Press Releases

Assemblymember Steck Statement on the Passage of the Equal Rights Amendment

“Today the New York State Assembly advanced the second passage of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). In July of last year, my colleagues and I passed the ERA for the first time. To amend the New York State Constitution, an amendment like the ERA must...

Assemblymember Steck Helps WWII Veteran Receive His First Photo ID

Assemblymember Phil Steck (D-Colonie) recently helped a member of America’s Greatest Generation, George T. Jenkins, secure safe housing, and a crucial document. Jenkins, a 100-year-old World War II veteran, served in the Navy and earned three medals...

Assemblymember Steck Response to Governor Hochul’s State of the State

“I want to thank Governor Hochul for holding her State of the State address in the Assembly Chamber. This gesture symbolizes her commitment to work with us in the Assembly to solve the many issues New Yorkers face.When the former Governor moved the...

Assemblymember Steck Statement for National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

“Every day, the men and women of law enforcement put on their uniforms and leave the comfort of their families to protect and serve our communities. National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day is a time to show that we appreciate their sacrifice and stand...

New Legislation Resolves Issues with Niskayuna Police Officers’ Retirement Plans

Niskayuna, New York – Assemblymember Phil Steck and Niskayuna Town Supervisor Jaime Puccioni announce legislation that resolves a decade-old issue in the state retirement system for four long-serving members of the Niskayuna police force. The new law,...

Assemblymember Steck Presents Funding to Support Town of Colonie Parks

Assemblymember Phil Steck (D-Colonie) announced funding he secured for Colonie parks on Saturday, Sept. 10. The funding is used to maintain and expand Colonie’s local parks, including the Michael J. Anson Memorial Park, Sand Creek Road Park, Colonie...

Assemblymember Steck Secures $75,000 Grant for John F. Finn Institute

Assemblymember Phil Steck (D-Colonie) announced that he hosted a press conference on Sept. 6 at the John F. Finn Institute of Public Safety to present a $75,000 ceremonial check. The grant will be used to support the institute’s various public safety...

Assemblymember Steck Announces New Law Expanding CHAMP Program

Assemblymember Phil Steck (D-Colonie) announced that a bill he sponsored and helped pass to expand the scope of the Community Health Access to Addiction and Mental Health Project (CHAMP) program has been signed into law (Ch. 517 of 2022).“Every New...

Assemblymember Steck Passes Law Strengthening Rights for Nursing Home and Assisted Living Facility Residents

Assemblyman Phil Steck (D-Colonie) announced that legislation he co-sponsored and helped pass to allow a nursing home patient’s legal representative or estate to sue for injuries has been signed into law (Ch. 502 of 2022). This new law creates more...

Assemblymember Steck Presents $25,000 in Funding to the Shaker Heritage Society

Assemblymember Phil Steck (D-Colonie) announced that he presented a check for $25,000 in grant funding to the Shaker Heritage Society in honor of its upcoming 50th anniversary. The funding will help bolster several initiatives to increase community engagement...

Colonie Residents Surpass American Red Cross' Blood Drive Goal by 250%

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Assemblymember Phil Steck’s 2022 blood drive held yesterday, was a resounding success, with 45 units of blood collected, surpassing the American Red Cross’ goal by 250%. The donations made yesterday will save up to 135 lives. Additionally, one-third...

Assembly SFY 2022-23 Spending Plan Includes Critical Investments in Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services

Assemblymember Steck Holds Hearing to Discuss Substance Use Disorder Treatment Plans

Assemblymember Phil Steck (D-Colonie) held a public hearing on Nov. 18 to examine the availability and effectiveness of treatment and services for substance use disorders. The assemblymember, who serves as chair of the Assembly Committee on Alcoholism...

Assemblymember Steck: New Law Supports Emergency Organ Transportation, Helps Save Lives

“Transporting organs in emergency situations is a vital part of our health care system and every second counts during these emergencies. It’s critical that we do everything we can to help promote safe, timely organ transplantation for the more than...

Assemblymember Steck Helps Pass Laws Bolstering Drug Treatment and Services

Assemblymember Phil Steck (D-Colonie) announced two bills he co-sponsored and helped pass to enhance drug treatment and services were signed into law. These laws will establish a medication-assisted treatment (MAT) program for inmates struggling with...

Advocates from Around the State Gather to Celebrate Passage of Opioid Settlement Fund

Today, numerous advocates from the addiction recovery community gathered to thank Assemblymembers Phil Steck and Carrie Woerner for their passage of A6395 – legislation that creates an Opioid Settlement Fund and ensures that any further financial settlements...

Phil Steck: Opioid Settlement Fund Bolsters Addiction Prevention and Support Programs

“The ongoing opioid epidemic has devastated New York families with heartbreaking consequences, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only intensified the struggle for individuals with substance use disorders. While we’ve worked to increase support for individuals...

Opposition to Excluded Workers Fund

I voted against the budget bill containing $2.1 billion in aid for “excluded workers.” In my view, allocating 75% of new personal income tax revenue to excluded workers is beyond the pale. We have many needs in the State that are not being met. For...

Senator Sanders and Assemblymember Steck Fight Back against Baseless Criticism of Stock Transfer Tax

In a letter to the Governor (attached) Senator James Sanders, Jr. (D-Queens) and Assemblymember Phil Steck urge him to reject the criticism of the Stock Transfer Tax (STT) leveled by the securities industry group SIFMA.Steck said: “This is nothing more...

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