorizes...

Assemblywoman Lupardo Visits Local Honeybee Apiary

Johnson City, NY – On Thursday, June 24th, Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo visited the apiary of local beekeeper and Southern Tier Beekeepers Association member Bob Talkiewicz to commemorate Pollinator Week (June 21-27). She was also there todiscuss legislation...

Legislation for Civil Air Patrol’s NY Wing Passes Both Houses

Albany, NY – The Co-Chairs of NYS Legislative Aviation Caucus, Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo and Senator John Brooks, announced passage of legislation to benefit New York’s chapter of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP); the NY Wing. The Assembly and Senate...

Assemblymember Lupardo and Senator Hinchey Sponsor NYS Soil Health and Climate Resiliency Act, Nation-Leading Legislation Making NY Farmers Key Part of Fight Against Climate Change

Albany, NY – Today, Assemblymember Donna Lupardo (AD-123) and State Senator Michelle Hinchey (SD-46) gathered a broad coalition of environmental and agricultural organizations to discuss the NYS Soil Health and Climate Resiliency Act (S.4722A-Hinchey/A.5386A-Lupardo),...

New York State Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo Appointed Commander of the Civil Air Patrol – New York Wing’s Legislative Squadron

Binghamton, NY – Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo has been given the honorary appointment of Commander of the New York Wing’s Legislative Squadron. The Assemblywoman joined the squadron in November of 2016 and has been a strong advocate for the Civil Air...

Lupardo Presents Local Student with Scholarship from Conference of Italian-American State Legislators

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Endicott, NY – Assemblywoman Lupardo presented graduating Union-Endicott senior Nicholas DiMaria with the $4,000 Senator John J. Marchi Memorial Athletic Scholarship, provided through the New York Conference of Italian-American State Legislators. The...

Assemblywoman Lupardo Joins Colleagues Urging Federal Action on Unemployment Insurance Premiums

Endicott, NY – Today, Assembly Small Business Chair Assemblyman Al Stirpe, Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo, and other upstate Majority members, sent a letter to US Secretary of Labor Martin Walsh regarding high unemployment insurance premiums affecting...

Lawmakers Work to Advance Lifesaving Air Ambulance Legislation

Albany, New York – Today, Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (AD-123) joined Senator Michelle Hinchey (SD-46), Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner (AD-113), Assemblyman John T. McDonald III (AD-108) , LifeNet of New York, and emergency personnel at the Albany Medical...

Senate and Assembly Agriculture Chairs Secure Record Funding for New York Agriculture in FY 2022 State Budget

Albany, NY – Record levels of funding for agriculture are included in the New York State Budget, finalized by the Legislature on Wednesday. The two Agriculture Chairs in the State Legislature, Senator Michelle Hinchey and Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo...

BC Health Director Recognized for Women’s History Month

Albany, NY – As Women’s History Month came to a close, Broome County Health Department Director Rebecca Kaufman is being honored at the state level. Each year, the NYS Legislative Women’s Caucus recognizes outstanding women leaders from across the...

American Red Cross in New York State Recognizes 2021 State Legislators of the Year

Albany, NY – The American Red Cross in New York State today celebrated six state legislators for their distinguished efforts in the State Capital and their partnership with the Red Cross in their home districts. The 2021 American Red Cross New York...

Historic Support for Agriculture in Assembly & Senate Budgets

Albany, NY – The importance of New York’s agriculture and food economy is being reflected with historic support in the State Assembly and Senate one-house budget resolutions. On Tuesday, Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo and Senator Michelle Hinchey, Chairs...

Assemblywoman Lupardo & Senator Kavanagh Reintroduce Student Journalist Free Speech Act

New York, NY – Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Broome) and State Senator Brian Kavanagh (D-Manhattan and Brooklyn) have reintroduced legislation that supports increased rights and protections for student reporters. The Student Journalist Free Speech...

FFA Member Addresses Assembly Ag Committee as State Assembly Recognizes FFA Week in New York State

Albany, NY – The National FFA Organization is being recognized across the country this week. As part of the NYS Assembly’s effort to celebrate FFA Week in New York, Cristian Gilces, Secretary of FFA Chapter at John Bowne High School in Queens, addressed...

Lupardo, Hinchey Call for Ag Workers to be Eligible for Vaccine

Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (AD-123) and Senator Michelle Hinchey (SD-46) sent a letter Tuesday advocating for one of the state’s largest groups of essential workers to be added back into the state’s COVID vaccine eligibility list. The Chairs of the...

Assembly and Senate Agriculture Chairs React to Proposal to Legalize Adult-Use Cannabis

As part of his 2021 State of the State announcements, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced on Wednesday a proposal to legalize adult-use cannabis in New York. The Governor’s proposal would create an Office of Cannabis Management to oversee the new adult-use...

Holiday Giving Boxes to Feed 85 Local Families

Binghamton, NY – With overwhelming support from the community, the inaugural Holiday Giving Box program will help feed 85 local families this week. With more people facing hunger this year as a result of the pandemic, Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo enlisted...