Press Releases

Blankenbush Rallies With Highway Workers

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) pictured with local town and county highway officials at a rally in Albany calling for increased funding for CHIPS program.
Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) joined over 700 highway officials and lawmakers to call for $150 million in funding for the Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS). “The governor needs to look past the...

Honoring The 10th Mountain Division

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) pictured with General Mennes and Assemblyman Mark Walczyk (R,C,I,Ref-Watertown) in celebration of Fort Drum Day in Albany on February 26, 2020.
“Today, we recognize the 10th Mountain Division for their selfless service to our great nation. These brave men and women often give up the comforts of daily life to protect our freedoms overseas,” said Blankenbush. “Fort Drum is the most...

Blankenbush: Stop Playing Games With Our Veterans

“It’s outrageous that funding for our veterans was even cut in the first place. Our brave men and women have sacrificed so much to serve and protect our freedoms. They have spent months away from their loved ones and put themselves in harm’s...

Blankenbush: Green Light Law Needs To Be Changed Now

“The disastrous Green Light Law restricts federal law enforcement agencies, such as ICE and Homeland Security, from having access to the DMV database. By restricting their access to the database, the governor and New York State Majority is creating...

Blankenbush Criticizes Inaction On Bail Reform

“The Senate Majority and the Assembly Majority has continued to ignore the lives lost by the implementation of bail reform. The lack of action displayed by members across the aisle at the public protection hearing was just appalling. The ten-plus...

Blankenbush Condemns Green Light Law

“The “Green Light Law” that provides driver licenses for illegal immigrants took effect December 19, 2020. This law also institutes privacy protections designed to protect illegal immigrants from federal law enforcement agencies. ...

Blankenbush Attends Rally Against Bail Reform

“Over 250 members of law enforcement and elected officials attended a rally in Albany today calling for the full repeal of bail reform. How many more innocent lives are we going to put on the line? We cannot continue to be “patient,” as...

Blankenbush, Walczyk, Local Officials Call For Complete Repeal Of “Victims Abuse Act”

Assemblymembers Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) and Mark Walczyk (R,C,I,Ref-Watertown) were joined by county sheriffs, district attorneys and victim advocates calling for a full repeal of the “Victims Abuse Act of 2019” at a press conference...

Blankenbush Calls For Repeal Of Bail Reform Bill

“I was proud to stand alongside my colleagues and law enforcement officials to call for the repeal of the dangerous bail reform legislation that took effect Jan. 1, 2020. We have seen countless stories of victims impacted by the implementation of...

Blankenbush Responds To State of The State Address

Editor’s note: Click Here to view Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush’s interview. “Once again, the governor has left our hardworking middle-class families behind. The majority needs to stop nickel-and-diming our everyday...

Blankenbush: Fighting To Repeal Bail Reform Laws

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) is fighting back against radical bail reforms passed by the Assembly Majority. The bail reform laws eliminate cash bail and pretrial detention for nearly all misdemeanors and many felonies (A.2009-C). ...

Blankenbush Announces Mobile Office Hours in Lowville

Next Wednesday, the office of Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) will be holding mobile office hours in Lowville. He’s eager to hear from the people of the 117th District, and he wants to find out more about what they’re looking...

Blankenbush Promotes New York State Professional Land Surveyors Campaign to Encourage Kids to Explore Surveying

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) today announced his support for the “Get Kids into Survey” initiative led by the New York State Association of Professional Land Surveyors (NYSAPLS). Land surveying is one of our country's oldest...

Blankenbush Helps Deliver Critical Broadband Investment to Lewis County

Encouraged by the progress on one of his longstanding legislative priorities, Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) today applauded a new, targeted state investment he helped bring back to Lewis County- expanded broadband access. Three new...

Blankenbush Rips Farm Labor Bill

“New York City Majority politicians delivered a gift to the politically-connected labor unions that fund their campaigns. New Yorkers will pay dearly for it. The farm labor bill will pile hundreds of millions of dollars in new costs on family farms...

Will of Our Citizens Takes a Backseat to Illegals

“I opposed this bill, and I’m urging my colleagues in the Senate to do the right thing and prevent it from reaching the governor’s desk. We’re a nation of immigrants. We’re also a nation of laws. We shouldn’t be rewarding...

Blankenbush Stands Up For Crime Victims and Their Families at Capitol

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) and his Assembly Minority colleagues today unveiled Ramona’s Law, legislation which would extend the maximum allowable time between parole hearings for inmates who commit heinous violent crimes. Currently,...

Blankenbush Rips Majority Politicians’ Political Charade

“The Assembly Majority members need to stop playing politics. They’re wasting the precious time we have left together this session harassing our President by pushing ridiculous bills that take aim at constitutionally protected executive powers...

Assembly Majority Continues Bending Over Backwards for Inmates at the Expense of Crime Victims

“Assembly Majority members sponsor a bill which would automatically fast-track parole hearings for inmates who have served fifteen years of their sentence and are over 55 years of age. That means that a 40-year-old who raped and murdered a child...

Blankenbush, Colleagues Unveil Petition Urging Assembly Majority to Bring Gold Star Family Scholarship Bill to Floor

In response to the Assembly Majority blocking a bipartisan bill to provide cost-free college tuition to the children of active duty service members who die in action, Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) and his colleagues have launched a petition...