Press Releases

Mikulin: New Yorkers Should Have Health Care Options, Not Limitations

Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,I,Ref-Bethpage) strongly opposes the single-payer health care system which Majority state legislators are adamantly advocating for. The proposal would potentially raise an individual New Yorker’s income taxes by $1,600...

The Grumman Plume: Let’s See Action, Not Just Promises

Editor’s Note: Visit ( for an .mp4 file of Assemblyman Mikulin’s interview for immediate use “I was happy to hear the governor propose a plan to contain and treat the Grumman Plume and seriously hope he will...

Mikulin Ready for a Tough Legislative Session

Editor’s Note: Visit ( for an .mp4 file of Assemblyman Mikulin’s interview for immediate use            “Though we have a tough two years ahead of us, I am excited to hit the...

Mikulin Receives Pro-Jobs Rating from the Business Council

Today, Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,I,Ref-Bethpage) announced that The Business Council of New York State has awarded him a pro-jobs rating based on his voting record since joining the Assembly. The Business Council is the leading business organization...

Mikulin Food Drive Collects 3,106 Pounds of Food

Today, Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,I,Ref-Bethpage) announced that his food drive, held September 8 and 9 at King Kullen in Levittown, collected a grand total of 3,106.12 pounds of food. The drive was held in conjunction with Long Island Cares. “I’m...

Mikulin on Weinstein’s Law Firm Contributing to Cuomo’s Campaign

Yesterday, a story broke revealing Gov. Cuomo’s apparent interference in the New York Attorney General’s investigation into the Manhattan District Attorney’s handling and dismissal of a sexual assault case against Harvey Weinstein. Months after...

America Is Great

“We are a flawed nation, but last I checked there is no such thing as a utopian society. The governor is wrong, this country is great. We have freedoms millions of people throughout the world are denied. Our ancestors founded this nation so we could...

Mikulin Honors Local Women of Distinction

Recently, Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,I,Ref-Bethpage) honored 15 accomplished and selfless women who are active in the local community and through their contributions, make the area a better place for all to live. Nassau County District Court Judge...

Mikulin Blood Drives Collect 130 Pints Of Blood

Today, Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,I,Ref-Bethpage) announced the three blood drives he recently held throughout the district have collected a total of 130 pints of blood. The blood drives were held in Farmingdale, Levittown and Plainedge. “We are...

Former Speaker Sentenced In Corruption Trial

“I made the decision to come to Albany to be part of a movement that will make a difference in the lives of Nassau County residents and residents throughout our state. The number one thing we can do is root out corruption so the Legislature is truly...

Cuomo Gives Thumbs-Up To Sex Offenders’ Votes

“The recent news that Gov. Cuomo has granted voting rights to some of the most heinous and vile criminals in our state is disturbing, to say the least. While he should be concerned with protecting our state’s most vulnerable individuals, he is instead...

Mikulin On End Of Session

“Although I just arrived in Albany a few weeks ago, I must admit it is disheartening to see how things have truly been operating in the Assembly. I ran to represent our district and to help my Assembly Minority colleagues change the inefficient and...

Mikulin On New AG Barbara Underwood

“Having only arrived in Albany a short time ago, I can say that days like today are why I came here to represent our residents. Today we confirmed the appointment of Barbara Underwood as the state’s new attorney general. Barbara, a non-political and...

Local Students Visit Assemblyman Mikulin At Capitol

Photo as described in caption
This week, Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,I,Ref-Bethpage) met with local students from Lexington School & Center for the Deaf during their visit to the state Capitol. The students were in Albany as part of their annual basketball game against members of...

Mikulin On ‘Tax Freedom’ Day

“I came to Albany to represent the concerns of our residents, not the least of which is the oppressive tax climate in Nassau County and the rest of the state. Today is Tax Freedom Day in New York state, meaning that our residents have finally earned...

Mikulin On AG Schneiderman, Domestic Violence

“I came to Albany to help change a culture of corruption, deceit and unethical behavior. Now, in my second week as a member of the Assembly, allegations of deplorable acts of domestic violence and abuse against women have surfaced about Attorney General...